stray threads.

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"can we talk?"

jason brought me to central park. we walked in the light of streetlamps and fireflies.

"of course."

he still hasn't looked at me.

"do you still... love me?" he asked, looking at his feet as he walked.

"honestly, i... i don't... anymore... i..."

"it's okay." his voice was hoarse, as was mine. we were barely choking out these words. "it's okay to tell the truth."

"i care about you... and love you... but everything we had is gone. there's just nothing left for us." i said, stumbling over my words.

he nodded in agreement.

"you can keep the apartment." i said. "i'll move out by the end of the week." i reached out and touched his arm. "i'll be okay. just keep in touch, okay?"

he nodded.

we walked together in silence for a few more minutes. i told him i wanted to stay in the park alone for a while and he said that it was fine. i sat at the edge of the fountain with a coin in my hand, debating if i should iris message annabeth or not.

i did.

her face swam into view. she was in a tshirt and sweatpants. her blonde hair was wet and in a knot at the top of her head.

"annie," i said.

"piper!" she exclaimed, looking happy to see me.

"i broke up with him, annie," i tried for a weak smile.

"oh, piper,  where are you?"

"central park,"

"i'll be there in a moment."

and she was gone, but not for long.

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