Chapter 3: Talk Chance

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It has been two months since Star and Marco saw each other, trying to move forward with their lives but it was an impossible way. Star still was with guiltiness on her heart. She really wanted to talk to Marco and apologize. Every time she wanted to do it she chickened out. She was a mess. She didn't know how to talk to him.

One afternoon, when she sent to the Underworld to pick up Tom for their date, she didn't count that Tom was talking to someone so she hid behind the door.

Star's thoughts: Who is Tom talking to?

Meanwhile in the living room

Tom: So how are you doing buddy?

???: I am good. It wasn't easy for me, but I am handling there.

Tom: Well. I am glad you're okay.

???: (awkward) So how is Star doing?

Tom: She's been locked in her room for two days, I guess she wanted to be alone after what happened... you know.

???: I know. It still hurts me that she ended our friendship like that. But I guess she was right. I wasn't a good friend with her when I was dating Jackie. I think I deserved that, but Star didn't have to slap me that day. I know I hurt her being with Jackie but she always was on my mind.

Star's thoughts: Marco.

Marco: But you want to know something Tom. I hope you don't get mad.

Tom: It's okay.

Marco: Remember the day of The Blood Moon Ball.

Tom: Of course.

Marco: After we left the ball, she and I had a little argument about how she can take care of herself and she told me something that broke my heart.

Tom: What did she say to you?

Marco: She didn't need a hero, she needed a friend. And that's when I realised that she didn't want to be more than friends, she practically rejected me. Since that day I decided to forget my feelings and try to date Jackie, but it was impossible to get over Star, every time we went on adventures and fight with Ludo that feeling grow and make me like her more.

Star's thoughts: Marco, so you have always liked me and you didn't say anything.

Marco: But I saw how Star was trying to get me together with Jackie so I thought, so why not try with Jackie if the girl I like isn't interested in me in that way.

Tom's thoughts: So he liked her without realising it.

Star's thoughts: Cute idiot. If you had said something we wouldn't have been in this mess. Of course, I realised my feelings too late, the day when Ludo stole my spell book and Glossaryck. And it was my fault.

Marco: But the day that Toffee took Mewni, she confessed to me that she did have feelings for me, that left me confused, because at first she denied.

Tom's thoughts: So she lied to me. She told me that she and Marco weren't a thing and now I find out that she confessed to him.

Marco: But when I went to Mewni to know why she left I found out that Toffee had returned. After the Battle I wanted to talk to her about her confession but everything was weird between us so I didn't bring it up. I was sad that Star won't return with me. But when I went back to Earth, I felt alone and bored. So I couldn't stop talking about Mewni to my friends until they got mad even Jackie broke up with me because I wore my cape that it turned out to be a meat blanket on our date, so she told me that if I only stayed on Earth for her, we would have ended making us miserables. So that's why I went back to Mewni because I wanted to fix things with Star. But you know the rest.

Tom: Wow. I don't know what to say. It must have been hard for you.

Marco: (sad) Yeah.

Star's thoughts: Marco. You didn't deserve all of that. I got carried away because of my pride and I hurt you in the process.

Tom's thoughts: Now I don't know what to do. On one hand I stay with Star and be happy. On other hand I let her to figure out with who wants to be.

Tom: Well how about we play ping-pong to cheer you up.

Marco: (smiles) Yeah I'd like that.

So they started plsying the game, but this time the game was equal not like the last time they played.

Star's thoughts: Should I talk to him? Get back our friendship. Why is this complicated?

Tom: Wow, you're getting better at ping-pong.

Marco: Well, I learn from the best.

Tom: (smiles) Thanks buddy.

Marco: (awkward) So how is your relationship with Star.

Tom: Well, we've gone on a dates. She is sweet, caring and makes me happy. I'm glad she gave me a second chance.

Marco: (fakes a smile) Well I'm happy for you.

Tom: Hey. It will be okay.

Marco: I guess you're right.

