Chapter 4: Sweet Memories

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Chapter 4 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~


Both teens said as they exited the cab after the blond paid, the brunette turned away from the cab to look at his apartment. He couldn't believe that he hadn't been there for months even though it felt like he was there just the other day.

"Why didn't I get kicked out? I haven't been paying rent...."

The blond smiled mischievously as he followed his curious friend, knowing that the brunette most likely owed him now, meaning he shouldn't get glared at as much.

"I've been paying your rent for you!"

"..... I see......."

Kai murmured as he headed into his room, at a closer look at everything, the brunette noticed that there was indeed a good layer of dust resting upon everything, except for his tv for some reason.

"Ehh where are you going?"

Miwa asked as he followed his friend, he was feeling ecstatic that Kai had returned to him.

"To get the money to pay you back"

The brunette sighed, slightly dampening the blond's mood.

"Aww you're no fun!"

Miwa whined as he received the proper payment.

"Tch...... Anyway can you go out and check my mailbox?"

Kai asked, grey pools narrowed before the blond let out a defeated sigh.

"Sure I guess....."

As soon as the blond exited the apartment's doors, the brunette quickly locked his friend out of the house. Miwa who had heard the door lock, quickly turned around and tugged on the door knob.

"Kai let me in! the doctor told me to keep an eye on you!"

The blond called as he knocked on the door, however his calls were recovered by ears deaf to his pleas.

Instead, the brunette went straight towards his room and changed out of his hospital clothes and into a medium grey button up shirt and pale green sweatpants that were on the borderline of light grey.

After changing, the brunette took out the blue haired boy's deck from the pocket of his previous clothes, clutching it ever so dearly within his hands that were starting to tremble.


The brunette walked towards his front door and opened it, only to have a blur of blue fly at him and embrace him.


The brunette gasped as he realized that it was the blue haired boy.

"Morning Kai"

The smaller boy whispered as he looked up towards the shocked brunette. Kai's jade eyes widened when he noticed that the smaller boy's eyes were no longer the pale blue lifeless shade, instead they were the usual sparkling sapphire orbs that he had known before.

"Aichi your eyes....."

The blue haired boy smiled before nodding happily.

"Yes, I can see again"

The brunette couldn't help but allow a warm smile to cross over his own face, he had grown accustomed to allowing his emotions to show while he was around the smaller boy.

"So the reason why you didn't want me to come over early was because you wanted to surprise me?"

Aichi nodded at the brunette's words, he was glad to be able to see the brunette whom he loves.

"I wanted to surprise the person I love"

The smaller boy whispered as a blush crawled across his face, the brunette smirked before leaning down to kiss the boy.

"The surprise was perfect love"


Tears began to roll from sorrow filled jades as the brunette tucked his legs to his chest and wrapped his arms around them before resting his head upon his knees as he savoured one of his most happiest memories.

"I know he wouldn't want me to be crying..... But I can't help it...."

The brunette's voice was muffled by his knees as he whispered to himself, finally he was alone so that he could truly let out his feelings.

Now that Kai was completely alone, the full weight of Aichi being out of his grasp was starting to be felt.

No more could he gaze into the beautiful sapphires that often glimmered with life, nor could he see the sweet kind smile that seemed to make his day whenever it was gracing Aichi's adorable face. He'd no longer be able to hear the soft voice that was often laced with great kindness or compassion.

The brunette fruitlessly tried to wipe away the salty, warm tears that were rolling down his cheeks as he thought about how he'd never be able to argue with the stubborn younger boy. Never able to hold the smaller boy's small and slender frame within his arms.

"It feels like only yesterday that I was able to see him whenever I wanted....."

Kai murmured, his voice evidently cracking as he spoke.

He wanted to see the smaller boy, he wanted everything to have just been a dream, no, he wanted everything to have just been a horrific nightmare or a cruel prank that had Miwa as the main leader.

"It's not fair...."

Indeed the brunette genuinely thought this, for such a kind and compassionate to be faced with so much adversity, before ending up fading away.

"It's just not fair for Aichi to have survived being hit by a car, losing his sight, being kidnapped before restoring his sight with an operation. Then, becoming happy only to start belittling himself after being cruelly captured once again...... Aichi has suffered so much.....and for what?! To end up dead in a plane crash?!"

Kai hissed as he quickly got up and angrily punched his bedroom wall, venting out his anger, ignoring the stinging pain that resonated within his now bleeding fist.

After removing his fist from the hole within the wall, the brunette's knees weakened causing him to once again slump towards the ground, a blood speckled trail left upon the wall as his fist slid down it.

"Dammit Aichi! Why did you have to save me?!"

The brunette hissed, tears still streaming down his face as he punched the floor with his good hand, however this time, not leaving a hole within the floor, but instead damaging his other hand worse than the first one had been.

Me: poor Kai is sad

Miwa: it's your fault!

Me: tch.... Details....

Miwa: jerk!

Me: Ty!!!!! ^_^

Miwa: *sigh* ......

Me: anyway hope ya enjoyed le chappy~

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