Story 1: Haunted House

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First short story series!!

& Enjoy!! ;)

Cindy's POV~

"Mah niggas, y'all fa show wanna do dis?" I question the crew. Riley, Huey, Jazmine, Caesar, Ming, and Hiro wanted to go with scary houses and shit for this Halloween. Well, it was really Reezy's idea.

Of course Huey's bitch ass ain't wanna go, but Jazzy dragged his hatin ass along anyways. Caez was chillin. Ming and Hiro prolly gon try and fuck in here.

"Hell yea! Don't tell me yous scurred?" Riley cackles. I scoof, giving the middle finger. "C-murda ain't eva scared. Gotta know that, baby." I stare up at the large house secretly hiding my nervousness. I can't back out now. I'll look like a pussy.

"Nobody's even here guys. Y'all sure bout this?" Ming's scary questions. I laugh, nudging her shoulder. "If yous to much of pussy and can't handle it then you ain't gotta come in."

She gets red in the face, lookin away. "It's fine. Jus tryna make sure this will be s-safe." She gulps.

"Alrighty guys! Y'all ready to get frightened!" Caesar attempts to hype this gang full of pussies up. Jazmine shakes her head, clenching onto Huey.

"I don't even wanna be here. Let's just get this over with." Huey's grouchy ass utters. "Nigga, all you do is read anyways. Ion see why yous in such a rush to leave." Riley chuckles. Huey rolls his eyes, resisting to retort with Riley and end up in a endless ass argument.

We stare up at the big scary looking house. It look like there's bugs and all types of nasty, weird shit in nare. As we take our first footsteps towards the large house, Jazzy jumps back, bumping into me, scaring me some.

"Bitch, if you gon be a scary hoe, jus go wait in da car." I snap on her, getting irritated.

"I'm sorry! I thought I saw a spider crawl past my feet." She whines.

"Pull it together." Caesar says to her. She nods. We take a few more steps towards the large house until we're right at the door.

No ones POV~

As Riley reaches to open the front door, he jolts back noticing it's already opening on its own. "Fuck no," Caesar mumbles, backing away from the squeaky door.

Cindy pushes them all in. "Let's go pussies!"

They all foot in, scary looks on their faces except for Huey's of course, who wears his famous scowl. Like always, he regrets letting Jazmine drag him to places with the gang, or anywhere really.

"Oh shit, Where's Hiro!" Ming panics, noticing that they're not holding hands anymore. They're barely 6 feet in the house. Everyone stops walking and looks around. Jazmine clenches onto Huey.

"I wanna go home now.." She sobs onto Huey's Shoulder. Huey internally rolls his eyes, secretly wishing to be home right now reading a book.

"Okay..let's not panic. Maybe this is all a misunderstanding." Caesar tries to calm everyone down.

"You can misunderstand dese nuts nigga! Where my homie Hiro at?!" Riley hollers to the ceiling, hoping that Hiro walks from around one of the dusty corners at any second.

Cindy takes a deep breath, pushing down her fear. "Let's find him. Dat nigga roun here somewhere." She walks ahead of the group and into the living room.

She struts with confidence then instantly falls into the ground leaving the group with shocked, scared faces. She didn't even have time to scream.

Jazmine runs back to the front door just to have it slam shut in her face, making her jump back. Tears gather in her sparkling green eyes.

"Please don't start—"

Jazmine interrupts Huey with a loud, piercing cry. "Huey, shut her da fuck up, nigga!" Riley shouts, covering his ears.

"The windows!" Caesar yells, sprinting towards the open windows. He skids to a sharp halt as the windows slam shut before his eyes.

"Okay..." He gulps, backing away from the window and into the living space. "We should—"

He pauses, glancing around the empty room he's now in. "Hell no, fuck no, no no no!" He internally whispers in disbelief, frantically looking around the room for an exit. Did they disappear...or did he?

"Guys!" He yells, banging on the only door in the empty room. There's no windows, no furniture, no food, and no friends. There's nothing except a dim light in the middle of the dark room and the metal door that he continuously bangs on.


Jazmine and Huey were the only ones now trapped in the living space. They have no idea where Ming had gone, or where Caesar had disappeared to. Riley ran around the halls looking for Cindy until he eventually got lost as well.

"Jazmine, I told you to stop touching me. You should not have asked me to come in the first place."

"Shut up, Huey. You didn't have to say yes!"

"You promised you would stop sneaking kisses on me if I go."

"I promised that the last time! You know...I think you secretly enjoy my kisses." Jazmine blushes, staring at her crush through the dark. Huey shakes his head, looking away.

She turns his head to hers, planting a sweet kiss on his full lips. He pushes her away, a little harsher than intended, and she falls right on her ass.

