EᐯEᖇYTᕼIᑎG I ᗯᗩᑎTEᗪ

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― name ―

behmo ( be - mo )

― gender ―


― sex ―


― sexuality ―


― appearance / face - claim ―

[ a pretty boy ! ]

- midnight black hair - hair is swept over right eye, so you cannot see it

- has long eyelashes, so many believe he's a female when only addressing his facial features

- has a flat chest, but is actually decently muscular

- wears a glove on right hand - dominant hand is right hand

- nails are painted different shades of blue

- left pupil is orange-ish red with a slightly darker iris - right pupil is a dull blue all around

- [ second picture ] he only wears that when he does the salsa / is dancing or is at work

- androgynous - has a feminine face, masculine body

- enjoys cross-dressing !

- radiates heat - really warm !

- about the same height as nessa, if not an inch or two taller

― personality ―

- ISFP - the composer

- introverted, sensing, feeling, perceiving

― personality traits ―

+ loving

+ kind

+ strong

+ loyal

+ tolerant


- pessimistic

- blunt

- insecure

- shy-ish

- morbid

- reserved

― open - mindedness ―

5/10 - can handle criticism & the like, but will occasionally decline it depending on the topic of said opinion

― vigilance ―

9/10 - highly aware of their surroundings & makes sure that things are a-okay before beginning to do something

― helpfulness ―

10/10 - helps as much as they can, whenever they can & is truly good at doing it, too

― empathy ―

8/10 - feels for other entities when they're in a pinch, but it wavers a little depending on what they did to get into said pinch

― alignment ―

-  chaotic good - acts as their conscience directs them with little regard for what others expect of them - makes their own way, but is kind and benevolent

― summarized backstory ―

- behmo grew up in a pokemon nursery with his father & a bunch of other baby pokemon. his mother had passed during childbirth, thus leaving the father to his own devices

- he was home-schooled due to a low budget, as they weren't making money off of people leaving their pokemon to rest while they went out & about. he took up a small, simple job - cleaning up a dance studio & getting paid every hour

- behmo often times was allowed to sit on the sidelines & watch the trainers & students dance - he mostly appeared during the evening, which was when people were taking salsa lessons. slowly, he himself learned how to salsa & dance in general due to him observing their teachings

- he made a modest amount of money every day, giving it to his father to help with bills & funding. his father always told him that he didn't need to do such a thing, but he always insisted that 'he'd do anything for his papa to be happy'

- behmo, when his father managed to get his money right, managed to buy three pokeballs & some curry ingredients after several years of working as the studio cleaner. he would often times bring out the camping equipment his father gave to him as a birthday present & start making curry to eat on his lonesome after he left the confinements of his home

- one faithful day, while behmo was camping out in the wild area, he accidentally attracted three pokemon with his curry. he shared some of it with the pokemon & was surprised when they began to follow him about, scaring off any other pokemon that would try to attack him or the like

- after at least ten minutes of the pokemon following him around, he crouched down & held out one of his pokeballs to them - to his surprise, they scrambled to butt their heads against it, the first one to do so being a salandit. the second was a toxel & the third was a riolu

- behmo shared the news with his father, who merely said he 'had a pendant for attracting small pokemon'. he assumes it's because of the fact that he grew up in a nursery, where there were plenty of baby pokemon

- he managed to maintain a steady flow of money thanks to battling & entering dancing competitions, which is when he made himself known - many would take videos of his performances, thus leading to him becoming 'internet famous'

- behmo trained his first three pokemon to the point where they managed to reach their final evolutions, even teaching them how to dance [ believe it or not, but the dancing is also implemented into their battling style & it works quite well ]

- many people want to battle him due to his unique fighting style, but he mostly shies away from that type of publicity due to him not doing very well with crowds. he's also not too sure about his dancing, but continues to do it for as long as someone cheers him on for it [ namely his pokemon ]

- he also became 'internet famous' over the oddly adorable names for his pokemon, as he names them after his favorite foods or simply terms of endearment to show that he appreciates them - not only that, but he takes in abandoned / stray pokemon more often than he'd like to admit

