Chapter Nine: Frozen Confrontation

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

Chapter Image Source: Pixiv Artist "Maone" / Pixiv Art Code "111000219"

In the heart of the nightmarish forest, where twisted branches reached out like malevolent hands, Jingliu's new power unfurled like a beacon of hope. A lunar-tinted barrier, radiant and ethereal, surrounded her with an otherworldly glow. Within this protective shroud floated a small, lunar moon-like object—a Moonlit Guardian. It hovered with grace, its presence a symbol of the moon's serene guidance and the representation of Jingliu's very soul.

The once nightmarish forest, which had cascaded like a tidal wave of despair across the lands, froze in its tracks as if held captive by her newfound presence. The gnarled branches that had ensnared her with malicious intent were severed by the lunar barrier, their frozen remnants falling to the ground like shattered memories.

In the midst of this transformative moment, the ancient dragon, Gogma, observed with a twisted smirk and a gleam of sinister excitement in its eyes. For it had borne witness to something extraordinary—the awakening of Jingliu's true potential, the manifestation of her soul onto the physical realm.

Jingliu herself gazed upon her new sword with great interest and profound excitement. The blade, glistening like the moon itself, held an ethereal beauty that left her in awe. It was a testament to the bond she shared with her dear friend Y/N, who had guided her to this moment.

"Thank you, Y/N," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and determination. "You believed in me, and now, together, we face this ancient foe."

The dragon's eyes, like crimson embers, burned with anticipation as it watched the lunar guardian and the frozen forest. A cruel grin twisted its serpentine lips, and a low, rumbling chuckle escaped its throat.

"So, you've brought forth your soul's essence," Gogma mused, its voice dripping with amusement and a hint of sadistic pleasure. "It has been an eternity since I've had the pleasure of a fight that is worth remembering throughout the annals of history. The last time such a challenge graced my existence was eons ago."

As it spoke, the dragon's immense form shifted, its wings flexing and tail coiling with restless energy. It was a creature of ancient power and wisdom, and the prospect of facing an opponent who could command the very essence of their soul filled it with a wicked delight.

Jingliu, encased within her lunar barrier, met the dragon's malevolent gaze with unwavering determination. She knew that the battle ahead would test her newfound abilities and the strength of her connection with her sword.

With her Moonlit Guardian hovering protectively and the forest frozen in submission to her presence, she took a deep breath, ready to face the ancient dragon and its enigmatic motives head-on. The fate of Xianzhou, and perhaps the world itself, hung in the balance, and Jingliu was determined to emerge from this confrontation victorious.

She pointed her sword at the dragon with a newfound confidence, her voice carrying a snarky edge as she asked, "Ready for round two, Gogma?"

The dragon's crimson eyes gleamed with anticipation, and it let out a rumbling growl that echoed through the frozen forest. The stage was set for a battle that would be etched into the annals of history, a clash of titanic forces where the power of the moon and the dragon's ancient might would collide in a spectacle of cosmic proportions.

-Jing Yuan's POV-

Amidst the unfolding confrontation between Jingliu and the ancient dragon Gogma, another perspective began to take shape within the city of Xianzhou. Jing Yuan, a figure of authority in the council, found himself consumed by suspicion and unease regarding the mission assigned to Jingliu.

As far as Jing Yuan knew, there had been no prior council meeting or discussions regarding the mission that had been handed down to Jingliu. The council chambers had remained unusually quiet, with Councilor Li's absence casting a shadow over their proceedings. While Li had rarely been seen in recent council meetings due to his supposed illness, Jing Yuan couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

The weight of his suspicions bore down on Jing Yuan, gnawing at his conscience. He couldn't ignore the nagging sense that the council's motives were shrouded in secrecy, and that Jingliu was being sent into the unknown under false pretenses.

Determined to uncover the truth, Jing Yuan set out to find Baiheng, the foxian navigator known as The Nameless, who had traversed the galaxy and was well-versed in matters beyond their planet. Her wisdom and insights were often sought after, and Jing Yuan believed that she might hold the key to unraveling the mystery.

