The Dread King

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The baker was marched to the palace, surrounded by soldiers with his hands cuffed in front of him. He trembled as he walked; the soldiers looked at their prisoner with sympathy. Almost anyone who was called to the palace in this fashion met strict punishment. That went tenfold for someone who was called directly by the Dread King himself.

The tall double doors opened. Two soldiers stood guard in front of the palace doors in case their prisoner decided to make a run for it; the other four kept a tight circle around him. Once they arrived at the throne room doors, two more soldiers split from the group and stood guard. The remaining two soldiers held the prisoner's arms to keep him from running. No matter how much sympathy they felt for the man, there was no doubt the king knew he was guilty of something. What it was, though, was anyone's guess.

The doors opened. Before them, seated on a throne with one leg crossed over the other, sat the Dread King. He wore a one-piece faded blue tunic with a stylized D on his torso. His boots, which were hidden under the flared pants, were a darker, more purple blue. Over his tunic was a blood red coat, extending all the way down to his ankles. The shoulders were spiked. On his neck was a golden band with a small, odd trinket attached; it was called the Emperor's Key, so says the king. His ears were pierced with matching trinkets. His black hair spiked at the sides, and red horns adorned his head. His piercing red eyes looked down at the prisoner; his mouth twisted into a disapproving frown. Though he was only seventeen, he was known as one of the most terrifying rulers in the country.

Right beside him was his ever-loyal servant. An ethereal being floated with his hands behind his back. His white and gold gaze was certainly softer, as was his demeanor in general. His elegant body was a sky blue with sea green markings acting as adornments. On his joins, ocean blue gems embedded in sea green beds shone in the light. His sky blue hair arched up and over his head. His earrings matched those of the Dread King's; golden bands wrapped around his neck, wrists, and ankles showed who protected him.

"Leave us," the king demanded. The soldiers left without question. When they were gone, his blood gaze turned to his servant. "Read him the accusation, Astral."

"Yes, my king," the servant replied. He softly clapped his hands together and separated them again, forming a screen as ethereal as Astral himself. Words scrolled down the screen. "You have been accused by countless eyewitnesses of stealing from incoming shipments. Simple ingredients, such as spices and eggs from different lands, but that is no excuse. You have also been reported by staff in this very castle of stealing spices that can be turned into illegal drugs. What have you to say in your defense?"

"It wasn't me!" the baker exclaimed. "It could have been anyone! Those people you interviewed, they might have just given you a name just to avoid punishment!"

"I would normally agree with you," Astral replied, "if not for the fact that I interviewed them myself, and if not for the fact that I have several cameras recording activity in this kingdom, as per my king's instruction." He swiped left; a video immediately began to play, clearly showing the baker sneaking off with some goods from resting vehicles. "This is you, is it not?"

It clearly was. The baker trembled, tried to take a step back, but the king's piercing gaze kept him frozen in place.

"I think that's enough," the Dread King said. "You're clearly guilty, and your actions must be punished." His frown turned up to a grin as he pulled a sword up from beside his throne. "Normally I wouldn't like to get my hands bloody, but this is a special case. I haven't had anyone rob me of trade before."

Astral watched his king with worry. He'd warned him against this, but his king wouldn't listen. The conversation had happened earlier that week.


Astral read the news to his king that morning, as usual. That was when he noticed an alarming headline. "Our shipments are suspected to have been robbed."

This woke the king from his sleepy stupor. "What?"

"A lone man has been seen running from resting vehicles containing our shipments. He was allegedly holding armfuls of bags filled with goods."

"Call him here. He needs to be punished."

"Not without proper evidence!"

The king turned to Astral, exasperated. He was always questioning his orders, never once simply obeying and doing as he was told. Maybe that was a good thing, though. Astral was the real reason why this kingdom was even still standing. "Then what do you suggest?"

"You once told me to set cameras around the kingdom. They can come in handy. That and interviewing the people who may have seen him will be enough."

"Fine. But if he's guilty, he'll be punished."

Astral just hoped it would be jail time.

~.A Few Days Later.~

"Yuma, that's insane!" Astral exclaimed. "You cannot kill him for petty theft!"

Yuma chose to ignore how Astral was raising his voice. Instead, he spoke calmly, which was worse than if he'd raised his own voice. "That was the deal, Astral. You know how I hate going back on deals."

"Yes, but it was simply theft, Yuma! How can you kill someone for thievery?" 

"Very simply."

Unsatisfied with that answer, Astral took hold of his king's shoulders and looked him dead in the eye. "And what are the people going to think when they see their king has killed someone for thievery? They already don't trust you."

Yuma didn't back down. "This hasn't even happened once before, not even when my mother and father were around. It's disrespectful, and he needs to be taught a lesson. They all do."

Astral wanted to argue with that, he really did, but the fire in Yuma's eyes told him he wouldn't accept no for an answer, no matter how logical his argument was. He could only relent. "Very well. But promise me this will be the only time."

"I promise."


So here he was, watching as his king approached the baker with his sword in hand. The poor prisoner couldn't seem to even move, he was so scared.

And then his pleading eyes locked onto Astral before the king's blade sliced right through his neck. His head smacked to the ground and rolled for a bit before deafening silence filled the room.

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