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Luckily for Jungkook though, Taehyung didn't bother him as much as Jungkook thought Taehyung would after their last interaction. If Taehyung did happen to talk to Jungkook it would only be because of a case or if he knew where someone was. It was a small normal conversation between two coworkers so Jungkook didn't see the need to compel Taehyung to stay away from him. It would be complicated too if Taehyung really did need to come see Jungkook.

Though now Jungkook was just about to open up the unsolved cases he thought he could finally get to work on since he caught up on some writing and things he was behind on from taking a few weeks to catch up on work he was left with. It wasn't that hard catching up on his work since Jungkook was well adapted to the computers, being a whole speed typer was a gift. "Jeon?" The head detective, Do Kyungsoo peeked his head in before he stepped in once he caught Jungkook's attention.

"Yeah?" Jungkook looked up and leaned on his desk just to reach his hand out for the paper in Kyungsoo's hands. "There's another animal attack case and I was wondering if you-" Kyungsoo smiled as soon as he saw Jungkook holding his hand out. "Of course you would. Could never finish my sentence with you can I?" Kyungsoo handed over the files and Jungkook laughed a bit. "They make my day more interesting that's for sure." Jungkook put the file aside.

Kyungsoo made small talk for a moment before he left the office but came back in a hurry. "Also it totally slipped my mind but during lunch, we're having a surprise welcome lunch for detective Kim Taehyung at the restaurant just beside the building, you know it right?" Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow and Jungkook was nibbling on his lip by the time Kyungsoo mentioned Taehyung. "I do, yeah. Should I be there at a specific time?" Jungkook breathed out.

"Just before lunch, probably five minutes before. I'll be taking detective Kim and also if you're worried, It's all on me. So don't just order your wrap of a sandwich, alright?" Kyungsoo patted the wall before he left the office and Jungkook's nose scrunched. Kyungsoo was starting to notice how Jungkook only ever got a wrapped sandwich huh? It's not that Jungkook didn't want to eat anything else but... he never had an appetite for human food anymore. Maybe every now and then he would have a huge meal just to show that he does eat something other than sandwiches but... he really wasn't feeling like a proper meal today.

Also, it's not that 'vampires don't eat' thing it's just that... his tastebuds changed after becoming a vampire. Hoseok could survive off human food for months and a drop of blood every now and then just to keep him going but other than that, Hoseok was basically still a human in a way? It amazed Jungkook. Regular food tasted stale to Jungkook half the time so he just didn't eat a lot. Sucking in a breath, Jungkook grabbed the file Kyungsoo handed over to him just after closing the other case he was just about to open.

"Animal attack huh." Jungkook clicked his tongue and opened up the file to find the pictures of the evidence. The victim consisted of three bite marks on her which were the neck, the wrist, and the thigh which confused Jungkook. No doubt this was a vampire killing but the bites were.. not just bites? It's like they bit a chunk of the flesh. Like a cover-up but obviously not well covered up. The blood was drained from her completely and the evidence played in Jungkook's head as he tried to understand the situation.

From the notes, the girl was last seen at the movies with her two friends. Consisting of a twenty-year-old male and a twenty-year-old female. They went out to see a movie, played a few games at the arcade, and went their separate ways. So either this was at random, or she was preyed on. There was no choice but to check out the scene later, see if he picked up on anything that the detective there missed. For now, he closed the file and grabbed his jacket.

"Jeon!" Jungkook heard and looked at his door where he found Taehyung. "The case about the family murdered happened in..." Taehyung paused since the year completely disappeared from his head. "Shit..." Taehyung held one of his fingers up which meant 'wait' for Taehyung as he ran off with the door wide open. In a matter of seconds, Taehyung came back with the paper in his hand. "Nineteen twenty-eight. September first, nineteen fourteen was the day and year of the murder."

Jungkook froze as he was putting on his jacket. How did Taehyung possibly find that out? Unless Taehyung really did some deep digging, then there was no other way Taehyung could have found out the correct year. "There were no records of September first having you know... a murder on that day so I realized maybe it was far back. Though I really didn't think it would be this far back. This case is... from long ago like the eight-year-old is like... dead? Right? I would assume since it's been that long but-" Taehyung stopped when he heard Jungkook's small laugh that broke through. "What's funny?" Taehyung asked, confused.

