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Talking = "talking"

Thinking = 'Thinking'

I'm awakened by the sound of grunting? I sit up, and use zetsu to hide my presence, and jump on a pile of trash. And observe a tall buff human sitting on a fridge with the same green haird human from the sludge chimera trying to pull it.

'Some form of training?' I think to myself while jumping down and deactivating zetsu.

"Wahh, it's you from the other day," he yelled a little, freaked out

"Well, would you look at that? Thank you for saving this young man, " the big buff human saluted me "however you used your quirk, or I'll have to arrest you, " he says.

"Quirk, what's a quirk?" I ask aloud they seemed surprised.

"You seriously don't know what a quirk is?" He asked, asked a little timidly.

"No, I have not," I say, crossing my arms.

"A quirk is a superpower over 80% of the world has one, and only 20 percent don't some of the 80% become hero's to help those who those who can't be helped and fight villains!" the buff human exclaimed.

'They seem to be telling the truth,' I think. "A quirk I'm no human. I'm a chimera. Ant the king of the Ants, " I say to them a seriously.

"W-whats a chimera ant?" He asked, slightly intimadted an awkward silence pass over us.

"A chimera ant is exactly what you think it is. We ate human and gained form similar to there's but we are stronger" I say I see there faces shock and pale at the eating humans part.

"Y-your not here to eat us are you" the green haird human says sacred.

"No, I'm not here to eat you two. I was merely sleeping here"

"Well, that's a relief. Have any of you ants killed anyone recently? " he asked a bit suspiciously and worried.

"No, as far as I know, I'm the only one here speaking of which where is here" I ask, confused.

"You mean you don't know where you are, why you are in japan!" He exclaimed

"Japan? Never heard of it" I say, uncrossing my arms.

"Really, you've never heard of Japan." Green hair, human, say a little surprised.

"Yes, this is the first I've heard of it. I'm from a place called the Republic of East Gorteau"

"Never heard of it either," he said in a questioning tone.

"Well, besides that, allow us to introduce ourselves, I am all toshinori yagi, and this is young midoriya!" He exclaimed, patting midoriya's back.

"I am Y'N meruem," I say, making up a name using my actual name as my last name. I do want to blend in a

"It's nice to meet you, young meruem!" He exclaimed with a smile.

"You said you're a hero right and hero's help people? Then I need your help finding a person." I ask

"I help however I can young meruem so who's this person you need help finding?" He asks.

"Just call me Y/n that goes for you as well," I say, looking at midoriya "her name is komugi she's short with white hair she's also blind as well I fell asleep with her but she's gone so I ask you to help me find her" the more help the better.

"Young Y/n, I can help. I have friends who could help. However, it will take awhile how about you stay with young midoriya? Would you be okay with that young midoriya?" He asked midoriya.

"Oh uh sure I could ask my mom," he said, a little caught off guard.

"In return, would you be willing to help young midoriya train for the entrance exam!"

"Entrance exam?" I question midoriya notices my confusion.

"The entrance exam is to see if you're strong enough to go to a hero school to learn to be a hero!" he exclaimed, excited to talk about it.

"If it would help me find komugi faster, then I agree to these terms," I say with no hesitation.

"Haha, good now, then young midoriya, your training will get even hard with young Y/N here," he says as he pats my shoulder. "Think you up to it, young midoriya"

"Y-yea, sure I am," he said with a little courage.

After that, we began ten months of training with them. In those ten months, I got to know midoriya and Mrs midoriya well along with all might my night were spent look around this big city looking for komugi midoriya is getting stronger I could tell I even gave him a little hand to hand combat to which I won but after those ten months me and all might came to the beach to see how midoriya was doing.

"So let me get this straight. You want me to take the entrance exam along with midoriya, all might?" I question him.

"Yes, you know about one for all, and plus you are strong. I need you to keep training him, and this will help and help you with being able to find komugi faster once you get a hero license." He said, making some valid points.

"Okay, I agree." Before all might can answer, we hear midoriya yelling to the heavens as me and all might move forward to look at the beach it's beautiful restored to its formal glory.

"Hey, hey, holy crap, kid. You even cleaned up the outside the are I told you to. Seriously... there's isn't one spec of trash left on this beach. Only a few minutes to spare, but you exceed my expectations! Holy.. stinkin'... supercrap!" He exclaimed, going into his buff form.

