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Imagine.... ❤️🎼

You looked around the room at all the people just bustling about as the guys got ready for their next set, feeling like a proud mother of sorts. They've come so far in such a short period really. It's remarkable. But the main reason you're here, is because of Brian.

You met him when Mick joined the band and you guys clicked super quick. So quick, that he basically asked you to go on tour with them when the first set of shows came up. Which was odd to the guys because they had kind of agreed that no girls tour with them.

But Brian broke that rule. Which, he loves breaking rules anyway. So it wasn't really much of a surprise to everyone. But Mick, he couldn't believe how fast Brian seemed to move in on you. That was his exact words to you.

And you simply told him, that you're super okay with that, and not to ruin it. He only laughed and rolled his eyes, not really giving you an answer to that. Just the normal Mick look.

You gazed over at Brian as he was tuning his guitar, solely focused on it. He's a very serious musician. This you could see from the beginning. He loves the blues. And has done some with the Stones. But now, it's mainly rock. Some rock. But nothing crazy.

But you just love watching him as he strums away on stage with a big smile on his lips at the crowd of girls going crazy over them. And a lot of them just shout out Brian's name so loud.

He loves it.

You smiled slightly as he finally finished up with the strings and put the guitar around him, checking it over once more, before looking up directly towards you. And your whole face must have went red because he chuckled slightly as you looked away, trying to remain calm.

Even after all this time of knowing him, he still gets you like that. A hormonal mess is what it is.

He slowly walked towards you as you kept telling yourself not to do or say anything weird, looking up at him with a big smile.

"Hello love. Ready for the show?"

You stood up as some of the crew setting up things on stage started ushering for the guys to come out to the awaiting girls, when Brian suddenly kissed you on the cheek, a soft kiss.

He pulled away slowly as his eyes met yours and a little smile crept onto his lips, making you blush a tad as Mick came up and tugged on him, rolling his eyes slightly at you guys.

"You two love birds need to get a room..."

You laughed upon hearing Brian's laughter fill the air, just as they both disappeared onto the stage, you following closely behind as you saw Brian get in his position, looking out at the crowd with a proud, little smile on his lips.

The Rolling Stones are making it big...

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