Chapter 1.

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Summary: You are Dream's twin sister, you and you're brother work side by side, he makes you fetch for the Corinthian which whom you have a complicated relationship too. Just when you are about to do as told you find yourself being trapped underground of a building.

(This is a one shot I decided to write. Not sure if it'll stay the same or if it will turn into a full book, please let me know. And for those who don't know I have a Dream book which I will be updating real soon!!)


In the waking world, which humanity insists on calling the real world... as if your dreams have no effect upon the choices you make. You mortals go about your work, your loves, your wars, as if your waking lives are all that matter. But there is another life which awaits you when you close your eyes... and enter my realm.

For I am the Queen of Dreams... My brother of Nightmares.

We keep balance between our world and the rest, it seemed like we were destined for this since we can't live without the other, though we constantly fight and argue we must put those aside for the realms.

"Are you sure you'll be able to do this?" I heard the low voice of my brother ask me again. He was hidden in the shadows with only a twinkle of his eyes being seen from where I was sitting.

"When have I failed you?" I huffed looking away and out towards the window. Where our beautiful realm resides.

I provide lovely dreams for everyone while my brother creates nightmares. Though the thought and sound of it may terrify, it is necessary. We are two different people but often times were considered as one. Dream.

That's what they also call me just like him. He takes his job more seriously than I do since I love seeing the outside world and being away from him, says I'm too naive for the real world...

My brother created a nightmare long ago. A tall blonde man that wears glasses often, never taking them off. He's simply known as the Corinthian.

Maybe it was me being naive like my brother or because I never had anyone else than Dream to talk to, about my life, my feelings, everything. I began to see Corinthian as more as a friend as time went by.

Dream wasn't pleased when he found out about my friendship with his Nightmare. That only made him more protective towards me, keeping me locked up in the castle with his raven, but I always found a way to escape and have some fun on my own.

Today he sent me with his ruby, pouch of sand and helm. Dream from the far corner said, "I must attend some important matters. I trust that you'll be back safe."

I simply nodded my head and left now appearing what seemed like the back of an alley. And unconscious man was playing on the ground beside a car and a man in a suit right next to him, "Corinthian.." I spoke clearly.

"My brother's creations stay in The Dreaming. They do not walk amongst the living, killing mortals for pleasure. Wouldn't you agree?"

The man before me sighed and stood up straight before he turned to look at me with a small smirk across his lips.

"Isn't this why he created me? Lady Dream?"

I sighed relieved when I saw the unconscious man was still breathing. "I've told you to call me (Y/N). I'm not my brother." I said taking off my brother's helm to reveal my face.

"Indeed you aren't. You are better a lot more sympathetic and better looking then him." I scoffed rolling my eyes when I noticed him circling around me until he offered me his hand.

"A Dream of The Endless with a Nightmare who would've thought?" He said still with a smirk now making me twirl around him until he caught me again and looking right at me, though not making me see him through his dark glasses.

I felt his hand brush on my jet black hair and down my pale skin. "Times are changing." I shrugged holding onto him close and checking back to see the full moon.

"Such a beautiful sight isn't it?" I smiled lightly nodding my head and glancing back to see Corinthian looking down at me, "I'm being serious, (Y/N,)."

We'll never be happy like this if we keep hiding. I forced a small smile across my lips and stared back at him, "Won't you please come with me? I'm sure.. maybe he'll understand-"

The Corinthian frowned and shook his head once. "If he wants to personally see me then he'll have to stop working. Why don't you tell him that?"

I took a small step forward again and nodded, "I'm sure he won't be pleased again, but, I'll simply tell him that you escaped."

The tall blonde man simply smirked again and with both hands he grabbed my face and placed a kiss on my lips before pulling back quick, "That's my little Dream."

Then everything seemed to go in slow motion, I found myself becoming transparent and without the sand I began to travel elsewhere. I landed with a thud at an unfamiliar place, my body was aching and I had difficulty breathing.

