Chapter 2

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"I fuckin hate movies like this. Obviously the bitch dats always fuckin in tha beginning gon die. Period." Cindy complains, taking in a spoon full of chocolate ice cream.

Jazmine giggles, stretching her legs out. "What's bad about that? They always make those type of girls die. It's kind of expected.."

Cindy smacks her teeth. "Bitch, I like fuckin. If I'm in a scary movie, I knows I'm gon live. These movies are so stereotypical."

Jazmine laughs as Cindy cuts the tv off. They've moved to Cindy and Riley's guest bedroom stuffing their faces with ice cream.

Jazmine sits her Caramel sea salt ice cream down on the small dresser then wraps herself in the fluffy purple blanket that Cindy offered her. Dammit, I just got comfortable now I have to go potty, Jazmine whines in her head.

Cindy looks over at her, still stuffing her own mouth with her chocolate ice cream. "Wats wrong witchu?"

Jazmine heavily sighs, unraveling herself. "Gotta go use the ladies bathroom." She mumbles, hoping out of the huge bed. "Bitch, jus say you gotta go take a piss." Cindy laughs. Jazmine throws a pillow at her. "I'm not nasty like you."

The blonde rolls her eyes, continuing to chomp down on her ice cream.

After Jazmine does her business, she washes her hands then begins humming. Her humming then turns into horrible singing.

"Jazzy, Shut dafuq up!" Cindy shouts through the door. Jazmine sings louder causing Cindy to bang on the bathroom door.

"If the neighbors call the cops, yo ass better explain to them why it sounds like we ova here murdering somebody!" She warns.

"Yous jus a hater." Jazmine mocks Cindy's usual ghetto slang, making Cindy laugh a bit. Soon as Jazmine is about to open the bathroom door, she trips over the small trash can. "Oof!" She hits the floor.

"Jazmine, don't tell me you fell in the toilet again!" Cindy cries of laughter.

Jazz sucks her teeth. "That was one time! I didn't even—"

She pauses, spotting something that fell out of the trash. "Holy..." she whispers.

"You okay in there?" Cindy asks, knocking on the door. Jazmine stubbles to her feet, stuffing everything back into the trash. "Yea.." she mumbles then opens the door with a shocked expression.

"Cind...what's with this?" Jazmine asks, holding up a used pregnancy test box. Cindy's eyes widen as she drops her ice cream. "Where'd you find that shit!" She fights to take it out Jazmine's hand.

Jazmine pushes her back. "Cindy, I'm your bestie! We're like sisters, practically. Why didn't you tell me?" She questions, still trying to fight her off.

Cindy, only dressed in a robe and undergarments, tackles Jazmine to the floor. "Ouch!" They both hit the floor.

Jazmine scratches her head then looks over at something that fell out of the test box. Her eyes widens, alarming Cindy.

Cindy rolls off of her, looking at what she's looking at. "So you're-"

"PREGNANT! I KNOW!" She frustratedly yells, sad tears running down her pink cheeks. She puts her hands to her face, folding her knees to her chest. "I don't wanna be..I ain't ready for no kid, mane. I'm a g."

Jazmine crawls to her, comforting her. Cindy pushes her back. "Get off me, mane. I ain't havin no baby. Reezy definitely can't know bout this and he never will." She stands, walking towards the bedroom door. Jazmine's hurt feelings immediately went away when Cindy said that.

"W-What do you mean you're not having a baby?" She begins to cry. "Exactly what I fuckin said! I ain't havin no gahdamn kids, Jazz." She shouts, slamming the door behind her. She eagerly scrambles to her feet. "Wait! Cindy, please think about this!" She opens the door, jogging towards Cindy.

"Cindy!" She shouts, jogging around the corners of the large house. She leaps over, resting her hands on her knees, panting. The panting increases as her eyes begins to enlarge. Sweat pours down her face. "My inhaler.." she wheezes, gasping for air.