Jungkook quickly recollected himself and fixed his jacket as he then shook his head. "So September first, nineteen fourteen. I remember not opening the case but yet you found out the year? How?" Jungkook asked as he walked in front of his desk, leaned back with his hands holding at the edge. "No I know you didn't open it but... come on Jungk- detective Jeon, if you have a case from that far back don't you think it's worth solving? For the family's sake? Even if there is no family to speak of, they deserve to have us close this case right?"

Jungkook gulped at Taehyung's wording. Okay, he didn't expect Taehyung to be so deeply involved with this case. Taehyung's words just threw Jungkook off completely and he didn't like that feeling at all. "Detective Kim, respectfully-" Jungkook tried to talk again but Taehyung shook his head. "I never opened the case. So I didn't go against your rules. I'm a visual learner so when I opened the file, I organized everything which was not a lot so it's kind of an assignment for me in a way. Though I found out the year so it should be smooth sailing now right?"

Jungkook breathed in deeply. Honestly, Jungkook didn't know what to say to Taehyung. Well, Jungkook knew exactly what he wanted to tell Taehyung but it'd be a bit harsh to grab the papers out of Taehyung's hands and tell him to drop the case. "You're not gonna drop that case are you?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung sucked in his breath before shaking his head. "I'm really not," Taehyung admitted. Jungkook nodded slowly at that. "Well..." he started off his sentence.

Jungkook kept it at that as he looked over his shoulder and towards the files on his desk. Grabbing his, Jungkook held it firmly. "If you can solve this case, then you can be my partner." Jungkook held out the file and that's when Jungkook first witnessed the sparkle in Taehyung's eyes as he heard Jungkook's words. The excitement to start this case and to prove to Jungkook that he could solve this case. "I'll show you that I can and when I do, I'm shoving this right in your face." Taehyung grabbed the file but as he was pulling it, Jungkook wouldn't let go.

"Respectfully." Taehyung looked at Jungkook with pursed lips after realizing his words. "Respectfully, I will shove the file in your face. Very respectfully." Taehyung smiled a bit after his wording and Jungkook couldn't help but smile and even crack a chuckle. Pulling Taehyung in by just pulling the paper they both had a good grip on, "Two weeks." Jungkook let go of the paper and watched Taehyung's excited eyes turn into widened eyes as he was closer to Jungkook.

That caught Jungkook off guard as he cleared his throat. The movement wasn't meant to be a flirting move at all but to just intimidate Taehyung but by the blush on his cheeks well, Jungkook messed up on his part. "Kyungsoo will be looking for you soon. I'm heading out for lunch now." Jungkook was quick to change the subject and leave Taehyung in his office. "He better shut the door," Jungkook mumbled to himself as he walked off. Five minutes to spare.

As for Taehyung, after feeling all flustered by the sudden action of Jungkook, he looked at the file with a smile. "Two weeks is not a lot of time but I'll show him." Taehyung happily said as he turned but as he did, he was met with the head detective. "Oh! Kyungsoo, Jungkook told me you would be looking for me. I'll just-" Taehyung was walking out of the office to go put the file on his desk but Kyungsoo spoke up. "Jungkook? As in detective Jeon? Wow, he's coming out of his shell huh."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows which made Kyungsoo explain more. "Quiet guy. One of the best detectives but he doesn't speak to a lot of people. Jungkook only agreed to work here if we got him his own office." Kyungsoo laughed a bit. "But he's worth having an office since he's been cracking these cases like crazy." Kyungsoo sucked in a deep breath before shaking his head. "Anyway, I'd like to treat you to dinner just across the street. It's a way of welcoming you to the team." Kyungsoo smiled.

At that point, Taehyung was feeling really good about himself. Jungkook was getting fairly okay with Taehyung being around as it sounded and he was getting a free meal? "I'd love that. I'm starving actually and-" Taehyung took a look around to see barely anyone there. "I guess everyone is off already." Taehyung hummed at that and Kyungsoo laughed awkwardly before grabbing Taehyung's shoulders and guided him to the door. "Yeah well we better get going."

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