He eventually located Baiheng amidst a bustling crowd, her presence a calming influence in the midst of his turmoil. She was surrounded by the crew responsible for imports, exports, and excursions to other planets, her expertise a valuable asset to their endeavors.

Jing Yuan, his brow furrowed with concern, approached Baiheng amidst the bustling crowd of Xianzhou. With an urgent tone, he began to share his mounting suspicions.

"Baiheng," he began, "there's something that's been eating at me, and I can't seem to shake it off. The mission the council assigned to Jingliu... It all feels too sudden, too quiet. There's been no council meeting, no discussions, and Councilor Li's absence—it's all so strange."

Baiheng turned her perceptive gaze toward Jing Yuan, her fox-like eyes reflecting his unease. She tilted her head slightly, inviting him to continue.

Jing Yuan's voice carried the weight of his apprehension as he continued, "You know as well as I do that Councilor Li rarely attended our meetings recently due to his supposed illness. But even so, he would never allow a mission like this to proceed without a thorough discussion. It doesn't add up."

Baiheng, ever the voice of wisdom, listened intently to Jing Yuan's worries. Her calming presence offered a ray of hope in the midst of his turmoil.

The foxian with her perceptive eyes, listened attentively to Jing Yuan's worries. She offered a reassuring smile, her words measured and soothing. "Jing Yuan, my friend, sometimes our minds can conjure shadows where there are none. It's natural to be cautious, but let's not leap to conclusions too quickly. A little peace along the way can be a blessing, not a curse."

Jing Yuan let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping with the weight of his own suspicions. "Perhaps you're right, Baiheng. Maybe I'm just being overly paranoid."

Baiheng's smirk held a hint of playful mischief as she offered a friendly pat on Jing Yuan's shoulder. "A touch of paranoia keeps us on our toes. It's a survival instinct, after all. But don't let it consume you. There's still much beauty in the world, my friend."

As Jing Yuan and Baiheng sought solace in their conversation, a hushed murmur began to ripple through the crowd. The atmosphere shifted, and a guard, his face etched with panic, approached them with hurried steps.

He delivered the grim news in a hushed tone, as if afraid that the very air might carry his words to unwanted ears.

"Councilor Li has... has passed away."

-POV Change-

In the midst of their intense standoff, Gogma, the ancient dragon, wasted no time in revealing the terrifying extent of its power. With a menacing transformation, its massive arms morphed into whip-like appendages, each lined with deadly poison-laden spikes. The dragon unleashed a flurry of strikes, slashing at Jingliu with a speed that defied the laws of its immense size and bulk.

Gogma's sinister laughter filled the air. "You think your newfound power can match mine, mortal?"

Jingliu, her newfound power coursing through her veins, faced the dragon's assault with an air of unwavering confidence.

With determination in her voice, she retorted, "I won't know until I try, will I?"

As Gogma's whips descended upon her, she raised her sword with grace and precision, a glint of defiance in her red eyes. With a single, fluid motion, she swung her blade and released an icy aura wave that enveloped her in a protective shroud of frigid energy. The freezing wave collided with Gogma's deadly whips, causing them to freeze in mid-air, their poison-laden spikes suspended in a glistening sheet of ice.

But Jingliu wasn't finished. Drawing upon the incredible bond she had forged with her sword, the embodiment of her very soul, she unleashed a formidable technique—the Lunar Crescent. Her greatsword became an extension of her will, and with a graceful yet deadly sweep, she released crescent-shaped projectiles made of ice. These icy crescents sliced through the air, moving with an uncanny swiftness and precision, striking directly at Gogma.

The dragon, caught off guard by Jingliu's newfound power, struggled to evade the frigid onslaught. Its massive form was pelted by the crescents, each impact leaving deep wounds on its scales. Gogma's roar of pain and frustration echoed through the forest as it recoiled from the relentless assault, its crimson eyes filled with a mixture of astonishment and rage.

Snarling, Gogma responded, "Impressive, little one. But you won't defeat me so easily."

As the battle raged on, Jingliu's newfound abilities began to take a toll on her. The act of manifesting her soul into the physical realm was an incredibly taxing endeavor for a mortal like herself. She felt a creeping exhaustion gnawing at her, her movements slowing slightly, though her determination remained unwavering.