Colors of black and blue flows through her vision. "Cindy! Help me!" She wanted to yell, though the words never left her mouth. Before she knows it, she falls to the ground, breathing uncontrollably.

           -                                                 -

"When we get in here, don't kill nobody. That especially goes for you, Riley." Huey sternly demands to Riley and Caesar. They nod, Riley hiding a smirk beneath his mask.

Caesar breaks the chain off of the back door to the building. The three of them then smoothly walks in.

"Hey!" A voice calls. They walk faster, entering on an elevator. Caesar smirks as the door closes right when the shadow of the man of the voice appears.

Huey turns to his brother. "Don't forget the plan."

Riley smacks his teeth then cocks his gun. "Nigga, I gots this. Get off my dick."

As soon as the elevator doors open they exit, holding up their guns with their masks tight on. "Everybody on da fuckin ground now!" Riley yells, walking quickly to the front doors, guarding them. He takes loads of tools out of his duffel bag and boards up the windows and doors.

Caesar hits a man in the back of his head."Can't you hear, nigga. On the fuckin ground!" He yells, much authority in his deep voice.

Women and children begins crying.

Huey stand in front of the shaky crowd. "Listen up!" His deep voice booms. They quickly stuff their sniffles down, scared of Huey's intimidating appearance.

Caesar goes around, putting paper bags over everyone's head. "Take'em off and I promise you won't like the consequences." He warns.

"Don't worry everyone. This'll only last for about ten minutes then we out. Jus cooperate and don't do anything stupid and you should get out of this safe." Huey calmly says to the crowd.

The man that Caesar hit in the back of his head huffs at Huey's comments, being that he's already hurt. Caez yanks him up by his shirt, getting his scent on the man.

"Don't tempt me, bitch. I'll hurt yo ass forreal." He drops him. The man scurries in, blindly with the rest of the scared crowd.

After the last snap, Riley looks up making a signal to Caesar and Huey. They nod, exchanging looks.

Huey goes behind the counter of the main desk, grabbing the man that's working there. "Where's your boss?"

His shaky knees nearly gives out on him. Sweat pours down his forehead. "Um..s-he-she..uh. In the back! Yea, she's in the back!" He panics. Huey rolls his eyes, annoyed of how scared the man is.

"Snitch bitch!" Riley yells to the man who just gave up his bosses location. 

Huey drops him then looks over at Caesar nodding. "Lead us to her." He demands. The man immediately stumbles to his feet. "Y-yes Sir!"

Huey rolls his eyes again. The man leads them to another room, separate from the room with everyone else in it.

The man shakingly takes out his keys, unlocking the door as Huey and Caesar patiently wait for him. When he gets it unlocked, Caesar takes out a paper bag, throwing it over the mans head then pushes him out the way. "Go back into the other room." He demands. The scared shitless man takes off, running into a wall. Caesar chuckles a bit. The man, with no hesitation shakes it off then sprints back to the room where everyone else is in.

When the door closes behind him, a nicely dressed women crawls into view. "Please..take anything you want!  Just don't kill me!" She pleads, holding her hands in front of her face.

Caesar chuckles a bit. "Cut the act. Your 'loyal' member just ran out of here with piss and shit stains all in his pants." 

Huey shakes his head. "Let's Get down to business. We don't have much time. Where's the safe?"

The lady cuts the act, standing from the ground and dusts herself off. "Okay, follow me." She demands, much authority in voice her now.

Caesar and Huey followers her behind the grand desk. She pulls out a key from her bra then pulls a book from the bookshelf on the wall, causing a small opening in the wall on the other side of the room to appear.

Huey and Caesar shares a look then looks back at the women.

"Well...are y'all jus gon stand there or come get this money. I bought an extra duffel bag In Case y'all didn't bring enough." She smirks.

Caesar smiles. "Shout out to the home girl Ming." He laughs. Huey smirks.

They follow Ming into the small opening, their eyes being revealed to stacks on top of stacks of money.

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