Chapter 15: Chatting

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Chapter 15 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~

"Ah I see, thank you for making me realize this"

Aisen replied with a smile, it was so similar to Aichi's that the brunette could have sword that he was seeing doubles.

"Kai, now that I think about it, I may have seen you before"

Emerald murmured as she narrowed her olive gaze slightly in thought.


The brunette was surprised by the green haired girl's statement, for he didn't have any memories of visiting China before now.

"Yeah on TV, something about Q4"

"Oh..... That was me and my team fighting in vanguard tournaments...."

The brunette replied, he had forgotten that the tournaments were broadcasted all over the world.

"Ah ha! That's why you seemed so familiar!"

The green haired girl called happily, causing the blue haired boy to laugh lightly at her childishness.

"No wonder he's so good then"

Aisen laughed, causing olive eyes to narrow slightly at him.

"Yeah, and one of the team mates looked like you Aisen, I remember making a comment about that when we first saw them on TV"

The brunette frowned slightly, now knowing that Aisen was in fact not Aichi for he had been in existence while Aichi was alive.

"Ah so that's why Kai was confused when he pulled me out of the pond...."

Aisen murmured half to himself, his sapphires glimmering as he thought.

"Yeah, I thought he was my friend at first"

"Well now I'm your friend as well Kai"

Jades looked down in surprise at the blue haired boy who's sapphires were filled to the brim with genuine kindness.

"Yeah, I just wish Aichi could have met you"

The younger boy nodded with a small smirk taking over his previous trouble.

"Yeah, once I was healed we could've used our likeness to confuse so many people if we wore the same clothes for a day"

The brunette raised a brow at this as he wondered if his Aichi would have played along with Aisen's games, he guessed that he would, after a little persuasion of course.

"Aisen..... You've become so childish...."

The green haired girl sighed as she shook her head slowly.

"Eh really?"

"Yeah, though I guess that's because of the lack of memory so you act like a child...."

Sapphires narrowed at the green haired girl.

"It's not my fault Emerald"

The brunette smirked for he was intrigued by the conversation between the two friends.

"I think it's nice"

Kai said, he didn't mind that the younger was childish, however if he was annoying as well, then that would be a problem.

"I guess, though its just odd to me because he used to be serious but still playful"

Emerald replied as she ruffled the young boy's soft blue locks, resulting in a low growl of annoyance from him.

"I'm still serious you know....."

The younger huffed as he moved away from Emerald's hand and crossed his arms while puffing his cheeks out to create an adorable pouting face.

"I know, I know, the green haired girl laughed"

The brunette suddenly realized something, he was actually happy for the first time in a long time, he guessed that he just needed to meet some new and refreshing people.

"Anyway Kai, you're visiting China right?"

The brunette nodded at the younger's question.

"Yeah, I came with a few friends..."

"So how long are you staying then?"

The brunette frowned slightly when he remembered that he'd have to leave eventually.

"Once the festival is over"

Sapphires cast themselves downwards.

"Oh I see..... Then to repay you for helping me out of the pond and with vanguard, I want to show you around until you have to leave!"

The blue haired boy huffed, determination sparking within his calm sapphires.

"Okay, I'd like that"

The brunette said with a small smile.

"Oooo what if me and Kai's friends come as well?"

Emerald pipped, curious about meeting the other people who came to China with the brunette.

The blue haired boy rolled his eyes as a smile graced his lips.

"Seriously Emerald? Don't think that I'm not aware of your plan to find stronger opponents"

The younger boy laughed, causing Emerald to blush slightly and look to the ground in embarrassment.

"Well I'm curious about the skills of foreigners....."

She murmured as she twiddled her fingers slowly.

"Well I don't mind....... but its Kai's choice"

The green haired girl frowned at the younger's response.

"I'm not one for big crowds....."

The brunette replied, he wasn't lying about that, though his main reason for not wanting the others to come was because he wanted to get to know Aisen better.

"Oh I see......"

Emerald sighed, slightly disappointed about not meeting the brunette's other friends.

"There's nothing you can do about it Emerald, unless you want to stalk around where they're staying"

Aisen replied with a small smile as his sapphire gaze looked up towards the brunette.

"Good idea Aisen!"

Both males sighed at the green haired girl's enthusiasm about stalking.

" I bet Kai will even tell you where they're staying"

"........ Tch"

Olive eyes lit up as the brunette quickly wrote down the name of the hotel he was staying at on a piece of paper. The brunette didn't care is the green haired girl annoyed the others for he was technically forced to go on the trip in the first place.

"Thank you!"

Emerald called before snatching the paper and heading out the door, causing both males to sigh once more.

"Hey get back- jeez... I swear....."

Ruby growled from the counter as she watched her leave. Sapphires lit up as they looked into deep jades.

"So, would you like me to start showing you around right now?"

Kai shrugged, not wanting to show how curious he was about checking out some new places.

"Sure, if you have time"

"Great! Then follow me, I want to show you my favourite place first"

Aisen smiled as he rolled his wheelchair to the exit of the store, the brunette followed the younger out the door.

Me: that's le end of le chappy~

Kai: so soon

Me: too bad~ I wanted to end it here~

Kai: at least it hit the 1K word quota like usual

Me: of course~ when I read slow updating stories with short chappys me loses interest

Kai: I see

Me: yep~ anyway hope ya people enjoyed le chappy~

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