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Another day came and went so Jungkook figured he should probably now talk to Taehyung about what was going on between them. Talk about everything in general actually. Though of course, Jungkook had to make sure with Seokjin who was with Taehyung the whole day again, helping him. "So he's good?" Jungkook asked and Seokjin nodded, "He did okay today. Not the best though so he might still be a little frustrated." Seokjin warned Jungkook who scrunched up his nose. Okay, great no he could do this.

Huffing out, Jungkook walked down the hall and into the dark room Taehyung was in. It was the bedroom they shared but currently it was Taehyung's room since Jungkook didn't bother to actually be with Taehyung. Which was on him but again he just couldn't bring himself to do so, until now. There he found Taehyung sitting in the corner of the room after realizing that the room was quite... messy and by messy he means mostly everything in the room was broken. Must've taken the frustration out on the furniture in the room for sure.

Though before Jungkook could say anything, Taehyung was in front of him within seconds and he was pressed against the door. Jungkook was not sure what to do or say but that was quickly forgotten as Taehyung pressed his lips against Jungkook's. It was like the first time they kissed and that made Jungkook feel so loved and warm as he placed his hand on Taehyung's waist. They shared that kiss and Taehyung pulled away only to have Jungkook pull him back in. It was all so innocent and he missed it. He missed having moments like this with Taehyung.

Though Taehyung felt differently as he started to kiss Jungkook hungrily and Jungkook did too but once his shirt was being lifted, he stopped Taehyung who stepped away from Jungkook once Jungkook had to tell Taehyung to stop since he didn't the first time. "Tae- are you trying to have sex with me?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung didn't want to talk. All he wanted to do was love Jungkook and show that but his actions were not getting across to Jungkook- which he got but his mind was battling with everything Taehyung tried to do.

Taehyung again tried to kiss Jungkook but Jungkook was quick to move away. "Taehyung," Jungkook said firmly and Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook. "What? Jungkook... what is it that you want from me? I... I don't get it? I... I'm trying to be the Taehyung you want. I want to be that human Taehyung you fell in love with but everything inside of me is screaming from how lost I feel! I didn't want to get you involved... I didn't want you to see me like this so I tried my hardest to get my life in control and to be the boy you love but I can't." Taehyung started to break down.

"I get it. I'm a vampire now and so you don't want me anymore right? Or... before I died you didn't want me and I get it! I wouldn't want me either! I'm a mess! I'm a fucking mess and I didn't mean to drag you into this. I really didn't want this for you! I want to be that same boy you fell in love with but I'm in a constant battle with myself. I hate myself so much because you can't look at me like you did before... you look at me and you just... you feel sorry for me, don't you? That's all I see now when I look at you... but I'm still here, I'm trying! I'm really am I just... I need time. I need time to become the boy you once loved but I feel like I'm drowning Jungkook..." Taehyung started to cry at his own words since he was holding back so much.

"The only reason I wanted to become a vampire was to be with you. I didn't care how bad it would be as long as I had you. I wanted to go through fucking hell just so I could be with you but you can't even look at me anymore. You... I... oh my god! I can't do this! I can't! I don't want to do this anymore! I'm so fucking sorry! Jungkook I-" Taehyung held his head as his eyes went red. "I don't want... to feel anymore. I just... I want to turn it all off." Taehyung whispered and at this point, he was talking to himself and all Jungkook could do was shake his head because the moment he tried to talk, Taehyung pushed him out of the way and was leaving the room.

It all started to get to Taehyung now that he got the words out. Jungkook was going to break up with him before he died. Jungkook was going to leave him but then he died! He fucking died and it still felt like Jungkook had left him. Everything was spiraling for Taehyung and he just wanted to turn everything off. Throw everything he knew out the window and just run. He wanted to run forever and just not feel anything... and that's what he did. As soon as he stepped outside the house, Taehyung was taken back by the sun but he looked at his finger that had the ring, and just like that, Taehyung was gone.

Jungkook ran out of the room and towards the front door where it was wide open. Seokjin and Namjoon coming up from the basement just as Jungkook got there. The two looked at each other before they looked where Jungkook was last but he was gone. "... We need to get locks on that door." Namjoon sucked in a breath and felt a nudge from Seokjin before they were following after Jungkook. Meanwhile, Taehyung just kept running and running. Not sure where he was running too but he just needed to escape.

His head was a mess, he was a mess and at this point, he just didn't care. His mind clouded with his thoughts until he heard something. Like a beating heart coming from his left... the rhythm of it... someone was hiking, weren't they? Without a thought, Taehyung followed the beating and within seconds he was standing just yards away from the person hiking through a path. Stick in his hold as the big bag on his back weighed him down. Then Taehyung could feel his face changing and that made him look down as he held his head.

There he tried to fight against it but all he could hear was the rhythm of the beating heart. "Stop. Stop it Taehyung." Taehyung talked to himself while slapping his head to get himself to think straight but the thought of having blood from the vein excited him? He just... just a little bit. So with that Taehyung approached the male but before he could actually get to sink his fangs into him, Jungkook tackled Taehyung and the male turned to see no one behind him. Though he swore he heard someone behind him just a second ago.

Sucking in a breath, the male looked forward and kept on with his hike while Jungkook pinned Taehyung on the ground. Hand over Taehyung's mouth but Taehyung's fangs had sunk into Jungkook's hand. The male grunting as he held Taehyung down who was still fighting and it was clear Taehyung was set on this kill and so Jungkook did what was best and took the ring off Taehyung. There Taehyung experienced for the first time what it felt like to burn. His skin burning right in front of him as he screamed out in pain. Seokjin and Namjoon already taking the male far away and making him forget while Jungkook let Taehyung calm down.

Before it could get too far, Jungkook slipped the ring on and Taehyung pushed himself up against the tree as he looked at his skin that started to heal up on its own but he could still feel like he was burning. The urge to kill gone and the moment he realized what the fuck he was about to do, he looked at Jungkook with tears. Jungkook too as he pulled Taehyung in and held him. "I... I wasn't- I was..." Taehyung tried to speak but Jungkook shushed Taehyung as he rubbed his back. "It's okay. You didn't hurt anyone. You're okay Taehyung."

Though all Taehyung did was cry. All the frustration, the confusion, the hurt. Taehyung let it all go as he cried into Jungkook's shoulder and Jungkook didn't stop Taehyung from crying. Instead, he held Taehyung and whispered into Taehyung's ear about how it was all going to be okay and that this was just another mistake to learn from. Jungkook assured Taehyung he would help him and that he loved Taehyung. "I-I-I'm so sor-sorry." Taehyung gripped onto Jungkook's shirt as he hiccuped. Repeating over and over how sorry he was.

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