"Ouch!" She yelps.

"Gosh, Huey. You didn't have to be so—AHHH!" she yells as a clown doll falls right in front of her feet.

She jumps onto Huey, who still shows no fear. "What was that?!"

He gently bends down, picking up the scary looking, clown doll. The face on the clown doll gives Huey an uneasy feeling. It's a bloody, malice smile plastered on the dolls face.

"This is childish."

"It's scary! I don't want to be here anymore! I wanna go home!"

Huey turns around to her, startling her some. "What're you gonna do, huh? Clap the heels of your shoes together and wish to be home? Stop panicking and calm down so I can figure this shit out. You're makin it worse than it is." He sarcastically says, causing Jazmine to push him back.

"This is serous, Huey! What if this is our last day being alive?! Our friends have disappeared! We're stuck here! We're never going home again! I'm never going to get married! We're gonna di—"

Huey interrupts her ramble, planting a quick kiss on her lips to shut her up. She stumbles back, staring at him in shock.

Her shocked face turns crimson. Although Huey would never admit it, he secretly likes the face Jazmine makes when she's in a pleasurable shock. It made him actually...want more.

Jazmine, on the other hand still felt the tingling sensation from the quick kiss Huey had planted on her lips. The addictive feeling. She loses control, her 16 year old body still getting used to hormones, and kisses Huey without thinking twice about it.

Surprised by her actions, he tries to pull away. She has a pretty tight grip on him. He eventually gives in, and sinks into the kiss, deeply kissing the strawberry blonde headed girl back.

- -

"Cindy! Where dafuq yous at!" Riley's somewhat deep voice boomed around the scary, empty halls of the downstairs.

His calls got more quiet the deeper he got into the house. By now, he's in the basement and lost. There's so many hallways and he hasn't been keeping track of where he had last came from.

"Murda! C'mon, Mane."

He frustratedly runs his muscular hand over his face, turning another corner. "Fuck," he mumbles, finally turning and realizing that he's lost.

"Murph!" You can now hear the eagerness in his voice. Riley was actually very terrified now.

Smoke started to blur his vision some. Goosebumps pricks his skin.

"Murph! Bitch, C'mon!" He now shouts, jogging around the sharp corners. Fear strikes at his core, hearing a loud noise. It sounded like some type of glass breaking.

He slowly turned around, not prepared for this.

One by one the lights in the ceiling and on the wall were breaking, getting sharp glass pieces everywhere. He looks closer, observing the next glass that's about to break.

His eyes widen. A malice smile spreads across a dark fading face behind the light. The light bulb breaks right in front of the face.

Riley didn't know when he took off, but he was gone. He didn't even know he had that much speed in him. He was quick around the corners. Full of fear. The image of that "thing" kept appearing in his mind, boosting his speed even more.

"Murph! If you don't c'mon, I'm leavin and I-I'm not comin back!" He yells. The air around him thickens.

"Cindy! I'll always love y— oof!"

He had ran into a wall. His eyes strain as he tries to move his body to get up, but realizes he can't move. He's stuck.

The sound of more light bulbs being broke rings in his ears, fear engulfing his very being. This is it, he says his final thoughts in his head.

There's only one light bulb left to break, and it's sitting 8 feet above Riley's body. The face appears again, making him shiver with fear. He closes his eyes tight as the light starts to go dim until—

"Reezy, Let's go Nigga!" Cindy pops up, making the ghostly figure disappear into nothingness. Riley sits up puzzled, and unable to move. He's mind fucked.

Cindy uses all of her strength to pull him up. Once he's on his feet, he finally realizes that the "thing" is still down there with him and now Cindy.

He grabs her hand, running full force for the basement door.


"Hiro! I'm so glad I find you!" Ming runs to a disturbed Hiro, planting a tender kiss on his lips. He doesn't even react. He shows no emotion. Just a blank face.

"What's wrong, babe?" His loving girlfriend holds his hand. He finally looks down at her.

"I'm...fine.." he strangely mumbles. She gives him a weird look then chuckles a little.

"Is this a joke? We're being punked, aren't we?" She questions playfully. He looks down at her again then chuckles some.

His chuckles then turns into a hysterical laugh. His laugh turns deep, scaring the poor girl.

"Hiro stop! This isn't fucking funny anymore! What the hell is going on?"

He abruptly stops laughing then looks at her.

"I'm not Hiro." He mumbles in a raspy, deep tone.

She slowly starts backing away. The metal door behind her blocks her from walking back any further. Dammit, she mentally curses. Nowhere else to run.

Fog clouds her mind. The hallway she found him goes rigid. Black goo falls from the top of the walls. Her fingers tremble to the metal handle on the door behind her.

She stares in awe as Hiro starts...evolving.

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