I noticed midoriya wobble, but before he could fall, I caught him and put him down gently on the beach.

"That was some excellent work, midoriya," I compliment him.

"Yes, what Y/n said it's truly amazing" he also complimented as well.

"I finished everything. All might. Y/n. Do you think I'm ready now?" He said, looking at us weakly.

"Yes, I do, and I bet all might feels the same way." I tell him reassuring him what me and all might both think.

"Yea, I gotta say, I'm very impressed. I know you could do it, but this is beyond." He pulls out his phone showing a picture of a scrawny crying midoriya."Look at this," midoriya seems confused. "It's you crying ten months ago. But now look at how far you've come. Such a big improvement!"

I tune out for a bit waiting for there student and teacher moment to b over that was until I heard "eats this" after that uncomfortable moment and midoriya swallowing hair we are now at the entrance of the exam.

"Looks like we made it just in time midoriya." As we walk forward midoriya covers his mouth and mumbles some about not feeling anything differently.

"Stupid deku" I hear from behind seeing that blonde kid I save from the sludge villain incident midoriya freaks out and mumbles mumbles something about doing out best before he leaves look at me with admiration or hatred maybe a bit of both.

Midoriya sighs and shakes his head and starts walking forward as he trips over his own foot before I could catch him he starts floating look at the girl who did it a brunette with pink cheeks and pads on her finger.

"Thank you for catch my friend" I thank her.

"Yes I'm sorry I didn't ask first but I figured yall wouldn't mind if I used it to catch him but isn't this all nerve racking" she says with a smile.

"No" I respond bluntly.

Midoriya struggles to find words "Well I guess I'll see yall inside" she leaves I look at midoriya wondering if he's is okay.

"I just talked to a girl" he exclaimed happily.

"No I did you just freak out" I said bluntly.

Midoriya ignore the comment as we find are seats in the adutorim. As we sit and listen to this loud banana speak about destroying robots for points while being in different battle grounds and midoriya fan boying and mumbling.

"Excuse me sir but I have a question" a examine raises his hand.

"Alright hit me" present mic asks while pointing.

"On the print out, you've listed four types of villains. Not three." He says while pointing at the piece of paper"with all respect, if this is a error on official UA materials, it is shameful. We are exemplary students. We expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do." He then points at midoriya "You with the unkempt hair. You've been muttering this entire time. Stop thay if you can't bother to take this seriously. Leave." He says with a bit of a attitude.

"Now hold on" I say standing up crossing my arms "he is taking it seriously he's just nervous and if you seriously think about tell someone to leave you should leave as well if you would've wait I'm sure he would have told us but instead you waisted everyone's time" I say very much annoyed.

"Alright alright settle down examinee number 7-1-1-1 thanks for calling in with your request"

He's starts explaining that the forth robot is woth basically nothing after than we get on busses and head to our exam cites once we get there I see no one to note down to watch out for.

"Alright let's start" as soon as I hear the loud bananas voice I dash of leaving everyone else to eat my dust "that guy has the right idea come on you guys there are no count downs in a fight" every one tries to catch up but I've already taken down to many I lost count but who cares I'll go until the big one comes out after awhile I hear rumbling.

I use ko focusing all my nen into my fist smashing the zero pointer in the the head breaking it effectively once I land and servay the are I see girl with weird ear lobes who's leg is caught under some ruble, as I walk towards her I grab the ruble and throw it far off into the distance.

"Do you need medical assistance" I ask her.

"Y-yes I do" she exclaimed amazed with a little bit of a blush.

I pick her up and take her to a medical bot leaving her there to go help more students. Once the exams are over I meet up with midoriya who seemed bummed out he told me he got zero points but I reassured him he would get in after a few weeks of wa8th iit we got out letter midoriya heads to his room to open his I head to the bathroom to open mine.

"I am here as a projection you passed the written portion with flying colors and when it came to the combat you got 85 combat point well enough to pass and you came in first place but that's not all there was also something we didn't tell yall it's not exactly all about combat we also gave you rescue points for saving you secured 40 rescue points makeing your total 125 points! You passed the exam so welcome! Y/n to your hero academia!" To easy I walk to midoriya's room as he opens the do he smiled at me and his mom showing thay he passed.

(Okay hey good to see you guys so soon this is one of my first stories so I'm learning as I go you know so please if I did anything wrong please correct me respectfully thank you)

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