She Always Watches

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I don't know how long I'll have left after I write this. SHE is most likely watching. She always is with those...dead eyes. She's always following, watching, but no one seems to notice her. Everyone's either oblivious, or she's just a figment of my imagination. Anyway...

I'm just an artist. I just like sitting in my room with my computer opened to Flash. She just...came out. I put my pen to the tablet and started drawing. It just something cute to draw. When she was done, I named her Puff. I mean, there was nothing too creepy about her. She was just a balloon!

The more I drew her, the more detailed her I wanted her to be. I started drawing her on stream, where everyone could see her. Chat seemed to like her. They commented about her frequently when we weren't fucking around. I was going to draw her again on my own one day. Once I had her line art done, I went to open a file to get her colors. It's kinda weird to have the same character with a different color pallet, you know? Anyway, just when I opened the file, none of hers were there.

They were just...gone.

Poof! Like that!

Aside from the file I had opened, all of Puff's files were somehow deleted. I remember groaning. Flash sometimes corrupted the files, and I thought that was what happened. I then looked through the PNG pictures, but those were gone, too. Well, I recently had my computer reformatted, so a lot of pictures deleted. Hell, even a bunch of my fan art got deleted! So, I thought nothing of it. Instead, I estimated the colors. They were a bit different, but close enough that hopefully, people wouldn't notice. Then again, I changed the color pallet of my main cast of characters.

It was ten at night when I finished. I saved the file and created a PNG file out of it, saved, and went to bed. The next day was the usual. Wake up, get dressed, eat, and work. Once I returned, I relaxed for a bit before starting up the stream. It would be nice to hang out with the people in Chat.

The only problem was that OBS wasn't loading. No matter how many times I clicked the icon, it didn't load. I restarted my computer when it wouldn't load for the millionth time.

I wish I never restarted it.

When my computer started up, I was met with something surprising. All of my pictures of Puff were slapped on the screen instead of the usual loading screen. While I was glad to see they hadn't been deleted, they were strange. Every single one was in the same color pallet as the most recent Puff, and they were all holding weapons in their hands. To say I was startled would be an understatement. I nearly threw the computer away from me as one-by-one, the little Puffs popped out of their pictures and merged. There was nothing I could do except watch.

They all made one large Puff in my monitor. She looked at me with those dead, yellowed eyes and made gurgling sounds. She was a mindless balloon; she had no capacity to form words, but her message was clear as day.

"I will be watching. I will be waiting. And when I find you, I will take you. That goes for anyone else I happen to fancy."

Then, my PC died.

After storing it away and calming myself down, I informed my Chat on Twitter that there would be no stream today because of my computer dying. With that done, I headed to the kitchen for some food.

A few weeks later, while I was grabbing something to eat, my phone vibrated. I checked it out and found I had a private message from Chibi.

"Hey, dude! :3"

I fixed myself some food and sat down to reply. "Hey, Chiberini! :] What's up?"

"Nothing much, dude. Something weird's going on, though."

"Oh shit. What is it?"

"Wattpad's acting strange. It won't load up."

"Have you tried restarting the internet?"

"Yeah, and my computer. But when I restarted, all I saw was Puff."

I remember nearly falling out of my chair. How was that possible? Was she already targeting other people? And if so, who?

"Same thing happened to me," I replied after recovering (and nearly choking on my food).

"It was kinda creepy. She made gurgling sounds, but she was talking in my mind. Do you know what happened?"

"I don't know what's going on. All of the files I had of her disappeared before this happened."

"Brb. I hear something."

At the same time, I heard something, too. I typed a hurried reply before getting up and looking out the window.

The sound I heard was balloon-like. Holding down the need to throw up, I looked outside only to see Puff walking outside! She was so life-like that I was almost amazed before she looked up and stared me dead in the eye. Those yellowed, lifeless eyes coupled with her constantly smiling face was creepy as hell. In her hand, gripped so tightly that she should have popped from the pressure, was a balloon knife. It was clean, so no one was hurt, thank goodness. Seeing her out there, though, with her eyes locked on mine was too surreal to be actually happening.

I shut the window just as her gurgles reached my ears. "I found you..."

My breath caught in my throat. For good measure, I locked the window and threw the curtains over the glass so she wouldn't be able to come inside.

My phone started buzzing. I took it out and was assaulted with terrified texts from Chibi. "Hey, slow down, Chibi! I can't read your texts if you keep sending them!"

The barrage of messages soon stopped. "Sorry," she replied, "but this is terrifying me. Tell me when you're done reading."

I scrolled up to the first message.

"I see her. I think she has something in her hand."

"Oh shit, she has Ezio! She has my dog!"


"She's looking at me. Why is she looking at me?"

"Kimi, I think he's dead."

"My sisters and I locked the windows and doors. But my mom and dad aren't home, though."

" 'I got them'? Why did she say that!?"

"Kimi, I think she got my parents!"

"She got inside! She has a knife, Kimi!"

"My older sister went out. She was gonna try to stop her. Why's Puff doing this? Why is she even alive!?"

The next few texts were badly written, as if she couldn't see her keyboard, or she was too scared to type coherently. Still, I could read them. I'll type them as I've translated them.

"I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen to me she never listens to me she's dead she's dead Kimi she died I could hear her scream she got my sisters"

Oh shit, I remember thinking. I could only imagine how she felt, losing her sisters like that.

The rest of the texts were to jumbled to read, so I texted her back. "Shit, that's horrible! Where are you?"

"My room. I have my brother and some food with us."

"Block the door." I started gathering food. Something inside me knew no one else was coming home. Then, I hurried to my room, blocked the door with my bed, and locked it for good measure.

Days passed. Luckily, we both still had internet and electricity. I contacted Marika, Lin, and anyone I've ever interacted with. Puff had to be targeting them, too, right? I didn't get any replies, though. None of them were replying, only Chibi. She seemed to be losing it, though.

While we were texting back and forth one day, she stopped replying. Expecting the worst, I asked her if she was alright.

My Skype started ringing. The username was "chibiastral." It was weird because she didn't even know my Skype! I didn't answer the call, but that lasted for a few seconds. My finger moved on its own, pressing the "accept" button on my phone.

Gurgling. There was no camera, but I could hear Puff. "I'm outside."

And here I am. Typing on my phone. Waiting for her. There's nothing else I can do. Even now, I hear her balloon knife, which shouldn't even be able to cut anything, scratching the door. She's waiting. I can't get out.

Looking outside, I see more balloon people trying to get in. She's infected them. I can see their cuts and the scars of where they were sliced. They're all balloons. I can't imagine how many people are like that now.

"I'm here..."

Boom!! So I was hanging in Kimi's stream today, and we were talking about his character Puff! Really, the only thing creepy about her is how dead she looks X3 She's really very cute. Anyway, we made her into a "creepypasta," which I said I would write, so here we are ;D

This was all in good fun, it isn't a real creepypasta X3 Hope you enjoyed!

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