Part 33

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Part - 33


"Never ever run back to what broke you"


"Naira!" Madhu exclaimed when she found her daughter at the doorstep. "You were supposed to return home on Thursday, right?"

"Supposed to mom..."

"What happened?"

"I cut short my trip..."

"Why?" Madhu asked with a frown.

"You're not happy? First you didn't want me to go and now when I come home two days prior you're asking why"

"Anything happened in the trip? Any fight between Roshan and Sabeer?" Madhu probed. She literally freaked when Naira told Sabeer was there and going to travel with her throughout the trip.

"Oh no, no, mom! I just got bored. There's nothing much to see there in Goa for a week so I cut short my trip and came home. I have job to do here..."

"Honey-bee" Naira registered the surprise in her dad's voice before walking into his waiting arms. "Are you okay?" Rishab asked softly as he held his daughter securely.

"I am fine, dad"

"You enjoyed your trip?"

"To some level, yes, I have"

Rishab frowned but decided not to drill her now. She looked beat from the travel so he asked her to go to her room and freshen up.

"Naira, wait. No one came to drop you here?" Madhu stopped her and questioned. She wanted answers immediately. Later she might forget you know.

"No. I left the boys back in Goa and came alone"

"What?" Both Rishab and Madhu exclaimed at once. "Why?"

"Dad, mom, I just got bored there so I left..." She shrugged.

"See, I told you not to go..."

"Mom, please don't start now. I am tired. I am going to my room."

"Naira..." Madhu called but Naira ran up the stairs to her room

"Madhu..." Rishab held her hand stopping her from going behind her.

"I just want to ask her whether she wants something to eat or drink"

"No need for asking. Just take some light refreshments to her room" he ordered and went to his room.


"Don't laugh, Arjun!" Naira snapped. Now, she was in Inayat's room briefing about her 'Oh so wonderful trip' story to them.

"Sorry, I can't help. It's so funny" Arjun said amidst his booming laughter and then he rolled to his front on the bed and buried his face in the pillow to muffle his laughter.

"Arjun!" Naira spanked his ass hardly. He yelped and flipped back before sitting up on the bed. "If you keep laughing, I am not going to continue my 'Go, Goa, Gone' story"

"Okay, sorry, you tell." Arjun offered her a smile and pressed his lips preventing the bubble of laughter from escaping.

"Where were we?" Naira asked Inayat because she was the one who paid attention to what she said without making fun of her like her rascal brother.

"You were telling us about the 'pissing contest' you witnessed between Roshan bro and Sabeer bro, Naira di" Arjun jumped before Inayat could answer. "You should have listened to mom. You shouldn't have gone on a holiday trip with your Ex-crush slash Ex-fiancé and current lover who will soon become your Ex-lover"

"I didn't know Sabeer would come there and mess everything up for us." Naira sighed.

"What was Roshan bro's reaction? I am sure he wouldn't have taken it nicely"

"He didn't. Though he didn't say anything to me through words his look said it all. His eyes were accusing me. He would have probably thought I was the one who purposely invited Sab... you know for my own fun."

"Did you have fun with him?" Arjun asked grinning. Naira glared at him. "Oh I forgot to ask, how your dinner date was?" he asked.

Naira had mentioned about going on a date with Sab to them the other day when she video called them to get their approval on her dress and look.

"Don't ask me about that night, Arjun" Naira said with a pout before slumping down on the bed.

"Was it bad?"

"I didn't like the way he behaved with me" Naira said softly.

"What did he do Naira di?" Arjun asked suddenly feeling anger course through his body as he scooted closer to his sister. "Did he try something with you?" he asked with dark eyes as he cupped her face in his palms. "Did he make you uncomfortable? What is it, di? Tell me? I swear I won't let him live in peace if he had hurt you" he hissed through his teeth as he protectively enveloped his sister in his arms.

"Oh baby, calm down. He didn't misbehave with me and I wouldn't let him, you know that, right?" Naira said patting Arjun's back. He nodded his head before pulling himself away from her embrace to face her. "He just showed attitude. I didn't like it." She elaborated.


"I was late by five minutes for the dinner and I blame you Arjun for that because you made me change my dress and asked me to redo my hair and Sab kinda scolded me for making him wait. Apparently, he hates waiting. He hates unpunctual people."

"Who the bloody scolds his girl on first date?" Arjun asked as he twisted his lips and shook his head.

"He said I was late so he had to order for me as well"

"Can't he wait for you?" Inayat asked.

"Asshole" Arjun muttered under his breath. Inayat slapped his arm and mouthed 'Don't use cuss words!' and he mouthed 'Sorry' with a smile.

