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Meetings at The Tower of Wishes

Their next meeting was simpler to suggest. Fred simply sent the note Harry had given him for their first meeting back, a small message reading;
Want to meet again? I had an awesome time in the loo, but I think we could try something a little more... classy. Astronomy tower, 7 o'clock?
~ Fred W.

Harry smirked as he read the message. Borrowing a quill quickly from Hermione and writing him a sort answer. (Yes :) - H Potter)

He noticed Fred smiled as he read the note. Harry handing Hermione back her quill as she began to lecture him of being prepared. He paid no attention, his main focus on Fred– and his breathtaking smile(s).


Harry's small frame stared at the stars in awe. His emerald eyes glimmering against the moonlight. His black hair going in all different directions as the wind blew softly.

His pale hands clutched onto the ledge of a large window. Stars clearly spotted in the sky. A smile graced Harry's lips.

Fred, secretly, crept into the tower. His footsteps silent, movements muted. He was determined not to get caught, wishing to meet up with Harry desperately. Even if he was friend zoned, he couldn't stop his attraction to the younger boy.

"Harry, pssst, Harry!" Fred whisper shouted from across the room. Harry jumping subtly and turning to the voice. Fred smirked and revealed his head to Harry, watching as Harry's frightened expression turned into one of joy.

"Fred!" He exclaimed, forgetting they were out after curfew. "Shh!" Fred hissed as he placed a finger to his lips. Harry blushed before muttering a weak apology.

Fred went over to him giving Harry's hair a ruffle as he stood in front of him. Harry went for a soft hug. Arms wrapping around Fred as Harry was pulled deeper into the hug. Harry could hear Fred's heartbeat. That made the emerald eyed first year chuckle.

"I heard your heartbeat." He explained as they parted (Fred having given him a confused look). Both going to the window, they sat on the stone floor. Harry's hair shined by the moons rays.

"20 questions?" Harry asked. Fred, fortunately, knew this game and nodded.

"Weirdest animal to you?"  Harry questioned. Fred rubbed his thumbs together as he thought for a moment. "A rubber duck." Harry gave a small laugh, "That's not an animal!" He softly said.

Fred shrugged his shoulders with mock defeat. "I dunno, my dad seems to talk about it a ton. Would a regular duck suffice?" He questioned, Harry gave him a playful eye roll. Nodding as Fred thought up a question.

"What is the function of a rubber duck, I'm asking for a friend!"

The game continued on like this for an hour. The boys laughing at each other as they got to know each other. Laughing less frequently as the game continued, mainly because, the game got deep.

It was revealed that Fred was extremely insecure.

And that Harry starved himself on accident because he was so used to little food from his relatives.

All in all, they were both pretty tired of the game. The boys shifting towards each other little by little. Harry somehow ending up in Fred's lap as Fred played with his hair.

"Do you remember your mom and dad?" Fred questioned as he ran his fingers by Harry's ears. Harry looked at his pale hands. A frown edging to his lips.

"I remember a green light. And screams." He admitted shakily. Fred pulling him closer as he put one arm around Harry's waist.

" 'M sorry." Fred murmured in Harry's nest of hair. Harry took Fred's hand and squeezed it. "You didn't know." Was his only response.

"Why are you so insecure?" Harry questioned earning a sigh from Fred. The red head hesitantly answered, "My mom has seven kids. The two eldest will be remembered for achievements. I know that for a fact. Ron and Ginny will be remembered as the youngest– a brighter generation, I guess. I don't know at this point, and then there's Percy. He knows everything." Fred paused, swallowing saliva that had gathered in his mouth.

"George will be remembered as the twin, or the better prankster to be honest. I have so much competition, it's easy to get lost. And when no one notices that you are, it gets you thinking." Fred paused again to blink back tears.

"Why stand out at all?" His voice cracked, and Harry squeezed his hand again. "You have to stand out to me, okay. You did when I first met you, and you have ever since we've talked." He began, finishing it off with a sentence that lead Fred to tears.

"You stand out in such a beautiful way, that only certain people can see it; see the way you are light in a dark, small cupboard." 

They stayed in silence after that.

"How do you know all of this?" Hermione asked as she stared at him confused. George sighed and answered her quietly. "He told me. All of it."

"I CAN'T BELIEVE HE–" Ginny was interrupted by her mother. The women having been fed up with her daughter's shock and idiocy. Shouting, she screamed at her daughter; "GINERVA WEASLEY, GET OVER THE FACT THAT HARRY FELL FOR FRED BEFORE HE DATED YOU!!"

Ginny blushed red and turned to her mother. Her legs pulled to her chest as the young girl tried to hide her face. Only making it burn more fiercely as her family sent glanced at her. Each with mixes of different emotions. All but her mother.

Her mother was just staring at George with sad eyes.

"Is Harry going to be okay?" Ron questioned, the crowd completely silent.

George shrugged, "I'm not sure. Fred was his anchor, I don't know if he was stay in place after all this." Molly nearly burst into tears. Arthur just hugged her, kissing her forehead gently as he egged on George to continue.

"Okay, after that..."

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