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I love you. I'm writing this after you left to go hunt Horcroxes (or however you spell it, I'm too tired to do the spell-check spell) and I'm scared out of my mind. I need you to return safe. I want you to come back, defeat what's-his-face, and be with me. I want to tell the entire family about how I'm yours and you are mine.

I miss you already. That hoodie I got you last year is the only reminder that you were here. It makes me feel like I'm in one of those novels by that muggle writer... Jean Austin or something? A tragedy-romantic story of a man going off to war and leaving their lover behind. Well, I guess I won't be behind.. I'm traveling to Hogwarts after this. George and I, we're fighting.

You said your mother's love killed him partially, so how long can he stay dead if I decide to ravish you in the school halls? Fancy a snog, love?

Sorry– I know you have better things to do. Or at least something more important.

This letter may never be seen by you. Who knows? I've already written a different letter, one to read after I died.. so this is a sequel of sorts. And thus, as the amazing boyfriend I am, I am here to tell you one thing.

If I die in war, and you don't, never for a second blame yourself.

I love you, but I have to go. Much war-stuff to discuss, and only so many WWW products to back. Can you believe that some students want to lace death eaters food with our candies? I heard that Neville is wanting to use the newest potion we released to make psychotic plants.

Ignore how this letter is more poetic than my last. I'm just built like that. Besides, the best things are saved for last. I have to build up to it somehow!

I'll see you soon, hopefully introducing you to mum as my boyfriend.

Stay safe Ry.

As always,

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