Cotchford Dreaming

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Maybe one day I'll be able to explain to myself what even happened that night. What I heard. What I saw. What exactly it was. But all I know is that it all felt...... real. But it couldn't have been. It merely must have been my imagination running wild.

Just a dream. Something I've always wanted to happen.

Sussex is the most beautiful place I could imagine. I haven't been here long. But I already feel like I've known this place my whole life. The reason I'm here is honestly to explore Cotchford Farms.

The birth place of Winnie The Pooh. And the last place Brian Jones would come to fully know. The place he treasured and seemed overjoyed to be in everyday.

Everyday to him was a new adventure in this house. Somewhere, there was something to get lost in. Everywhere you looked was different. You could get lost in it. And that I planned on doing.

No one is home. The house seems like it's been empty of people for weeks. Odd.

As I slowly crept along the grass path leading towards what seemed to be the main entrance to the house, the air seemed to change. I really don't know how to explain it. But I didn't feel alone. I wasn't scared either. I was more curious than anything.

This place holds so many memories. And secrets. Secrets I wish I knew. Secrets the whole world wants to know. Especially the ones about Brian and his short life.

His living out in this house was very short lived. Which has always made me uneasy. Knowing his death wasn't exactly an accident. Everyone knows it wasn't. But that's what they convinced themselves of so they wouldn't be killed. Sad right?

All these people went to extreme lengths to cover up what exactly happened to Brian. Sweet Brian.

And as I made my way up to the front doors of the house, knowing full well I wouldn't be able to get in, I simply looked into the small glass on the sides of the door, seeing what's inside.

But it's so dark. I sighed, wishing to everything that I could get inside.

But I turned around to leave just in case someone did happen to see me lurking, making me nervous of what would happen. Surely they'd know. But I didn't care anymore. This was a dream of mine to be here.

As I walked away, I heard a almost silent whoosh from behind me, a gust of air blowing my hair around, slowly making me turn with my eyes wide. I've been caught haven't I?

But as I looked, no one was there. The front door stood ajar, with no one standing there to hold it open, making my heart race. What on earth.....?


No answer. Only my voice ringing through the night air, mixing with the wind. Weird. But I made my way inside anyway, hoping to all hope this wasn't a trap. And I slowly closed the door behind me as I looked around the room in front of me, very impressed. This house seems very beautiful on the inside as well.

"You know you could have just knocked love."

I stopped dead in my tracks as I was making my way to find a light, the voice I heard echoing through the clearly empty house.

My eyes seemed to bulge more than they ever have in my life upon hearing that all too familiar voice, when a light finally did come on, making me scream.

But the man in front of me merely smiled, a humored smile.

I just stood there for what seemed like years, my heart racing, my eyes wide, my palms sweaty.


"Don't be afraid love. I'm terribly sorry if I frightened you. I didn't mean to. I just saw you standing on the porch and figured you might want in. I'm Brian Jones by the way. But I have a feeling you already know this."

I just stood there upon his sudden voice speaking to me, my ears ringing with confusion.

How. On. Earth.

"I'm.... I'm..... I don't know."

Brian merely laughed at my frazzled voice, seeming to enjoy my nervousness. But he seemed just as confused as me. He was dressed in an outfit that would fit a king.

His golden hair seeming to glow in the light of the room, his beautiful eyes staring back at me with warmth flooding them, seeming to know why I'm here.

"Well Miss I don't know, it's lovely to see such a beautiful girl like yourself here in front of me.  But I can assure you, I'm okay love."

I simply stared at him with a look of wonder and confusion, not really knowing what to say.

He's okay....

"Brian..... I...... how? How am I seeing you?! Am I going crazy. Surely....."

But he simply waved a hand at me, telling me to hush with that smile still firmly planted on his face.

"Catch me if you can....."

He waved at me with this smirk upon his lips, before he simply vanished right in front of me, his laughter filling the air all around me.

And I dropped to my knees on the floor, tears springing from my eyes suddenly.

Why do I feel like I've been here before.....?
Hey guys! So I know this is slightly different than anything I've done on my Brian stories, other than Stoned on Jones.

But I really enjoyed writing this and hope that you all enjoy as well.

Let me know what you think!

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