"I was so hungry and was ready to stuff my mouth with the food but our orders took nearly half an hour to reach our table. Meanwhile Sabeer was talking nonstop about everything and nothing. I had to fake a smile and nod my head as if I was interested in whatever he was spouting. At one point I got too bored and leisurely let my eyes room around and guess who I saw sitting across our table?"

"Roshan huh?" Arjun made a guess.

"Brilliant boy!" Naira patted his head. "He and his brothers were there."

"In the same restaurant? Strange! Do you think Roshan stalked you?"

"I don't know. Maybe..." she shrugged. "But I was just glad he was there with his brothers"


"I will tell you why" Naira took a deep breath before screaming "Chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken!!!"


"Sab ordered everything chicken, dammit!"

"Seriously?" Arjun frowned. "He knows you are a vegan, right?"

"I suppose"

"Then why?"

"He said he forgot and apologized to me but I felt otherwise. I strongly believe he purposefully did that to punish me because I came late." Naira sadly looked down at her hand.

"That's not the right thing to do to you" Inayat took Naira's hand in her and squeezed it, offering her comfort.

"I know. He even asked me to try his favorite dragon chicken for once and he bet I would love it but I said 'No, I don't want to puke on your favorite dragon chicken'. He made a face at me but let it go and started eating leaving me stare at him" she sighed.


"He asked me to order whatever I want but I was too hungry to wait for my order to be served..."

"Let me guess! You ditched Sab and went to Roshan's table, didn't you?" Arjun asked.

Naira stuck her tongue out and grinned sheepishly. "I was hungry and I was sure Roshan would have ordered something I like to eat..."

"Sabeer didn't get offended?" Inayat asked.

"Who cares?" Both Naira and Arjun said in unison.

"I just told him I was going to say 'hi' to the R-brothers and that was when he noticed they were there. Sabeer glared at Roshan for the longest before turning his brazing gaze towards me and brusquely reminded me 'Naira, we were in the middle of our date' as if I didn't know that!"

"Date my foot!" Arjun muttered, pissed.

"I said it didn't feel like date at all and walked away from him and to Roshan's table. And there I was stunned seeing the foods sitting on the table. All were my favorite dishes. For a moment I wondered whether Roshan had predicted this scene and deliberately ordered everything for my liking."

"Roshan loves you, Naira di" Arjun said earnestly.

"But I don't" she said stubbornly.

"I don't get what you see in Sabeer? Tell me, in what way Roshan is lesser than Sabeer?" Arjun questioned.

"Honestly, Roshan is hundred times better than Sabeer..."

"Then what's stopping you from loving him?" Inayat asked. Even she was with Arjun in this matter.

Team Roshan they were!

"I don't know how to explain this to you... I just couldn't find... what you call this? Connection? Spark? Passion? Whatever it is, I couldn't find that between us. I could only see him as my friend not as my future"

"So Sabeer is your future?" Arjun asked.

"I don't know yet but all I know is Roshan is too good for me..."

"You want a bad boy husband?"

Naira remained mute. She didn't know. She was so confused.

"Naira di, listen to me carefully. Bad boys with tattoos are good only in books and novels. In reality bad boys are always bad boys. They don't change to good fucking lover boy so you have to choose someone really good just like Inayat bhabhi chose Veer bro. Only then your life will be happy"

Naira's eyes glistened with tears hearing her baby brother talk all mature and caring.

"Even Kathryn chose the right one. You're a very good boy, Arjun" Inayat said affectionately caressing the back of his head.

Arjun turned back and shyly smiled at his bhabhi.

"Aww... my baby bro is blushing"

"I am not blushing, Naira di" he said trying and failing to keep a straight face. The girls burst out laughing seeing his funny reaction.

"Okay! Okay! Enough teasing me! Now back to your story" Arjun said to change the topic.

"I enjoyed my dinner with the R-brothers. We talked, laughed and pulled each other's leg. It was really fun. Then I asked what they have planned for the night. They said they planned a campfire near the coast and asked me to join them and also bring Sab with me. Oh I forgot to tell, he left the restaurant as soon as I went to Roshan's table. Guess he got mad."

"Did he come with you to the campfire?"

"At first he said no but when I cajoled him he gave in."

"You should have simply let him wallow in his hotel room"

"Arjun, I wanted all of us to enjoy so I took him with me to the campfire..."

"Was he good there?"

"Yeah, surprising he was. He even sung a song for me. It was so sweet of him. He made me forget our disastrous dinner date"


"But this time Roshan got jealous... He didn't like Sab dedicating the song for me and in the end kissing my hand... I loved that gesture of Sab but Roshan didn't. He was sending daggers at Sab's way." Naira shuddered remembering the look on Roshan's face.