― pokemon / team ―

- sugar plum (plum / sugar for short) - salazzle - female - moves : fire lash , encore , venom drench , flamethrower

- sweetheart (sweetie / heartie for short) - lucario - female - moves : metal claw , close combat , heal pulse , swords dance

- bonbon (bon for short) - toxtricity [ low-key form ] - female - moves : boomburst , belch , nuzzle , swagger

- tootsie (toot for short) - indeedee - male - moves : healing wish , helping hand , psybeam , disarming voice

- clementine - drakloak - female - moves : lock-on , dragon pulse , infestation , phantom force

- peach - kirlia - female - moves : draining kiss , future sight , charm , hypnosis

― preferred type ―

mobile & agile pokemon

― likes

- candy

- sweets

- his pokemon

- being supported

- spicy curry

- his friends

- dragon types

- mimikyu

- mobile & agile pokemon

- dancing - the salsa

- learning new things

- sweet things

- exploring

- his father - pokemon nurseries

- hugs - cuddling / snuggling

― dislikes

- large crowds

- extremely loud noises

- chairman rose

- pokemon cemeteries

- being sneaked up on

- being tickled

- talking about his deceased mother

- wrongful treatment to pokemon - finding a stray pokemon that's been abandoned by their owner

- the sun's glare

- internet trolls

- being put down by others

- having no support with the things he does

― occupation ―

- performer / dancer

- gym trainer (unofficially)

― casual clothing ―

― formal / work clothing ―

― quotes ―

- "i.. i guess i'll fight you.."

- ".. thank you for your support.."

- "hopefully i don't burn the curry.."

- "leave me & my pokemon alone, please."

- "no, no. peach, you move like /this/ - there you go!"

― crush(es) - for roleplaying ―

- raihan !

- the two's fan-bases clashed with one another at some point, thus leading to raihan wanting to see who this 'behmo' guy was. surprisingly enough, the two were in the same area at the time, thus allowing raihan to come into contact with said male. behmo was wary of him at first, concerning the fact that he was slightly intimidated by his taller stature, but soon warmed up to him. 

- the fan-bases have joined forces to start shipping them together after raihan posted a picture of his with his arm around the other in a side-hug, behmo looking off to the side [ as he didn't know what to do for the picture since raihan was smiling ] & giving a sheepish smile. the two have been friends ever since that fateful meaning, although raihan does occasionally want to battle to get a first class view of his friend's fighting style.

― relationships with canon / oc(s) ―

- raihan - his crush ! & his friend, but most importantly a crush - [ read above ]

- allister - because of their similar natures when it comes to crowds & the like, they got along pretty well after raihan introduced them to one another. they tell ghost stories in the dark & play with the mimikyu that come by to eat some of behmo's curry

- chairman rose - behmo has come to dislike chairman rose due to him being someone who attempted time & time again to get him into becoming a challenger. he hasn't forgiven him for the dynamax incident, either

- milo - the two met on accident when one of milo's wooloo ran into sugar plum, thus resulting in them having a small conversation [ & milo apologizing, of course ]. they've grown into good friends over time, although milo likes to carry around the shorter male on his shoulder whenever he can - just a wholesome friendship where one of them just likes to carry around the other & talk about stuff that happens around them over a coffee or something

― extra ―

- behmo is referred to as a 'humanized pokemon lure', but the truth is that he just feeds wild pokemon some of his food & sometimes they want to accompany him as a companion. that's literally all there is to it, but he doesn't tell anyone about it due to him not knowing how to go about it

- he doubts himself on the regular, but his pokemon [ & his fans ] often times cheer him on, which helps boost his confidence temporarily

- he mainly does break-dancing, ballet & the salsa, although he can do many other types of dance !

- because of his choice of clothing & long eyelashes, he is occasionally mistaken for a female. he always corrects people when they say that, although sometimes he gets too flustered to do anything & his pokemon has to take over

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