The Beginning

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"This place looks like a nice place to settle," one man said. "We should stay."

"Yes, we should."

There were twelve of them, six male and six female. They had escaped a colony from another world because of the abuse they experienced this.

"We shouldn't ruin the beauty and peace, though," said a woman.

A man looked over to her. "Yes, that would be a good idea. Just a small living space, then."

With their mental powers, they built houses for themselves so that they would have somewhere decent to live.

A few years passed. They had descendants later when some of them married. When those children were adults and the village was starting to grow, so did the evil. It came in the form of a child, whose Number was 96, wreaking havoc in the town square.

"Stop right there!" the police yelled, moving in to restrain the child.

The child, named Hakai, only stuck out his tongue and ran off. The police gave chase, but to no avail. Many other people followed the example of the 96 child. They figured if a small being in his Early Years could get away with it, so could they. This caused a major problem among the public. They were constantly being robbed or killed, maybe worse!

In response to this the Light Forces were made. They consisted of the descendents of the First Arrivals, twelve of them. They spent their time finding the Dark ones and eradicating them while also tracking down the child, who was a teenager at this point.

"We need to make out Force bigger!" said one. "We can't catch him with just us twelve."

"True," said another. "But who else can we rely on? Practically the whole town has gone bad!"

And as if time had decided to give them a gift, the door knocked. One of them opened it, and there stood twenty-four Spirits, who were all pure of heart. They ranged from child to adult; all of them seemed eager to join.

"We would like to help track down the 96 troublemaker," the adult man stated with his gruff voice. "May we?"

The one who opened the door stood shocked. "O-of course!" he finally spoke. He allowed them to enter, where they were greeted warmly by the leader.

~.Years Later.~

15 chased the adult Number around the town vigorously; he wouldn't allow this man to get away any longer!

"Still too slow, eh?" the Number laughed from up front, teasingly slowing down just out of reach only to speed up drastically once more.

"You little...!" 15 almost let out a curse, but he remembered that there were children who were watching him chase, so he bit his tongue. Just a little more, and we'll have him!

Suddenly, the Number stopped and put his hands up. Everyone was flabbergasted; why would he give up like this?

"I'm bored," was all he said. "Take me away." As he was bound and gagged, the citizens noticed a gleam in his eye and a grin on his cheeks.

At the beheading, one of the Agents took off his gag and asked him if he had any last words for his family. The 96 grinned and chuckled darkly, which soon turned into a cackle.

"You think I would give up easily without a plan? I'm not stupid, so in the next few years, you'll have to worry about another 96 because I've managed to put my code into a family that already exists!" His grin twisted into a maniacal smile. "Good luck!" He laughed as the guillotine chopped his head clean off.

~.More Years Later.~

Twins were born to a decent family. They named one Astral and the other Black Mist. As children, they didn't get along very well, which was made more so when Astral told an Agent that his brother was a Dark Number.

Black Mist was apprehended, and so their adventure into darkness began...

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