First Christmas

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Oneshot of the Romance Ending of Experiment 281 ^^ This is for the contest they're holding on the Yu-Gi-Oh Magazine, which I highly recommend you all check out! My bestie, 808Hawaii_girl, is hosting all the contests! Entering is easy: Write a story/oneshot based on the rules she's set in the "contest" section in the Magazine, tag her and YGO-Magazine, and there you go! You guys will have to go see what it is for yourselves ;3 Now, the tags!!


Nahoa entered the room he and Dark were sharing after decorating the house to wake the sleeping cyborg. As usual, Dark was plugged into the wall with a charger; it was still of the older models. He would have to get that fixed in case this one broke, but he would address it at a later date.

It had been a year since he found Dark slumped by the tree that winter, his battery slowly but surely draining down to zero. Nahoa still remembered how bitterly cold Dark was, how hard he shivered once he got his battery charging again. He remembered how he felt surprised that he had found a cyborg when everything was said and done the same night! Why had he barely realized that as he went to sleep? Why didn't he notice when he saw the portable charger in Dark's clenched hands?

Well, it didn't matter at that point.

Nahoa shook Dark. "Darkie," he whispered. "Time to wake up!"

Dark mumbled and groaned in his sleep. "Five more minutes, Doctor..."

Even still, Nahoa couldn't fathom who this "Doctor" was! Dark refused to tell him who he was.

"Dark, the food is ready," he whispered into the robotic ear.

Dark's ears perked up, his eyes snapping wide open. "Food!?" This never failed to get his attention.

"Yes, food!" Nahoa held his hand out, and Dark took it quickly after unplugging himself from the wall.

The two walked out of the room hand in hand downstairs to the kitchen, where hot chocolate with delicious pastries were waiting for them. Nahoa seemed to like warm beverages a lot!

"It smells good!" Dark marveled eagerly.

"Yes, it does," Nahoa agreed in his calm, soothing voice that always seemed like honey to Dark's ears. "Have a seat."

They both sat down and ate their breakfast, making small talk as they ate.

"Dark, did you celebrate Christmas before?" Nahoa asked, curious.

Dark swallowed some of the pastry that was in his mouth, crumbs littering the edges. "What's that?" Doctor had never given him a lesson on that!

"I'll take that as a no, then." Nahoa put his hot chocolate mug on the table. "Well, it originated as a religious celebration about a certain man being born, and to celebrate, the majority of the people celebrate by buying gifts and giving them out."

"Really?? That sounds nice!"

"Yes, it does." Nahoa smiled at Dark's curiosity and chuckled. He was adorable!

Dark allowed his curiosity take over as they were finishing their breakfast, and Nahoa answered all of his questions with patience. They then went out, which was pretty much the first time Dark actually went out in the year he's been there! The cyborg didn't want to get out of the house for fear of seeing Doctor around, but Nahoa finally reassured him that the guy was probably dead!

"Are you sure?" Even till today, Dark was still scared of facing what he was made to do.

Nahoa hugged him. "Of course I'm sure. How many years has it been since you escaped?"

Dark searched through the dates in his internal calender and saw that it was several years ago, and considering the fact that Doctor was very old, he was somewhat convinced that the old hoot was dead.

"A lot..."

"Then he's not going to bother you, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Come, then. You're going to help me with something."

"What is it?"

Nahoa chuckled. "You'll have to see, Darkie."

Dark nodded with a small smile. "Okay."

They held hands as they walked to the store. By this time, many people had opted to have robotic parts implanted in them so that they would live longer. It was a bit gross, and Nahoa didn't even take part in the trend. It all started when everyone heard that the doctor created a life form with robotic and organic parts that lived till this age, and it got on social media, and then it became a trend recently.

"Is that what people do in their spare time?" Dark whispered, looking around at the people that didn't look quite Human.

"Yes, I suppose," the man sighed. "Well, let them do as they want. I'm not one to tell people how to live."

They entered a store filled with many wondrous things. Dark marveled at the mall, finally realizing where in the world Nahoa got all those new things!

Nahoa saw the look on Dark's face and smiled. "Impressive?"


"Well, come on!"

They entered the mall, which was decorated with tinsel and trees of different colors. In all his years with Doctor, Dark had never seen this before! He was too speechless to even ask questions. They continued looking around the store, gathering things in a shopping cart to pay for them later.

"Do you want to buy something, Dark?" Nahoa asked.

"Yeah, but I don't know what."

"Get something that interests you, that's all."

Dark looked around like an innocent child walking around a store for the first time. He didn't stray too far from Nahoa, but he went pretty far out. He didn't necessarily see anything he wanted at the moment, but he pointed out a bunch of stuff he liked, eventually settling on a scarf.

"This one?" Nahoa smiled.

Dark nodded. "Yes!" He didn't tell the man who it was for because he wanted it to be a secret. It was for Nahoa since he was earlier told that this time of the year was for giving, so this was his gift.

They went to the cashier, paid for the things, and walked home with bags of items. As soon as they got home, the cyborg to the gift and scampered to his room to get it in a box or something. Settling on a shoebox that he painted, he placed the scarf inside and hid it.

~.Time Skip.~

December 25. Dark awoke early in the morning and placed the box under the tree before Nahoa woke up. Briefly, he noted that his charger wasn't working so well, but there was really nothing he could do about that. Then, he went back to the room and back to sleep.

When they both woke up later in the morning, they went to the kitchen to have breakfast, and then they were going to open the gifts. Dark was pretty excited about giving his gift!

After breakfast of eggs and hot chocolate, the two hurried to the tree.

"Nahoa, here!" Dark said, giving him the box with a smile and a light blush, which Nahoa took notice of immediately.

The man took the present and opened the lid, finding the scarf that he had bought some days ago. He smiled a soft smile as he read the letter attached, written in neat cursive:

"Dear Nahoa,

Thank you for saving me, and thank you for sharing this with me. I love you.


Nahoa hugged the cyborg, who was red by now! "I love you, too, Dark," he said in his ear. "You're very important to me, and I never regret finding you that winter." He kissed his cheek.

Dark hugged him back with a smile, happy that Nahoa felt the same.

Nahoa let go after a while and reached for a nicely wrapped box. It was rather small.

"Let's go somewhere before I give you this present." Nahoa took his hand with his free one and led him out the house and to another store, where one of his friends worked.

"Nahoa!" the woman exclaimed. She was helping someone pick out a new phone, for she worked at an electronics store. "What brings you?"

"I have something to ask," he said, whispering his request. The woman nodded and took Dark into a room, where he was put to sleep while she did what she was asked to do.

~.Time Skip.~

The next time Dark woke up, he was in Nahoa's arms on the couch with something plugged into him. He looked over with blurry eyes to see his old charger coiled up on the table.

"N...Nahoa...?" he called.

Nahoa looked down. "Well, hello, sleepyhead." He stroked his hair. "How did you sleep?"

"What happened...?"

"You seemed to be malfunctioning quite often, so I got you an upgrade."

Dark gasped with wide eyes. "You did!?"


He threw his arms around Nahoa in delight. "Thank you!!"

Nahoa chuckled, hugging him back. "You're welcome, Dark. Merry Christmas!"

They snuggled like that for most of the afternoon while Dark got used to his new upgraded body.

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