Goofing Around

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Imagine.... 😂😇

You were laughing like a crazed person at this point from the goofy smile Brian was sending your way, just causally messing with Bill and Charlie.

"They won't feel a thing love. Believe me. I got this."

He winked at you, simply flicking ash from his cig onto the top of Bill's head while you held your breath, just waiting for the angered scream to erupt around the room. Bill is a calm, sweet guy.

But when he was in the process of possibly turning into a human torch, he probably wouldn't be anymore.

But you couldn't help but laugh. Brian was such a goof ball. He loved pranking people. He constantly did it to you. Just mess around with you or annoy you to the point where he'll get a rise out of you.

You practically jumped him before for pretending to cut your hair. And he turned it sexual. I mean, not that you wouldn't want that to happen....

Oh my gosh focus!

"Well I don't see how Charlie doesn't feel my drink spilling in his hair. But it must be my lucky day."

Brian chuckled slightly from your humored smile, enjoying time with his partner in crime.

"And it must be my lucky day because you didn't feel the paper I stuck in your hair."

You looked on at him, completely baffled that he was able to get away with it. And he was so proud of himself, you could just knock him out.

But you instantly pulled for the paper sticking randomly from your hair, reading the words written across it with a smile, practically feeling the smirk showing on Brian's face.

"We're going on a date. So tonight, we'll be late. I want you to myself for some fun. We'll be going at it until up rises the sun."

You playfully slapped at Brian's arm, hearing his cute laughter filling your ears with a wiggle of his eyebrows. He never ceases to amaze you with his boldness.

"And what if I had said no? That would have been real awkward Jones."

He slowly got closer to you, the others not seeming to notice your exchange one bit from the distractions around the crowded room of people just dying to get closer to The Rolling Stones.

"Oh, you wouldn't have."

He snaked his arm around your waist with a confident smile, his eyes practically dancing with humor. And all you could do was blush from the mere thoughts coursing through your mind.

The Jones effect.

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