Tom and Marco played videogames too all the afternoon. Until Marco realised that it was almost night.

Marco: Hey, Tom. I have to go. My parents must be worried.

Tom: Ohh.

Marco: Hey, don't be sad. If you want we can hang out another day.

Tom: I'd like that.

Marco: Well, bye buddy. Oh I forgot. Please give this to Star.

Tom receives an envelope.

Tom: I will. See you, Marco.

Marco opens a portal but suddenly something makes a noise. They didn't know that Star was there.

Star's thoughts: Oh crap!

Tom: Who is there?

Someone starts coming out.

Star: (nervous) Oh hey Tom.

Tom: (whispering) Starship. What are you doing here?

Marco: Are you okay there buddy?

Tom: (screaming) Yeah I am fine.

Marco: Well I gotta go.

Tom: (whispering) Did you hear everything?

Star: (whispering) Yeah I did.

Tom: Okay. Well... the only thing you can do is leave or talk to him.

Star: (whispering) Are you crazy? After what I've done to him.

Tom: (whispering) But you don't have other choice if you want back your friendship.

Star: (whispering) But what if he still is mad at me or worse what if he hates me.

Tom: (chuckling) He doesn't hate you. He is mad but he doesn't hate you. He cares about you.

Star: (whispering) Are you sure?

Tom: (whispering) I'm sure. You should talk to him. He reserves an apology.

Star: (upset) But I hurt him.

Tom: (whispering) One question. Why did you lie to me that you didn't have a thing for him?

Star: Well, because I know you will get jealous so I lied. But the crush on him it was true.

Tom: (concerned) Do you still have feelings for him? Be honest. I won't get mad.

Star: (looks down) Yeah, I do. But I'm with you now. Are you upset?

Tom: (upset) Of course I am. But it's your choice. Stay with me or be with him. I won't pressure you. But think about it.

Star: (concerned) Tom, of course I want to be with you it's just...

Tom: You don't know what to do.

Star: (looks down) Yeah. I don't want to hurt yours and Marco's feelings. I gotta be honest. I've liked him since we've first me. At first, he didn't want to see me (smiling remembering their first encounter and her first impression), because I had just appeared on his life like that, but after our first fight with Ludo we became friends. I always felt safe with him. He's been always there for me. But after the Blood Moon Ball I got confused about why did he go to the ball. So I thought that he was jealous. But I shook that thought. Since that day, I started to feel things for him. I started to see him on another way.

Tom: On what way?

Star: More than a best friend. Every time he talked about Jackie I got jealous. And when the day Toffee kidnapped Marco, I didn't gesitated to give up my wand for him, and that's when I realised how important was him to me. And I didn't want to lose him. And when he started dating Jackie, my feelings for him grew. But I pretended that I my feelings weren't there and be happy for him, but they never went away.

Tom: So you've liked him since the beginning?

Star: Yeah. But I had my doubts. So to get over my crush I started dating you again. I'm sorry if I used you.

Tom: (upset) I don't know what to say, Starship. I've always knew that you both had a special bond. But I thought it was only friendship. But it's your choice.

Star: But what can I do?

Tom: Talk and fix things with him. And we'll see what happens.

Star: I guess you're right.

Tom: Oh, he told me to give you this.

Star: (curious) What's this?

Tom: I don't know. You better go to your house and see it.

Star: (kisses his cheek) Thank you for listening.

Tom: Of course. But you better talk to him. I don't want Marco to be upset anymore. He's my friend.

Star: I will.

Tom: (whispering) If you want to be with Marco I'll accept. I just want my two friends be happy.

Little didn't know that Marco heard the conversation.

After Tom and Star stand up and went to the living room. But they didn't expect that Marco was still there.

Star's thoughts: Oh no. Did he hear everything?

Tom's thoughts: Well this is awkward.

The three didn't know how to break the ice.

