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The burrow was warm and colorful. The colors red, green, silver, and gold hung in the room like a bad odor, and the Christmas tree gave off a naturally happy vibe.

The 6 Weasley children (okay, they're not children children, but to Molly they'd always be her babies) sat around the Christmas tree. Whether in chairs or sofas or on the ground.

They chatted happily, all smiling.

Even some children who weren't in the Weasley family (biologically) were there.

The 2 children being Harry James Potter, and Hermione Jean Granger.

Arthur, the father of all the Weasley children, stood up, cupping his hands over his mouth.

"Kids! Your brother has an announcement!" He shouted, the crowd of kids (who aren't really kids anymore, but to age wizards) quieted slowly. The Christmas atmosphere still in the air, and George shakily stood up.

"Family, I was searching through our. . . my old room a few weeks ago. A-And I found some gifts." George took a deep breath, "From Fred." He continued.

Molly choked, her eyes filling with sadness.

"So, um, I want to hand them out. If that's okay." He said, getting quieter with each syllable.

"Go on son." Arthur managed to say as Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Harry got off the couch.

"Hermione." George said, puling a few boxes from behind and handing Hermione a small box. It was the size of a pencil pouch. The box wrapped in a silver wrapping, seeming to change colors as it hit the light. Rainbow colors spreading out on the paper like colors of the sky in an ocean.

Hermione picked it up gently, as if she was scared it would break.

"Thank you." She said, her voice soft, going back to her seat with the gift, holding it gingerly.

"Charlie, Bill, Mom, Dad, and Ron, he has some for you. Gin, here's yours. And we have one more. Sorry guys, he gave the rest of you some galleons and a letter, all in our vault." George told them, looking at Percy and Fleur (Spelling?). George handed his parent's their gifts (each in paper sacks, colored on with markers, making elegant pictures and elegant letters on the bags).

They both nodded and watched as Ginny picked the gift up from her brother's hands. Her hands trembled as she walked back to her seat on the sofa, next to Hermione, both girls had tears in their eyes.

Ron let out a breath and took the gift from George. Both Weasley (Ginny and Ron) recieved a package no bigger than a laptop computer. It was long in length, and skinny in height. The paper wrapped around it was a dull, wine red.

"Finally, Harry." George commented, handing Harry a box no bigger than a jewelry box, wrapped in a beautiful emerald green. Matching the boy's eyes perfectly.

"Thank you." Harry said softly, holding the wrapped gift with steady hands.

He walked back to his seat slowly, a few tears escaping his eyes.

"You okay mate?" Ron asked, noticing Harry's tears as he sat down.

"I'm fine. Just sad, I guess." Harry told him, biting the inside of his cheek.

Ron gave him a sad smile, "Same here." He replied, giving Harry a pat on the shoulder. Harry just nodded numbly, giving his friend a weak smile. "Thanks." He said, words now empty and emotionless.

"Let's open them then!" George said, faking a cheerful tone. Everyone knew he was.

Slowly, they opened the gifts.

Molly burst into tears as she clutched onto an article of clothing. It was a little over sized, and loose, but it fit her soundly.

Arthur had a sweater almost identical!

Molly's sweater contained a thick letter 'M' on it (Arthur's containing an 'A'), (both) colored in a deep violet. (And) The sweaters were made of a fine grey wool.

"I love it." Molly whimpered, holding it tighter to her chest. Arthur nodded, brushing a few stray tears from his eyes.

Next, was Ron's and Ginny's gifts.

Ron opened his present with a sad grin, pulling out a folded up piece of wood. "How'd he get this?" Ginny asked sadly, putting her head on her older brother's shoulder.

"I don't know Gin." Ron answered quietly, unfolding the piece of wood. Harry watching as the wood transformed into a broom, the bristles springing out from the wood (which had before hand looked like a staff).

"Top model." Ron commented, touching the wood gently (as if touching it as if it was a school broom would have shattered it).

Then, Hermione went. Unwrapping her gift with gentle hand movements. She gasped, hands over her mouth in surprise as she opened it.

It was in fact a jewelry box, and inside, it held a glass animal.

"It's an Otter." She said, an awed silence from her part.

Harry nodded mutely.

"Your turn mate." Ron said, nudging Harry.

The raven haired boy snapped out of his thoughts, and gulped. And slowly, as the family waited patiently. George kept his eyes on the boy, knowing Fred's (and Harry's) only secret that they had kept from (nearly) the whole family. That, you know, didn't involve some crazy lord names Tom, and the crap that happened because of him.

Harry bit his lips, avoiding the family's eyes.

He shakily opened what seemed to be an amazon box, and choked a sob as he looked inside.

Inside, there was a photobook, 3 pieces of parchment, another box (which was small), a shirt of Fred's, and a bottle of his cologne.

Each parchment was labeled with numbers, ranging from 1-3.

Harry took a breath and picked up the note labeled 1.

'Dear Harry,

I love you. And by the time you get this, I'll be gone. Without you by my side.

I don't blame you for anything. I guess, in a way, it was my fault. Letting the dark lord win. . . Well, that's what I hoped happened.

Can't have my boyfriend be murdering me in my sleep, can I?

Anyways, George added some things, mainly the cologne and the shirt, because I asked him to. He knew about our relationship, and he accepted us. So, if you find this (hopefully you will be given this so you don't have to find it under my bed), read the other letters afterwards. They're meant for you to read in private.

I love you Harry.

I really do.

Sorry I kinda died.

- Fred'

Harry felt tears go down his face as he placed the letter down on his lap.

He choked down a sob, and touched the shirts smooth fabric with his fingers. The mustard yellow fabric still holding his scent.

Then, Harry looked into the small box.

The whole room was quiet.

The box, which Harry had opened with trembling hands, held a ring.

And that's all Harry could take before he sprinted out of the room, sobbing.


Hey guys!! First chapter. . . yep. This is dedicated (and kind of requested by, because I told her about it and she said I should write it) Cakecat001

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