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Jungkook spent months in that room just living off blood bags since Hoseok and Namjoon had to 'hide' Jungkook from the outside world for a little while. Since Jungkook was a new vampire, he was not controllable at times especially when he got hungry and irritated. Namjoon lost count of how many times he had to fix the door because Jungkook managed to kick it down. Jungkook was vicious and every little move he made always affected someone.

Over those months Jungkook learned that the two who held him hostage were the ones he saw in his dreams. Every little question Jungkook asked Hoseok and Namjoon, they answered to the best of their abilities. The dreams? Were Hoseok and Namjoon checking on Jungkook. Ever since Jungkook lost his family, Hoseok and Namjoon would check in on Jungkook to make sure he was okay and that no other vampire would hurt Jungkook which happened almost frequently, but Namjoon and Hoseok kept that from happening.

Hoseok told Jungkook the story on why he killed Jungkook's family and honestly... it was just a coincidence. Hoseok was out with his old-time friend and they decided to go for a feed. They chose a house that looked fairly old and Hoseok fed off Jungkook's mother first before Jungkook's father tried to stop Hoseok in which only led to Hoseok draining Jungkook's father dry. Leaving their limp bodies on the floor as he felt the craving subside.

When Hoseok saw little Jungkook crying for his sibling... something within him changed. Maybe the fact that Hoseok killed the boys' parents without a thought and left this eight-year-old boy parentless. Jungkook was just a little boy with his whole life ahead of him... and he couldn't kill Jungkook. So instead Hoseok watched over Jungkook and hoped that one day this would count for killing his parents. It was a long shot but Hoseok thought maybe it would.

Killing Jungkook was not an option, Hoseok admitted that but when Jungkook ended up at the house of the scene and his old-time friend again, putting Jungkook in danger... well, things changed. There was just something about Jungkook that Hoseok couldn't explain. The need to protect Jungkook was always there. Hoseok figured it was the guilt of killing the boys' family... but it didn't stop him from taking care of Jungkook and taking him under his wing.

Though Jungkook held a hatred for Hoseok and that didn't help Hoseok at all when all he was trying to do was help Jungkook with his new life. Trying to help Jungkook adapt but everything Hoseok told Jungkook went out the other ear. The reason why Hoseok had to hold Jungkook 'hostage' for a few months. Jungkook couldn't be controlled and the hatred he held for Hoseok was far more powerful than anything else Jungkook felt. The only thing that held Jungkook back from escaping was that he was afraid of himself and what he could do. Plus the sunlight was his biggest enemy as well.

Until years pass and Jungkook finally learned to adapt to his new life. Didn't change the fact that Jungkook hated his existence and Hoseok, but he adapted. It took several years for Jungkook to finally be able to walk in daylight though. Not because he adapted to the sunlight but because he was gifted a ring from Hoseok who took it off the male he killed in front of Jungkook the night that Jungkook died. That ring helps Hoseok and Namjoon walk in daylight.

Now... Hoseok and Namjoon had no clue how it worked but Hoseok's old friend did. Since he was dead, the ring was up for grabs and so Hoseok took it for Jungkook and gave it to Jungkook when Hoseok was sure he was okay to be out in public. Though that was the thing.. since Jungkook was locked up for months on months without human contact.. he went crazy once he was in contact with humans. Hearing their heartbeats once he focused- the craving for human blood from the vein was so much stronger than the willpower and so.. Jungkook killed.

Not one, not two but a dozen people one afternoon when he got away from Hoseok and Namjoon. Namjoon found Jungkook feeding on the last victim before he dropped the male onto the pile of bodies. "Jungkook-" Namjoon grabbed Jungkook's shoulder and Jungkook turned to Namjoon with the same killer look. "Jungkook, calm down. Suppress the hunger, come on, you can do i-" Namjoon couldn't finish his sentence as he was flung into the wall by Jungkook was on his way to snap Namjoon's neck but Hoseok showed up, grabbed the ring off of Jungkook's finger in a swift movement.

The light beaming in hit Jungkook and he was soon burning in front of Hoseok as he grunted loudly while forcing himself to hide in a shadowed area. "You don't want to be a monster?! Stop acting like one! I've taught you to adapt, I've given you everything you needed to hear, to know! You're the one making yourself into a monster! Look around you Jungkook! Take a good look around and see the lives that you took!"

