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Author's Note: I posted Resilient  yesterday, so read that chapter before this one. I know the wattpad app has given me ridiculous amounts of trouble lately. Hope they fix the bugs soon! @.@

Theme Song: "Last Hope" - Paramore

The next time I opened my eyes I realized I was not in the living room. I was back in the room Daniel had originally put me up in. I wondered who carried me, but figured it was Daniel and I didn't like to think of my body being so close to his.

So, I pushed how I got here out of my head.

I was no longer tied to the bed and I silently wondered if Daniel had done this as a test. I looked out the window to see that it was dark again outside, so we had already been here for a full day. Time was ticking. We could not be here for too much longer. Every minute was another minute that Hershel could be harmed.

Sure, Daniel liked that he was a Veterinarian, but what if someone got hurt and Hershel couldn't help them? What if Daniel just grew bored and killed him anyways? My stomach hurt with these sickening thoughts and as the bed groaned under my shifting weight the door opened a crack.

I swear if it's Charlie I'm going to rip his face off.

A lanky man with a wife beater, dark pants and a pair of dirty boots looked both ways in the hallway before coming into my room. He flipped the light on and stared at me with a half smirk. He used one set a tray a food down on an end table near the door and the other was behind his back.

He had greying hair and some might even deem him to be balding. The stranger had a haggard face that looked to have seen better days and his grin was wolfish as he raked his eyes over my form, from my boots to my face.

My eyes narrowed as he took a step forward, his hands behind his back and his head tilted to the side, "I ain't gonna' hurt ya'. Calm down." I realized I was gripping the bedsheets so tightly that my knuckles were white.

"Came to throw down too?" I asked hotly and he chuckled, grinning again and shaking his head, "Not if ya' don't do anythin' stupid. I was the one that saved your damn hide last night."

I looked away from this strange man before looking back at him again, "Thanks." I bit out as I cooted over to the edge of the bed and let my legs dangle now, my boots brushing the wood floors.

Truthfully, if this man hadn't of come, I knew I might have been beat to death or at least near death.

"Ya look like holy hell, darlin'." He smiled as he said this, as if it didn't bother him in the slightest that I was battered and bruised.

He was a man that looked like he might screw you over or try to kill you if he didn't agree with you. He was with Daniel's group, so he was most definitely a monster just like the rest. But, why had he even intervened then?

"I'm your new guard." He offered, taking another step towards me and I bristled as he stood before me now.

Mystery man nodded his head towards the ceiling, "Stand up, Legs." I grimaced at his nickname as I was in my blue jean shorts and my tanned legs were showing. They were riddled with bruises now, but I looked away from them quickly as I sighed heavily.

I readied my fists, for if this man tried anything with me. This time, I would fight back. I stood up, but only because I was curious myself as to how this man reminded me of someone...but who that person was I just didn't know.

He reached a hand up to my cheek and brushed it lightly. I stood rooted to my spot, my body trembling with the need to punch someone. Anyone.

Oh god, If Daryl were here now..he'd have killed them all. Or tried at least. A part of me was happy he was not here. He'd have been reckless and probably would have gotten himself killed.

Not to mention, I did not want him to see me this way. I liked to be strong for him, not this weak girl that was riddled in bruises and facing off with a man that was now testing my patience with his sleazy nicknames.

He was clearly just trying to make me extremely uncomfortable, but I wasn't going to let him win.

"You hurt me, or Hershel, he'll kill you all. Once he finds me." I gasped as the words tumbled out of me with an icy pinch. And they were words I was not supposed to say. I made it known there was someone else in my group. I was paralyzed with fear.

This fool hearty admission made the man's eyes widen for a moment, but he recovered quickly and looked me up and down with a smirk, "Ain't no one comin." He answered shortly, his twang biting out as I sneered at him.

Maybe Daniel hadn't told any of them that I had been with some people?

The man arched a bushy brow as he chuckled dryly, "Humor me, lil' girl. Who is this Superman ya' keep babblin' on about?"

I swallowed, my eyes downcast as I whispered "No one.."

The man took a small step back and cocked his head to the side. He then brought his other hand up and I let out a mortified yelp... he had no freaking hand.

It was replaced with a large shank and I had to do a double take, "Honey, yer' gonna have to repeat that." The blade was now pushed against my cheek and the back of my knees touched the edge of the bed.

A flashback from when I had taken my first night watch with Rick came to me.

'When we went back to that rooftop, he was gone. But, his hand was there..he had cut it off. Don't know if Merle ever survived, but Daryl seems to think he might have.'

"Daryl." I whispered, as if I were in a trance. A trance where things started clicking andgears started turning.

He stared at me wide eyed and his expression went from snarky to disbelieving. His voice pulled me from my thoughts, "He this tall? Have a mess of brown hair? Lanky ass kid with a sharp tongue?"

I shook my head to all his questions and he licked his lips before peering at me with acute interest.

I felt a tidal wave of realization wash over me as I stared at this man standing before me a little more closely. My eyes took in his blade that was still pressed up against my cheek.

I knew in that instant who he was and the gears in my mind clicked into place. "Merle?" I asked in a whisper and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Sugar tits, I think we got some talkin' to do." Merle's blade left my face, but he nodded his head towards the bed and went back towards the hallway to make sure the coast was still clear.

I sat as instructed, my heart thudding in my chest from the shocking turn of events.

Merle had come back to me a moment later and demanded I talk about where and when I last saw Daryl. And how I knew him.

"I'm not saying shit." I whispered in a hiss. I was not about to give up the prison and where my group was. Brother or not, I didn't trust Merle and given his track record for being an ass from what I had heard in bits and pieces...I was not about to trust anything with him.