"Two men fighting for one woman story sucks!" Arjun muttered in disgust.

"Yeah, I know" Naira rubbed her face and pushed her hair back.

"Continue" Arjun ordered.

"After Roshan left, we all were silent for few minutes before calling it a night. I headed straight to my room deciding to talk with Roshan the next day..."

"Naira di, please don't pause in between. We are very patiently listening to your story but there is a limit for our patience and this is it. You better spill everything quickly and get done with this. I have to go to Virat's house. It's his birthday today and he is throwing a party. He will be expecting me there already."

"Alright! Next day when I saw the two at the breakfast table I was so shocked."


"Roshan and Sabeer's eyes were red and without any doubt I was able to say they drank the previous night. But what shocked me more was their faces. Sabeer had a bruised cheek and Roshan had a cut on his lip. I can't believe they brawled for me" Naira said in disbelief.

Inayat gasped and whispered "Allah Allah"

"Well, I am not surprised. I knew this was about to happen one day" Arjun said coolly.

"I got so pissed at them and stomped off to the beach"

"Great! First Sabeer stomped off at the dinner, then Roshan at the campfire and finally you." Arjun clapped his hand. "Well, who came to cool you down?"

"Both. No actually all the four men. Roshan and Sabeer on either side of me and Rohan and Rohit walked behind me. First Roshan took my right hand in his and apologized for fighting and then Sabeer did the same. I was so angry on them so I didn't forgive them. I kept walking and they walked alongside. Neither of them bothered to leave my hands. It made me feel like I was 10 again. It made me miss home. I remembered Dad and Mom holding my hands on either side and strolling with me in beach and you and Veer escorting me from behind. I missed you so much guys"

"We missed you too, Naira di"

Inayat nodded her head with a smile, agreeing with him.

"I wanted to see you guys but at the same time I couldn't come home so soon. I needed the break. I needed relaxation but I realized I couldn't relax with two handsome men brooding beside me so I gave them an excuse that I was going to meet a friend of mine who lives in Goa and fled away from that place. I toured around Goa alone for two days before returning home. Only after reaching home I left them a text message stating I reached home safely and I will talk to them later. But seems like they didn't get the message that 'I am not in the mood to talk with you guys now' as they kept calling me till I switched off my phone."

"Bravo, Naira di for ditching those two men and coming home alone. Daddy will be so proud of his little girl" Arjun said and hugged his sister. "Now, It's time for me to go attend Virat's birthday party. Catch you girls later. Bye." Arjun waved his hand at them before walking out of Inayat's room.


It was way past midnight when someone banged noisily at Inayat's bedroom door. She woke up with a start and blinked her eyes rapidly as her heart pounded against her ribcage. She sat up on her bed and stared at the door for a moment making sure she didn't have a nightmate or something and there was really someone banging her room door.

Who could it be?

She quickly rushed to the door as she wrapped a shawl around her head. She paused for a second, took a deep breath and then pulled open the door.

Someone stumbled and fell on her.

"Ah" she panicked and pushed the person off her body and ran to the switch board. She felt stupid for not switching on the lights first.

When the dark room filled with light, she was able to see the person.

It was Arjun.

And he was drunk.

She gasped in shocked and moved to his side to help him stand up.

She felt guilty for pushing him hard. "Arjun, are you hurt?" She asked in mere whisper as tears stung her eyes taking in the sight of Arjun's sorry state.

"What's happened to this boy? Why is he so drunk? Why he looks so broken?" She pondered.

"Yes, I am hurt" he hissed through his gritted teeth and she witnessed raw pain in his eyes.

"I am so sorry" Inayat dropped his arm which she was holding to support his weight and steady him up. She took a step away from him when she caught the strong smell of alcohol.

"What did you say?" Arjun asked as he stood up with the support of the wall.

"I asked what did you say?" He yelled scaring Inayat to the core as he pushed himself away from the wall and maneuvered towards her.

She stumbled backwards to put some distance between them and stopped when her legs hit with the bed.

"I... I am sorry" she stuttered as tears poured down her cheeks.

She was scared of men who were glaring, shouting, angry and drunk. It brought back horrible memories to her.

"I am sorry, Arjun. You are scaring me. Please go to your room." She begged as she cried but he wasn't listening. His vision was clouded with anger and pain.

"You only said I missed to see the spark of love in her eyes, right?" He snarled. "You only said she loved me, right?" He took a step closer as he gripped his phone tightly in his fist. "You only said I was a good boy, right? Then why the fuck she married that asshole?" He growled before throwing his phone at her feet. The phone nearly missed her toes and crashed on the floor hardly, cracking the display completely.