Gritting her teeth, she muttered, "I can do this. I have to."

Gogma, ever the cunning adversary, seized this opportunity. It turned its attention to Jingliu's lunar guardian, the small moon-like object that hovered protectively around her. With a malevolent grin, the dragon employed the very trees that surrounded them, utilizing the same tactic as before but with far greater aggression.

Mocking her, Gogma said, "You're growing tired, aren't you? Let's see how you handle this!"

The trees came to life, their gnarled branches lashing out at Jingliu's guardian, attempting to crush it and remove her protective barrier. Gogma's assault was relentless, each strike more ferocious than the last.

Gleefully, the dragon continued, "Feel the might of the abyss!"

Jingliu, however, was not one to be easily overwhelmed. As the dragon's breath spewed forth, releasing a deadly cascade of acid toward her, she made a quick decision. With a swift motion, she swung her sword, creating an avalanche of ice mist that engulfed the area.

The mist disoriented Gogma, causing the dragon to thrash around violently, its roars of frustration echoing through the forest. It declared that such tricks would not bring about its downfall, but Jingliu had other plans.

Roaring, Gogma spat, "You can't hide from me, mortal!"

Within the icy mist, she realized something peculiar. Her vision had transformed, allowing her to perceive the world around her in a unique way. Everything appeared as silhouettes of white and blue, with a subtle gray hue, including the dragon. It was as if she could see the very lifeforce that flowed within Gogma.

With curiosity in her voice, she murmured, "What... what is this?"

Seizing the opportunity presented by her altered vision, Jingliu sprinted straight toward the dragon. Her red eyes glowed with a dark intensity as she closed the distance.

Focused, she said, "I see you now."

Gogma, despite its blindness, heard the echoes of her approaching steps and continued to spew acid breath in her direction.

Frustrated, it bellowed, "Die, you pesky mortal!"

The acid struck its intended target, but it wasn't enough to deter Jingliu. With a burst of determination, she leaped into the sky above the flailing dragon. Her greatsword gleamed as she swung it down with all her might.

The result was a breathtaking display of power. Icy aura slashes rained down upon Gogma, severing several of its body parts. The dragon cried out in agony, its massive form writhing in pain as it howled,


Seeing an opportunity that she could not pass up, Jingliu delivered a final, devastating strike—an overhead slash to the dragon's neck. The blade, guided by her unwavering resolve, severed Gogma's head from its body.

The ancient dragon's body stood frozen for a moment, its existence hanging by a thread. Then, miraculously, its head continued to speak, defiant even in defeat.

Gogma's severed head, with a malevolent glint in its remaining eye, declared, "You may have won this day, sword champion, but mark my words. This won't be the last time our fates entwine."

Jingliu, though drained and barely conscious, couldn't help but respond, her voice filled with determination, "I'll be ready."

With those parting words, the dragon's head began to fade away, leaving behind a single, beautiful green gem that exuded a sinister power—an artifact of untold significance.

Exhausted and drained from the fierce battle, Jingliu's greatsword began to fade, and she collapsed to the forest floor, her strength depleted. But before she succumbed to unconsciousness, she heard familiar voices in the distance, ones filled with concern and relief.

Baiheng and Jing Yuan, along with the Cloud Knights, had arrived. They were shouting Jingliu's name with a mix of worry and relief as they rushed to her side, catching her just as she fell.

Baiheng exclaimed, "Jingliu! Hold on!"

Jing Yuan reassured them, "She's exhausted, but she's alive!"

Cloud Knight 1 voiced concern, "We need to get her back to the palace."

Cloud Knight 2 raised a question, "What about the dragon?"

Baiheng made a quick decision, "We'll deal with it later. Jingliu needs our help now."

Her red eyes flickered and dimmed as she finally succumbed to her exhaustion, her body limp and her soul at rest.


Author's Note:

What do you all think of the fight? I had an idea of incorporating the power of moon and ice which is Jingliu's main theme in the canon story, so why not I expand it here with my own twist?

Comment and vote to show your support, thank you!

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