The Trio

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The nearly inaudible tick...tick...tick of a clock was heard by only three people standing atop a building in a large city. The stench of something evil was burning their noses, their elf-like ears twitched with anticipation of the hunt. One was softly giggling to himself, one was crouched down with his arms dangling off of his thighs, and the last one was standing upright with her arms crossed. All of them had their eyes scanning the area for the source of the smell.

"I say, I say, I say!" the first one giggled. "I see not a crazy one, no sir! It's a craaazy bunch!" He was Maxim: The Sealer. The source of the ticking came from his clock, which was wrapped onto his purple top hat with a black and purple checkered sash. His silver hair blew softly in the night breeze, his red eyes glowing with craziness as usual. His purple cloak flowed around him in the breeze, showing off the numbers from 1 to 12. 1 was on his right cheek, 2 was on his right shoulder, 3 was on his right elbow, 4 was on his right hand, 5 was on his right hip, 6 was on his lower stomach between his legs, 7 was on his left hip, 8 was on his left hand, 9 was on his left elbow, 10 was on his left shoulder, 11 was on his left cheek, and 12 was smack in the middle of his chest. He was like a walking clock, complete with a pendulum that swung back and forth steadily. His skin was white as snow. His hands leaked a black substance that served as his Sealing weapon, though his best talent was speed.

"How many?" asked the one crouched down, whose name was Giga: The Destructor. Like Maxim, his skin was completely white. Brown horns stuck out of the middle of his head, his forearms, and the front of his legs. His green hair stretched nearly all the way up to the top of his horn. His strong, blue eyes flicked over to his comrade with bloodlust in them. He was thick like the trunk of a tree, as were his arms and legs. Being the powerhouse of the three, his main area of focus was brute force.

"Dunnooo!" sang Maxim with a laugh. "A bunch is a bunch, no matter how many, yessiree!" He leaned down, the pendulum following his movements and not stopping for a second. His eyes narrowed in concentration while a pout formed on his lips. "Too many to count, Giga. Toooo manyyy."

Giga grunted and looked to the last of them, the girl. "Think you can Gather them to one place, Leah?"

Leah: The Gatherer nodded. Her skin was also white, her short hair a soft baby blue. Her shirt, which had sleeves that stretched into flowing cloth, was the same color as her hair. Her pink eyes shone with intelligence and calculations; she was obviously the brains of the trio with speed and magic abilities to help her out. Her pink leggings reached down to her knees. "Of course. I just need a few moments. Then, Maxim can Seal them into one location." Her eyes glanced at Giga with a playful grin. "Try to hold back, alright, big guy?"

Giga huffed and stood up straight, towering over the both of them. "Why should I?"

Maxim stood on his toes and brought his face close to Giga's. "Because laaast time, you killed them all, yes you did! All the red splattered, and all the guts sprayed-!" He stopped himself, confused. "Or did I say it the wrong way...?"

Giga knocked Maxim away from him with a snarl. "Oh, hush your trap! How was I supposed to know Martians were so weak!?"

"Calm down, both of you!" Leah shouted. Then, upon seeing the crocodile tears in Maxim's eyes after receiving the blow, she huffed out in frustration. "Giga, don't do that again, hear? Maxim's gonna annoy the living crap out of us with those tears."

Giga mumbled a "sorry," which gained a grin from Maxim. This was always the case. Those two got in a fight, and Giga normally got the short end because Maxim could pull off some kind of escape card that would annoy them until Giga said sorry. It was normal.

"Anyways, Maxim and I are gonna go ahead to get them all in one place. Giga, follow at your own pace. You're not as fast, but you'll get there by the time we're done." Upon receiving a nod from both her comrades, she gave the signal to go.

All three of them leapt off the building, plummeting down at an alarming speed. Only when they nearly reached the bottom did they kick off and start running on air. Maxim and Leah soon outran Giga as usual, but since they could sense each other, Giga would have no problem finding them later.

Maxim, the only one able to sense where the people were, looked around with his red eyes glowing. Soon, they found them robbing a store, and an expensive one, too. Leah ran ahead to do her stuff while Maxim stayed behind until his time came.

Leah circled around the men, who were gathering up their riches and dividing it amongst themselves. Her feet gave a soft glow as she skated gracefully around them. At first, the circle was wide, shrinking every time she closed the circle. Soon, the men were surrounded without even knowing it. Maxim was following Leah all the while, the black dripping off of his hands while he ran. The drips landed on the blue lines Leah laid out while she was skating along.

The men saw the blue lines too late, about at the time Leah was completing the last circle. To them, all they saw was a slowly progressing spiral that went from blue to black very gradually. They also heard the crazy giggles from Maxim.

When they were done, Leah and Maxim examined their handiwork. A black barrier shot up to keep the men in, and at that exact time, Giga came thundering in. The men looked to where they heard the sounds, but of course, Giga was invisible to their eyes. The giant of a warrior slammed right through the barrier, knocking out the bad men.

Later that night, the three slept while waiting for the higher ups to gather these hooligans. They were from their planet, where chaos normally reigned. The bad men escaped their prisons and went around living in different planets, which explained why Giga killed those on Mars; it was because the bad person was used to light gravity and therefore, he had no need to develop strong anything.

When the higher ups arrived to collect the trio and the bad men, they found Giga holding both Leah and Maxim tightly to his sides while they all slept peacefully. Maxim's cloak extended to make a blanket for all of them. They were gathered back in the ship that way. They would be left to rest until they were strong enough to go on another mission.

Ayy! Another update! :3 This one is about three more babies of mine, who I'm gonna put in a story! No, it's not gonna be related to Zexal. It's gonna be my own work with my own characters! ^^ I'll put up pics of them I drew during this trip!

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