"I'm not askin, darlin'...I'm tellin' ya. Speak!" His tone was more threatening and he shoved the blade, well, his pseudo hand, in my face and I glared at him.

"So, you're alive. And what the hell are you doing with these people anyways? How could you even shack up with them?" I attemtped to deviate the conversation. I didn't know Merle by any means, but how the hell could he be with monsters like this?

Merle was an asshole in theory, but I never really pictured him as a monster.

"Took me in when I needed help on the road. Got surrounded by them ugly ass things and Daniel showed up with a few guys. Tha' hell that matter anyways? I needed shelter, he's got it."

I glared at Merle and whispered fiercely, "Those women.." Merle shook his head at me, "Nah ah, don't put that one on me, sweetheart. I ain't lay a finger on any of 'em. I jus' keep my mouth shut."

I stared at him, still appalled he was here with Daniel. My mind was going a million miles an hour before Merle tapped my cheek again with his blade, "I ain't waitin' 'round any longer, honey. Where is my baby brother?"

My emerald green eyes cast up at him with a flicker of rage, "You mean the one you neglected for so long? He's doing just fine without you." Merle faltered lightly but then smirked, "Doubt that, Legs. He needs me. I'm family."

I felt ire well up within me and I shook my head, "He has a family now, Merle. People that don't leave."

"That include a certain Sheriff, hm?" He asked with distaste in his tone. I was silent, not sure if I should give up any information on the others, but I knew he saw right through me. It was only when he looked away that I felt the smallest bit bad for Merle.

Only a hint though.

When he looked back at me I saw something in his eyes that bordered on guilt and regret. It might be foolish, but in a split second I decided to say something about the group.

"I do know that Rick and Daryl came back for you on that rooftop, but you were gone. Rick is a good man."

Merle damn neared growled now and turned to look at her sharply, "Imma kill that Sherriff son of a bitch.."

I felt the familiar rise of my protective nature come out like a mama bear, "You're not going to touch him or any of them. It was a long time ago. It does you no good wanting to go and kill people over some stupid shit. You lost your hand, but you're alive. Get over it."

Merle looked to me and chuckled as his shoulders shook from his laughter. He changed the subject quickly, "I bet ya' think my baby brother likes ya'. Well, let me tell ya', he ain't need no one but me. He certainly don't need no damn woman. Better off without ya', I can tell ya' that, honey."

I didn't even bother to respond. He wanted that from me, I could tell. He wanted to get me all worked up, but I didn't bite. Instead, I changed the subject. I started to wonder if maybe, just maybe, Merle was our ticket out of here and possibly our ticket to staying alive long enough to attempt to get out.

"What would you do exactly if I told you where they were at?" Merle arched a brow at me and sniffed, chewing on his cheek.

Gnawing on the cheek must be a genetic thing. Much like their attitude.

"Get my baby brother, of course. Ain't it obvious, Legs?" I sighed before firmly stating, "Vicki. My name is Vicki. Not legs. Not sugar tits. Vicki."

Merle widened his grin at my fierce personality, "Well, Vicki, if my baby bother does in fact like ya'...I can see why."

Despite the screwed up situation, I smiled lightly thinking of Daryl and Merle stared at me. His voice was uncharacteristically soft as he asked, "He alright?" I looked up to him and nodded.

"As good as anyone can be. Suffered some losses along the way, but Daryl's good. He's always good. He's.." I mulled this over before adding, "He's resilient."

Like me.

Merle seemed to breathe out a sigh of relief at this and he looked away before pursing his lips in thought. I added in a hushed tone, "I do care about Daryl. So much so that I would do anything to ensure his safety. I don't trust you Merle. You're part of Daniel's group and I cannot have him find out about them. It's why I can't give up where he is. Too many lives are at stake."

I did sound sorry, but I was also firm in my tone. However, my mind was wrestling with me though and I knew Merle would know how to get to the prison if I gave him directions. If he did do the right thing, what if he told Rick where we were being held at and what if he gave Rick entail on what exactly they were up against at Juno?

Was that a bad plan? Was it a good one? Or would he lead Daniel straight to the prison and betray my trust?

My head started to hurt at my temples from thinking too hard. Merle huffed indignantly and he looked to the door as voices sounded out from somewhere in the house and he bristled.

It wasn't safe for us to be in here talking about this. I knew our conversations would have to be brief when he came to see me again.

He was my guard, afterall.

On the off chance someone came and caught us, Merle seemed to think better than to stay and try and get answers out of me. For now, at least.

"He's always been the sweet one, my baby brother." He stated randomly.

"But me? Not so much. I'll get it out of ya', Vicki. Mark my words. Oh, and Daniel wants ya' to accompany him to walk the grounds tomorrow mornin'."

His glared at me on his way out, like a petulant child not getting what he wanted. I relaxed back on the bed and noticed the dresser that was in the room did not have a mirror, but the outline of where one used to be was there.

Daniel must have taken precautious as to my bathroom stunt last time I was here. No mirrors equaled no glass object to use as a weapon.

I could not believe Merle was here. At Juno. He might not be the person I was anticipating meeting and I certainly did not fully trust Merle. His track record was spotty, but something about this gave me a small flutter of hope within her belly.

Someone that was connected to my group was here at Juno. This had to be my ace in the hole. I already knew deep down that this would be my best ticket to getting myself and Hershel out of here alive.

Which meant at some point, Merle would need to know where the prison was at. I ate the food he brought in silence, my head spinning from all that I learned today.

I finally fell into a relaxed state, exhausted by all of this.

Daryl's face was the last thing I saw before my body finally succumbed to more sleep.

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