Chapter 6: Graveyard

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Chapter 6 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~

Fact: berry wakes up at 5:30am to post le chappy sooner~

The blond frowned slightly when the two of them turned around the corner so that the graveyard was now within their sight, for he noticed the bandages that were wrapped around his friend's hands.

"Aichi's grave is under a big and old oak.... I'll let you go alone from here...."

Miwa whispered softly, deciding to to mention his friend's injuries out of fear of making the brunette even more upset than he already was.


The brunette replied, causing the blond to wince slightly for Kai's voice was cautiously guarded so that it portrayed no emotion.

Taking a deep, shaky breath, the brunette walked through the black metallic gothic style gates that marked the entrance to the graveyard, immediately he spotted an old oak at the top of the hill.

Slowly he walked up the hill dreading, yet impatient for the time he would reach the top, for he didn't know what he would do.

Finally when he reached the top, a slick dark marble gravestone under the tree caught his attention, for the words carved upon it said; Aichi Sendou xxxx-xxxx A shy boy who brought out the best in others, and a caring friend.

The brunette crouched down slowly in front of the blue haired boy's grave, for it was now visible proof that Aichi was no longer within his grasp. Tears began to fall from jades as the brunette lowered his head in sorrow.

"I'm sorry for not protecting you Aichi..... please forgive me for allowing you to be harmed once again...."

Kai's voice cracked as he whispered, all the while knowing that his love was not able to hear his apology because he wasn't there.

"I know that you're not there.... but I still need to say sorry..... Sorry for letting you down...."

Kai murmured softly, doing his best in wiping away his tears so that nobody could see his tears, for he wanted the blue haired boy to be the only one to be able to see his tears.

Jades widened in surprise as he felt a wet drop land upon his hand, he looked up just in time to see the rain to start falling heavily from the dark grey clouds that hung high in the sky.

The cool rain instantly soaked the brunette as he turned his jade gaze back towards the grave of his lover. Ignoring the gradual chill that began to seep into his bones and the heaviness that stalked his eyelids, threatening to make them drop.

However, despite the brunette's efforts, he ended up falling asleep next to the grave. Previous fatigue from his injuries and the coolness of the chilled rain both getting the better of him.



The brunette said as they walked along the street, causing sapphires to gaze up at him with curiosity.

"Yes Kai?"

"You look really nice, wearing something other than your blue pyjamas or green and red coat"

The brunette joked, smirking when the smaller boy's brows furrowed slightly and a small pout appeared upon his lips.

"Kai....... You're so mean......"

Aichi whined with a smile, turning his head away from the brunette in a childish manor.

"There's nothing wrong with what I normally see you in, it's just a nice change to see you in something new"

"Says the one who also wears the same thing almost all the time!"

The brunette shrugged and allowed a smirk to appear.

"You got me there, I just don't have time to change when I want to

The brunette replied softly with a small smile. The smaller boy nodded and allowed a smile to grace his lips as well, easily understanding the older teen's love for card fighting.

"Yeah..... Card fighting is amazing, it allowed us to meet"

The younger boy replied softly as he leaned slightly on the brunette as they walked, Kai nodded as he remembered the day he saw a beat up Aichi and decided to give him the blaster blade card that eventually led them to meet once again after several years had passed.

"No, we may have met even without the help of vanguard"


"....up..... Come on, you need to get up"

The brunette was awakened by a familiar voice, he hadn't realized that he had fallen asleep, though he wished he could have dreamt for a little while longer.

Jades looked up to see someone whom he had grown familiar with, Shizuka Sendou was crouching down near him, concern filling her cyan eyes and a light grey raincoat was protecting her from the rain.


Kai murmured, still slightly drowsy from his dream. Cyan orbs flashed in surprise before turning into recognition.

"Kai?......... What are-........ Oh I see..... You've finally woken up......"

The brunette nodded at the cyan haired mother's words, jades noting the flowers that were in the mother's hands.

"Yeah...... I heard about Aichi......."

His voice sounded faint to himself as he forced himself to speak, not daring to meet the gaze of the cyan haired girl next to him.

"........yeah...... I came here to visit him grave....... and here I find you....."

Shizuka let out a light joyless laugh, trying to ease the atmosphere around them a little.

"I can't believe that he's gone......"

A smile crept upon the cyan haired mother's lips at the longing within the brunette's voice.

"It's been lonely...... It just hasn't felt right without either you or Aichi at home.... Some days I just expected the both of you to come through the doors all happy as if nothing happened...."

"I heard he protected me......"

The brunette paused as he watched the cyan haired mother wipe away a few tears.

"Yeah, that's just like my Aichi.... Always..... Thinking of others...."

"Yeah...... He shouldn't have died....."

Cyan orbs narrowed at the brunette's words.

"I know..... but don't go wishing that you should have died instead..... Aichi made his choice, no matter how much I hate it....."

Kai was silent, shivering slightly as the coldness of the rain finally reached into him.

"You're not wearing a coat! Come with me, I'll take you home so that I can cook you a nice meal..."

The cyan haired mother said with a kind smile.

Me: that's le end of le chappy~

Miwa: the memories are copy paste from le first 2 books

Me: yep ^-^ it's hard choosing which moments I want

Miwa: yeah.... You've got to have some kaichi fan service~

Me: hehe~ true~ anyway hope ya people enjoyed le chappy~

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