Chapter 3

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"Bitch don't you eva in yo life scare me like dat again. I almost had a heart attack when I found yo ass." Cindy smacks Her best friends arm.

"If you didn't run out the room like that, then that could've been avoided." Jazmine sighs, siting down her water bottle that Cindy gave her.

By now they had got back into the huge bed in the guest bedroom. Cindy had cleaned up the spilled ice cream and put some clothes on underneath her robe. Jazmine felt weak, so she's been laying down this whole time with a towel on her forehead.

"Look, I don't know what the hell imma do with a child. I ain't plan for dis shit, Jazzy."

Jazmine takes the towel off of her head and turns to her best friend. "Cindy, no one plans to make a baby. Me and Huey most certainly didn't. I still tried to make the best of it though." Jazmine smiles then slowly begins frowning as she recalls the painful memory.


They were both 17. Huey was getting off of work while Jazmine was at the Freeman's residence waiting on him so that she could reveal something. She'd waited longer than expected to but, nevertheless, she still waited.

She had put on a pink and white knee high flower dress and waited for Huey to walk into his room. She had put roses some of everywhere, lit some scented candles, and even had some slow jams playing on the old school radio that Huey always had.

As the door knob finally twist, so does her insides. She was filled with excitement and joy. When he finally came into view, She smoothly walked up to him, planting a sweet kiss on his lips. He slightly pushes her back, making things a bit weird.

"Jazmine, what the hell is all this? Why are you here?" He questions, taking off his jacket, revealing his work attire underneath. The smell of cheap perfume hits Jazmine's nose as he walks past her.

Her eyebrows begins twitching with confusion. "I was waiting on you to come home cause...I have something I need to tell you." She walks up to him from behind.

He sits on his bed with a sigh. "I have something I need to tell you too." He admits, shocking her. He never usually has anything to say. She sits next to him, wrapping her arms around his chest. He pulls away then stands up. "Jazmine..."

"I know you're still hesitant about being in a relationship, but trust me. We were meant to be together. These past few weeks with you has been amazing. We've been best friends forever and now we can finally be in a relationship and maybe even...have kids soon or later..And..I love love me..and besides..I'm pre—"

"Me and Mia got back together.." he confesses, interrupting her. Jazmine stands there a bit stunned, not knowing how to react. Tears slowly builds up in her eyes. "I thought you said—"

"I know what I said but...Jazmine, I really love her." He admits. Jazmine now has a river of tears flowing down her face. She stands with anger, not bothering to wipe them.

"What about 4 weeks ago, huh!? When we had sex! You said you love me and that I'm the only woman you see yourself being with!"

His eyebrows sharpen. "I know..and I'm sorry—"

"Sorry," she repeats, laughing, turning away from him to wipe her tears. He reaches to gently touch her forearms but backs away. "Jazmine, look..what happened four weeks ago happened because we were in the heat of the moment and I wasn't thinking straight. I didn't plan to have sex with you nor did I plan to be in a relationship with you. I'm sorry but, I think it's time for you to leave now..Mia is coming in about an hour." He lowly says.

Jazmine pushes away from him and runs out of his room. He shakes his head, closing his eyes.


"Then after I ran out of his house, I packed a lot of clothes plus my emergency money card and went out of town." Jazmine explains. Cindy, Who now has tears running down her face, stands up with anger in her eyes.

"Fuck no! You for reals?! Why the fuck you ain't tell me?!" She yells.

Jazmine sits up. "You were on vacation with Riley and I didn't wanna ruin your fun with my mess!"

"Jazmine! We are best friends, bitch! How come you ain't tell nobody?! Anything could've happened to you and didn't nobody know where yo ass was at. Huey bitch ass shole ain't call us and tell us you went missin for three fuckin years! I had no idea what you was goin through. Why yous now jus tellin me, mane!? Why you ain't at least tell yo fugly dad?!"

"Cindy, calm down. And...I did tell someone.." she admits, looking away.

"Who!?" She sits next to Jazmine.


Cindy gasps, putting everything together in her head. "What the fuuucck...that bitch ass- I knew he was hidin something." Cindy shakes her head. Jazmine give her a confused look. "W-What a-are you talking a-a-about?" She stutters.

Cindy stands, pacing around the room. "That's why every time I'd see the guys hang out, Caez would lowkey give Huey a mean ass look. He always carries an attitude and there wuz never really a time when he wasn't tryna to fight him. Plus, every time you and Huey would kiss or sum, that nigga be frownin. And—"

"Cindy..were best friends, right?"

Cindy tilts her head. "Duh, bitch...why?"

"Come sit down. There's something I haven't told anyone and only me and Caesar knows this. Not even Huey knows..and I tell him everything."

Cindy eagerly lays next to her best friend, putting a pillow underneath herself. "Spill."



After they bagged two million dollars, they got ready to leave. "Tell Hiro I love him and that I can't wait to see him when I get home." Ming smiles. Huey nods, throwing two duffel bags over his shoulder.

She throws some keys to Caesar. He catches them. "That's the keys to the safe house. Don't lose em. " she warns, pointing her finger. He chuckles some then winks. "Don't worry."

Huey and Caesar walks back into the main room where Riley's pointing a gun at one of the hostages as they go back and forth with each other.

"Didn't I say shut the fuck up!" Riley yells.

The hostage looks towards Huey and Caez, hearing their footsteps. "Look, there's your soon to be pen pals. Hey, keep your boy in check!" He yells.

Huey sighs, throwing a duffel bag to Riley. "Let's get the fuck outta here."

Riley throws his tools in his bag then throws it over his shoulder. Huey looks at the timer on his watch. "Just in time." He whispers, smiling underneath his mask.

"Yo! What the fuck is that!?" Caesar asks, walking up to one too the hostages in the back. The hostage begins to tremble. " this?" He shakingly asks.

Caesar walks up to him, snatching the flickering red light object out of his hand. "This bitch ass nigga been recording us the whole time."

Huey shakes his head. "We ain't got time for that. Jus take it. We need to be leavin. Let's go." He demands.

"Your mother would be very disappointed in all of you! Robbing a bank and—"

"Don't speak on my moms, nigga." Caesar calmly says to the guy.

"I'm just sayi—"

"And I'm just saying." He gets closer.

"Caez, lets go now!" Huey demands, walking towards the door.

Caesar brushes past the hostage, walking away but then stops. "Whatchu say, bitch." He walks back to the hostage.

The hostage puts his hands up, sweat dripping through the paper bag over his head. "I-I didn't say anything! Getcha boy!"

"You said something, nigga! I know you said somethin!" He yells, pulling out his gun.

Other Hostages begins crying and panicking hearing the cock of Caesar's gun.

"Caez, mane come the fuck on!" Riley shouts over the incoming police sirens.

"I didn't say anything!"

"Yes you did!"

"Caez!" Huey yells.

"Fuck you!" He pulls the trigger.

It's like everything had stopped. The hostage holds his stomach where blood is now spewing out from. Caesar's mouth gapes open in regret. "Caez, what the fuck!" Riley yells, running to where Caesar and the hostage is.

The hostage falls to the floor. "I'm i-I'm my wife." He mumbles. Riley laughs a bit. "And to think, Mchater thought it was gon be me." He cracks up.

Caesar looks at him crazily. "Escobar, this is fuckin serious. I jus shot this nigga!"

"Calm down, nigga. Take his bag off so we can see who it is before he dies."

"Fuck that! Leave him! We need to fuckin go!" Huey yells, patience growing low. Riley bend down, taking off the paper back. They both gasp.





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