Inayat jumped in fright and scrambled on the bed to reach the other side. Once she did, she got off the bed and sunk down to the floor, hiding herself small. She couldn't see him in pain. It broke her. She couldn't see him angry. It scared her.

"Why she married that bad boy?" Arjun cried as he too slumped to his knees on the floor.

Inayat pulled her knees up, closer to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She buried her face in her knees and cried as her gut wrenched in pain. She tried to block the images flashing behind her closed eyelids. She tried to block away that dreadful night but she couldn't. "Izzaan" she breathed her brother's name. "Somebody please save Izzaan. Please." She begged. "He is bleeding. Save him. Please." She choked in her tears.

"Why did you marry him, Kathryn? Fuck why?" He cursed. He was oblivious to his bhabhi's cry and painful plea. He was drowned in his own world of sorrow so he couldn't offer her comfort which she needed right at the moment.

"Ahh... My heart is aching." he howled before smashing his phone with his fist again and again hoping to divert the pain from his heart to his hand.

"Arjun!" Rishab barged into the room and Madhu followed him in.

They were in deep sleep before it got disturbed with distant sounds of yelling and crying. It took them a couple of minutes to come fully awake and figure out what was happening. "What are you doing, Arjun?" Rishab knelt on the floor and held his son's hand firmly stopping him from throwing anymore punches to the marble floor and cracking his already bruised knuckles.

"Are you drunk, Arjun?" Madhu asked horrified before giving him a cheek burning slap to bring him out of his drunken haze.

"Please, don't hurt him." they heard someone's soft whimper and immediately they knew it was Inayat.

"Madhu, you go see her" Rishab gave a gentle push on her shoulders urging her to take care of Inayat.

"What have you done? Why is she crying?" Madhu asked angrily as she forced her son to look at her in the eyes.

"I... Mom... I... She told... Kathryn... I... She married him..." His broken words didn't make sense at all.

"Madhu, it's not important now. Go, help Inayat. Please." Rishab insisted in a firm tone. Before Madhu could react Naira ran into the room. "What's happening here?" She asked but she didn't wait for them to reply. She quickly scanned the room and went around the bed to be at Inayat's side.

"Ah... Don't touch me" Inayat cried when Naira placed her hand on her head sitting mext to her.

"Inayat, open your eyes and look at me. It's me Naira. I am not going to hurt you, baby" Naira forcefully yet gently lifted Inayat's face up and made her look at her.

"Now, stop crying, please" Naira whispered as she wrapped an arm around Inayat's shoulders and pulled her closer to her. Inayat burrowed her face in Naira's neck as she wept softly with her eyes tightly shut. "God, she is trembling." Naira said as she rubbed Inayat's back to tranquilize her. "What the hell happened here?" Naira asked in frustration.

"My girlfriend Kathryn married her best friend Alex and that's what happened" Arjun roared at her sister.

"So? You come home drunk and harrass your brother's wife and make her cry? How dare you do that?" Naira retorted

Arjun's jaw dropped as he lost all the color from his face as realization hit him hard like a wrecked ball.

Why the fuck I shouted at my innocent bhabhi? Why the fuck I made her cry? Oh God! What have I done in my madness?

God please forgive me!

"Bhabhi..." Arjun hastly stood up and crawled on the bed to reach out for Inayat. Still kneeling on the bed, he bent over forward and gently traced his index finger down her cheek as he whispered his apology "Bhabhi, I am sorry... Please forgive me and please look at me." He pleaded.

"Please don't touch me. I beg you." Inayat cried and refused to open her eyes. She just hugged Naira tightly.

"Leave her alone, Arjun!" Naira swatted his hand away from touching Inayat and glared at him.

"Naira di..."

"Arjun, you come with us" Rishab commanded. Arjun insensibly sat on the bed as he stared at Inayat. She was breathing wildly and her face was red. She was frightened and that sight pierced his heart.

"Naira, first take her to the bathroom and ask her to wash her face and then you put her to bed. It's late already. Oh and you also stay with her till she falls asleep." Madhu instructed.

"Don't worry. I won't let her alone, tonight. I will take care of her, mom" Naira reassured.

"Rishab, drag him out of this room and get him to his room." She ordered her husband. Rishab held Arjun's arm and pulled him out of the bed.

"Sorry, bhabhi" Arjun mumbled his apology before dragging his feet out of her room.

"First, go take a shower and then we will talk" Madhu said as she followed her husband and son to his room.

"Can we do the talking tomorrow, mom?" Arjun asked looking over his shoulder. He had too much to drink. He was physically tired and emotionally exhausted.

"Arjun, already I am so mad at you so don't test me now. Just do as I say. Go, shower and then explain!" Madhu said and literally pushed Arjun into his bathroom and shut the door.

... To be continued!



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