life doesn't discriminate

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Mordikai sat there and talked to Essix for several minutes. He was completely lost in how charming this man was. He was simple. Didnt draw much attention to himself. But god was mordikai head over heels for him already.
It wasn't until he caught a glimpse of the tattoo on the inside of Essixs wrist was he made uncomfortable.
All witch hunters had that tattoo. A simple W with 2 lines through it. They could be placed anywhere but luckily Essix's was on his wrist.
"Im sorry to cut this short, but me and my sister really need to get going. We have a long trip ahead of us and we need all the travle time we can get"
His sister gave him a worried look. She knew her brother. And never once would he give up a chance to hook up with a cute looking boy. Or at least plan a date.
Without waiting for a response from the two boys, mordikai grabbed his sister and quickly walked out. As soon as the doors closed behind then mordikai quickly turned to his sister.
"Sorry for the sudden leave. But Essix had the tattoo. I know their not normally around this area. But the government must really be cracking down. They have to be hiring them amd placing them places."

Neveh nodded. He was right. Witch hunters never came to these smaller towns. Small towns are always conservative and drive witches out or kill them themselves. Plus most witches live away from civilizations.
They got into the car and started driving. They took the back roads or drove around cities completely. Only stopped in small towns or fellow witches house out in the middle of no where.
Their travel was completely unbothered until they where driving down one back road to see a black car pulled over on the side of the road with a silver car in front of it. The black cars licenses plate had the same symbol on it as Essixs tattoo.
Mordikai wanted to keep driving but something kept telling him to stop. So he did.
He got out of the car with out warning neveh. On the other side of the cars was a witch hunter shouting at a mother with her two kids. Both kids clinged to their mother as the mother argued back.
Mordikai hated people that scared kids to the point of tears. Expecially with a family like this. They didnt look like witches. No crystals where in their car from what mordikai could see. No tattoos. No peircings. No weird hair colors. None of the signs witch hunters use to help falsely prove their cases.
"Hey. Whats going on here?" Mordikai said walking up to the lady with her kids. He should have thought this out better. He was clearly a witch. One look at the symbols tattooed on his knuckles would give it away if the way he dressed didnt.
"Hes accusing me of being a witch and threating to hurt my children!"
Mordikai really hated this man. You dont threaten to hurt kids. Expecially ones that dont understand whats happening. Even if this lady is a witch, the kids are still to young to understand. Mordikai looked at the man with a look that proved his hatered.
"What reasons do you have to believe this womans a witch? Or are you just looking to be a dick?"
"Look at the kids! They have blonde hair when the mother is clearly black haired! Only magic can do that!"
"Or mayne the father of those children is blonde."
"It would still be impossible to get a blonde child! Black hair is a dominate trait!"
"Youre right. Black alleles are dominate. But what if the mother posseses a resecive blonde allele. Then it would make since for her children the get blonde hair. Its simple biology. Maybe you should have paid attention in youre science classes."
"Youre clearly a witch too! So stop defending her! Im going to kill you both!"
Mordikai was full of rage. He wasnt thinking straight.
"I am a witch. Nice of you to be able to notice. But i can assure you this lady isnt. Ive never seen her around. And i of all people would know a witch when i see one."
"Ugghhh! It doesnt matter! I cant let her go no because she'll report me! I have to kill you all!!"
With shaking arms he pulls his gun out and shoots 3 times before panicing and leaving.
Mordikai hears a scream and slowly turns to see one of the kids, a little boy, with a gun shot in his stomach.
He quickly kneels next the kid and inspects the wound. Every one was crying. Even mordikai.
"Shit. Im sorry. I didnt mean for the kid to get hurt. NEVEH HELP!"
At hearing her name, neveh comes running.
"Holy shit mordikai. Why would you do something so fucking stupid!" She hit her brother before sitting next to the little boy. She put her hand over his eyes and mumbled something in Latin. The little boy relaxed and fell asleep. She thwn looks at the wound as well.
"The bullet went all the way through. It didnt hit any vital organs or anything. So he doesnt need any surgery. A little healing magic should do the trick." She then drew a symbol in the dirt next to her. She placed one hand over the symbol and the other over the little boy. She once again mumbled in latin.
After a few seconds she moved her hands and looked at the lady.
"He'll live. I healed him as much as i could. Take him home and let him rest. Keep the wound clean and patched up. Don't let him move to much or it could bust open again. Is everyone else okay?"
The lady nodded.
"Were fine. Is he really okay?"
"Hes completely fine. Hes going to be sore for awhile. And maybe a little tramatized. But he'll still be alive."
The lady sighed in relief. But she still looked a bit uneasy.
"Im sorry to ask more of you guys but youre clearly witches. Is their any way you can clear their memorys of this moment? I dont want my kids living with this fear their whole life."
Mordikai nodded standing up and dusting off his clothes.
"I can. But are you positive you want me too? I cant take it back after its done."
"Im sure."
Mordikai nods and walks to the little girl still clinging to her mother. He holds his hand out and smiles.
"Everythings going to be okay now. Can i see youre hand?"
The little girl slowly held his hand and mordikai never let his smile faulter as he trased a symbol on her palm and said a single word in greek. The little girl slowly fell against mordikai. He picked her up and handed her off to her mom before he did the same thing to the little boy.
He helped the lady get both of the kids in the car and strapped in.
"Thank you guys. My names Eliza. If you guys ever need anything heres my number. Im no witch but i know several people who are. I can always help point you in the right direction for supplys."
Mordikai smiles and nods. They say their goodbyes and the lady drives off. Mordikai looks at his sister and smiles that adrenalin junky smile.

"Life really doesnt discriminate"

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