Jungkook was hissing from the burns on his body that started to go away. His killer expression was gone as he looked at the bodies in a pile. Not one... not two... they just kept going. "Oh.. oh god." Jungkook came to realize what he did. At first, he just wanted a little bite. Just a little bit of blood but when he got the taste of human blood from the vein? He lost all control and before he knew it.. he was draining every person in the room of their blood and he didn't mean to! He really didn't but the hunger was something he couldn't suppress.

Hoseok walked up to Jungkook and cupped his face. "I can help you Jungkook. Let me help you. You don't have to be this way. We can help you, let us help you." Hoseok pleaded Jungkook who had his eyes on the body before he looked at Hoseok. Nodding slowly, Jungkook agreed to finally let Hoseok help him. This... he couldn't let this happen again. He couldn't handle taking more lives than he already did and this was just his first interactions with humans! and he killed... every single one.

"Clean this up?" Hoseok looked at Namjoon. The male was already on it as he nodded. Hoseok giving Jungkook his ring back before he left with Jungkook. From that day on Jungkook was under Hoseok's control. Though did it stop him from killing innocent people? It did... for a while. Then 1940 came around when Jungkook left Hoseok and Namjoon and went off on a killing spree. Leaving dead bodies in every state he left to. Leaving a trail for Hoseok and Namjoon to clean.

Jungkook doesn't know what triggered him to suddenly change into this monster but he couldn't stop it. There was so much pain and hurt within Jungkook... so many memories he didn't want to remember. So much hatred for himself that he kind of just snapped. He took out his anger and frustration on innocent people. Killing them without a thought and leaving them to rot. Blood was the only thing that made him complete.. and why wouldn't it? He's a vampire.

When Hoseok found Jungkook again, it was months later and Jungkook was still a mess. Although he didn't show it. Jungkook gave off more of a cocky vibe now that he was free and on his own. Not having Hoseok or Namjoon remind him how bad it is to kill innocent people. "Jungkook, you don't want to live like this! People are catching on! They'll hunt us all down if you don't stop killing all these people and leaving them out in the open!"

Jungkook stopped in his tracks as he heard Hoseok before he turned around. That face wasn't Jungkook... that person in front of him wasn't Jungkook but it was? "Does it look like I care, Hoseok? Let them hunt us down. You and Namjoon can't stop me, so what makes you think they can? You created me Hoseok, you made this lifestyle for me. You should be the one to blame."

"I never made you feed on innocent people. I didn't make you into this monster you're becoming, you did! You killed all those people by yourself with your own hands!" Hoseok yelled out. "Then kill me!" Jungkook yelled at Hoseok as he grabbed a chair and broke the leg off before throwing it at Hoseok who caught it. "Want me to stop? Kill me." Jungkook looked at Hoseok with no expression. Hoseok though just looked at Jungkook and the wooden chair leg in his hands. "Kill me!" Jungkook yelled out.

Jungkook's breath was heavy as he stared at Hoseok who was still. "Do us a favour Hoseok. Stop looking for me. Stop coming to find me, stop caring for me! Just stop! Unless you plan to kill me then just stop! I don't need your help! I am perfectly happy the way I am so get out of my way!" Jungkook was in front of Hoseok within a second and before Hoseok could react, Jungkook snapped Hoseok's neck and watched Hoseok fall to the ground. Of course that wouldn't kill him but at least now Jungkook had time to leave before Hoseok would eventually awake which would take about fifteen or twenty minutes.

And that was the last time Hoseok saw Jungkook. Hoseok never stopped trying to find Jungkook. In a way Hoseok felt responsible for Jungkook... so he never stopped looking. Not even when the vampire hunters formed and started tracking the whole vampire existence. Starting in small towns with deaths that were unexplainable. Jungkook started something that caused multiple vampires to die... without even realizing it. Even Namjoon who was caught by the hunters but luckily Hoseok was there to grab Namjoon and kill the hunters before anything serious happened.

Though Jungkook started a war he didn't even know he created by leaving all those dead bodies behind everytime he went to a new place... and it was all going to come back to him, eventually.

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