Run boy run

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Mordikai was sitting on the couch watching the news. The president had been making strong accusations that where completely wrong and inaccurate, so he wanted to keep up with it.

After awhile he started playing on his phone when he heard the words 'witch trials' get yelled from the tv. He looked up and begane listening more attentively.

"Tomorrow marks the beginning of what will be a modern-day witch trial. The president warns all people who know someone who is wiccan or pagan, or has anything to do with witchcraft to inform law enforcement. Anyone caught housing or lying about a witch will be arrested and executed."

Mordikai shut the TV off and ran to his sisters room.

"Naveh we have to pack and leave now!"
"What? Why? Im charging my crystals"
"The President just anounced tomorrow starts a new witch trial. We have to leave! Check your phone."

It was silent for a few seconds as neveh checked her phone.

"Start packing!"

And they did. They packed what little they needed. Clothes. Snacks. Tarot cards. Crystals. Maybe some more snacks. And valuable herbs.

Then they left. They left everything else. They knew someone would rat them out soon. They didnt really hide the fact that they where witches. One step in the front door and the decorations gave it away. Hell just looking at mordikai and you could tell.

His silver hair, mostly black outfits. The symbols tattooed on his hands or engraved in his rings. All dead give aways.

If they stayed in one spot it would be easy to find them. Theyd have to keep moving. They couldnt stay in one spot for long. Not until they where out of the country. The closest was Canada. But thats still over a 2 week travel. Maybe even a month. Depends on what troubles they run into.

But for now, all they could do was run.

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