I heard several voices around me my vision was still blurry for a bit but I felt people taking my brother's belongings and undressing me completely.

"Alex! Get that pouch for me. But be careful. Don't break the binding circle...Hmm. Sand. Now the jewel. There...Good. Well, let's see what other treasures you have for us. The bird!" The voice of an old man said when a bird began to caw.

My brothers raven.

My vision went back to normal, I stood up and glared when I saw around me, men various of them staring back at me in awe and afraid.

Where the hell am I?

By the following morning I was powerless, trapped by a spell cast by an amateur with no concern for the damage he had done to my realm and to his own. For the following morning, there were some sleepers who could not wake up.


"Good morning, Magus."

Magus was surprised to see a tall young man right outside his home, wearing a suit perfectly suiting his outfit and pair of dark sunglasses. The older man was confused and questioned the blonde man's motive.

"Do I know you?"

The man with sunglasses smirked and kept his eyes on the older man. "No, but I know all about you, Roderick, and the being you've trapped in your cellar."

"Blackmail then, is it? A shakedown?" Set the older man being slightly afraid and taken back by the revelation.

That's seemingly younger man shook his head. "Not at all. I'm here to help you. You're gonna need all the help you can get. There are benefits to keeping one of The Endless close."

"The Endless?"

"Did you think Death was the only one in charge? The Reaper has family, you know. Desire, Destiny, Despair..."

"Which one have I got then?" The older man asked.

"Dream." Answered the other man with another smirk. "Well sorta." He said knowing both siblings in charge of Dreams are referred as simply one being.

This made Magus scoff, "What's the good of a god who governs dreams?"

"Not a god. More than a god. And are men not governed by their dreams? You've taken her vestments? The ruby, the pouch and the helm? They can lend you an aspect of her power."

The blonde sniffed and kept looking around the place, "Extend your lifespan, allow you to manipulate others. But you must ensure that she never escapes. The binding circle is intact. The circle will not be enough. You must construct a sphere of glass inside the circle to contain Dream's physical manifestation. No one must be allowed to fall asleep in her presence, no one, or she will escape into your dreams. And you don't want that. There are Forced March tablets. Stimulants used to keep trench soldiers awake. See that your guards use them at all times. "

"Um... Why are you helping me? What... what is she to you?"

"Well, you could say that she made me what I am today. And if she ever gets free, she could take it all back...We're being observed."

"What? There's nobody here."

A familiar bird began to caw once it was spotted by the two men. "Well, you'll have to deal with that one. Her name is Jessamy. She belongs to her brother. Best of luck... to the both of us."

"Will I see you again?"

"You should hope not."


"Are you awake? Are you listening?"

I had remained still and silence not moving an inch from the position I was in, I was hugging my legs close to my chest, trying my very best to cover myself and from the cold. I kept on ignoring the man not daring to utter a word. Maybe this is the reason why Dream always kept me locked inside of our home, I was out of danger.

For many years I always wanted to explore more of the world and know more about mortal humans since I always heard that they were selfish beings, now I know that continues to be true.

"I know who you are... Dream of The Endless. I captured you according to the laws of magic. But it wasn't you I wanted. I wanted Death to return my son Randall, who died in the Gallipoli Campaign. If you give him back to me, alive and well, I'll release you. Is that in your power, Lord of Dreams? No, I suppose not. So, then, what can you give me? If I let you go, if I promise to give you back your things. What, power? Wealth? Immortality? Hmm?"

I simply kept on looking straight and tried to block his words. Fighting back the tears that kept on forming in my eyes.

"Is there nothing you can offer me? Well, have it your way then. And until you're ready to speak, I'll enjoy the gifts you've already given me."

Day after day, he pleaded for gifts that are not mankind's to receive nor mine to give. So I remained silent for ten years.

Tough my presence there remained a secret, my brother's ruby, sand and helm brought youth and prosperity to Roderick Burgess and his followers. But for the rest of the world, the suffering continued...

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