Chapter 4

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Sonic found Shadow before he found Silver, so, looking for an excuse to stall for time, he stopped and talked to him.

"Hey, Shadster!" The blue hedgehog greeted. Shadow narrowed his eyes slightly, looking up from where he had been resting under a tree. He closed his eyes again.

"What do you want, Sonic?" He growled. The blue blue crossed his arms.

"Have you, uh... Have you felt anything off about the Chaos Energy lately?" He wondered. Shadow huffed, abandoning his plans for rest and getting to his feet. He turned and began walking into the forest.

"Shadow, wait!" Sonic called irritably, annoyed that he was being ignored. The black blur hesitated.

"Negative Chaos Energy levels are significantly higher than the positive, that much is clear. All three of us are being effected. Something has tipped the balance. And there are going to be serious consequences." He informed him darkly. Then he took off into the forest, disappearing within the trees and darkness.

Sonic sighed, looking up at the sky, wondering what new threat could possibly be upon them. He shook it off and continued running to find Silver. He already had a task at hand. He might as well finish it before taking on another.

"Hey, Silver!" Sonic shouted as he slowed down his run to more of a jog. "Silver!" He continued to call. After a few minutes, the white hedgehog landed in front of him, his gold eyes piercing, his hands glowing slightly.

"What?" He snarled, his eyes narrowed. Sonic rolled his eyes.

"So many cheery welcomes." He muttered sarcastically. When he saw Silver's fists clench slightly, he quickly attempted to mend himself.

"I came to apologize for earlier. And...every time before that. I understand that you're under a lot of pressure, what with not being able to remember anything, and it was wrong of me to tease you like that. I was stressed and bored, and looking for something to take my mind off things." He apologized, hoping he sounded convincing. It was enough to make Silver relax, thankfully. The white hedgehog let his hands fall to his sides, the glow gone, and his eyes were no longer narrowed, simply watching Sonic with somewhat of a wary acceptance.

"Also, it turns out that we are all being affected by negative Chaos Energy. So that explains why I did what I did. And also why you said what you did. The negative energy is clouding your mind. We aren't thinking clearly. Especially if you think you can actually kill me." Sonic continued to explain. He tensed slightly when he realized what he said. Silver narrowed his eyes again.

"You're a fool. You really think I can't kill you? I can manipulate objects with my mind. And I can control people with my mind. Sonic the Hedgehog, you keep trying to blame your mistakes on outside forces. When are you going to open your eyes and realize that you are the problem?!" He spat. Sonic narrowed his eyes. He tried to remind himself that the negative energy was working against them, but he was having trouble keeping his cool while looking at the hedgehog before him.

"I'm the problem? I'm the problem?! You appeared out of nowhere with no memories of who you are or where you came from, hopeless and helpless! And you know what? We helped you! We have been more than accepting and hospitable towards you and you have repaid us with this?! Death threats and a bad attitude?!" Sonic growled back, taking a challenging step forward. Silver began glowing with psychic energy a few shades greener than usual, his fur a darker grey than normal.

"I may not remember much, but I remember hating you! You're as bad as me! You have no memories of me either! We met before this, yet neither of us remember. How can you claim you are better than me, when we are the same?" He growled. Sonic smirked smugly, dark energy beginning to float around him.

"Well that's easy, Silver. It's because I am better than you. Always have been, and always will be." He mused. Silver opened his mouth to retort, his eyes flooded with pure rage, when suddenly Shadow appeared in between them.

"Stop it." He snarled, glaring at them both in turn, his arms crossed. "Until we figure out what's wrong with the Chaos Levels, you two need to leave it be. Got it?" He ordered. Sonic huffed, crossing his arms and looking away, but the darkness faded. Shadow turned his gaze to Silver, and their eyes locked. Silver's golden eyes flashed aqua blue, piercing into Shadow's eyes. The black and red hedgehog's hands dropped to his sides, and he couldn't look away from Silver, his own red eyes momentarily flashing the same aqua blue. Then both of their eyes returned to normal, and Silver walked away. Shadow left as well, and Sonic ran back to Tails' workshop, concern rushing throughout his mind.

I can control people... Silver had said. Shivers traveled down Sonic's spine. He hadn't missed the interaction between Shadow and Silver, and how strange the black blur had acted... Sonic put on a burst of speed, deciding to stay away from Shadow until this whole thing blew over...

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