Star and Marco couldn't stop staring at each other. They were feeling different emotions: happiness, sadness, sorrow and shamefulness after two month without seeing each other.

Star: (nervous) Oh hey, Marco. I didn't know you were here. 

Marco: (fakes a smile) Oh, hi Star.

Then the silence returned. They were nervous and anxious. They wanted to talk about everything.

Star: Marco I...(Great! Now that he is standing in front of me I don't know what to say)

Marco: (awkward) Well it was great to see you again, Star.

Star: Marco wait (stops him) Can we talk please?

Marco: (upset) There's nothing to talk about.

Star: Of course there is. I really need talk to you.

Marco: Okay fine.

Star: Thank you. But not here.

Marco: Okay.

Again the silence returned.

Tom: What if you go to Star's castle to talk.

Star: Yeah. Well see you, Tom.

Then Star opens a portal followed by Marco.
Tom: Starship. I will respect your choice. I just want you to be happy. If he makes you happy then go for him.

Star: I know. I don't know if he stil likes me.

Tom: You won't know until you ask him.

Star: Thank you.

Tom: I hope you and Marco fix your friendship.

Then Star passes the portal which closed. After they arrived at the castle, Marco was keeping his distance. Star was upset for that. But she understood his behaviour. All the walk to Star's room was silent. No one of them didn't have a conversation. Star was nervous.

Star's thoughts: What if he doesn't forgive me? What if he doesn't want to be my friend again? Stop it! It is Marco who I'm talking about.

After a long walk in the stairs, they arrived at Star's room. Star opened her door and let pass Marco in. Marco then sit on Star's couch and she sit on her bed.

In her room there was a death silence. But Star couldn't stand that silence anymore.

Star: Marco I'm really sorry (sheds a tear)

Marco: (looks at Star) Star I... Why did you do it?

Star: (cries) At first, I didn't know why. But after my parents and Tom gave me advices I realised that I was an idiot for hurting you like that. I was so heartbroken  when you left Mewni for Earth after Toffe's death. I thought that you didn't care about me anymore.

Marco: (worried) How could you think that? Of course I care about you. It was just that everything was weird between us, and I didn't know how to bring it up. Besides I was with Jackie and I was confused.

Star: But Marco, you knew you could talk to me about it.

Marco: (looks down) I was afraid.

Star: Afraid of what?

Marco: Of losing you. I knew that nothing will be the same between us. So I didn't tell you anything.

Star: Oh. Don't you think when I confessed to you in front everyone and Jackie I was embarrassed and also broken because I thought I would never see you again.

Marco: But when the first time I asked you if you had feelings for me  you lied to me.

Star: Because if I had told you the truth it would have been more awkward. So I lied. Because I knew that you didn't feel the same way. I just wanted you to be happy with Jackie.

Marco: Okay. Maybe it was my fault for not talking to you about my feelings

Star: (confused) What are you talking about?

Marco: Well remember the Blood Moon Ball. That night I realised the reason why I went to the ball. I was afraid of losing you to Tom. I was jealous.

Star: Oh, so that's why you followed me.

Marco: But that day I wanted to tell you how I felt but after you said: "I don't need a hero, I need a friend" , I saw that you weren't interested in me in that way. So I decided to stay your friend and go for Jackie. But when I started dating Jackie I knew I was putting on a pedestal and leading her on, and that my heart belonged to someone else, but I stayed with her. But you were always on my mind. To me it was weird that you let me go to the dance with Jackie. I thought if I went with you like how we supposed to maybe I have a chance, but you told me you would have gone with Janna instead of me.

Star: Okay. I admit it. When I saw you going downstairs with that look of admiration on Jackie, I felt hurt and jealous.

Marco: But I never knew why did she and me fall off of her skate.


Marco: Star? Did you do something?

Star: (nervous) Ehh...

Marco: Star, be honest.

Star: Okay. I spied on you guys.

Marco: (surprised) Why?

Star: Because I was afraid of losing you to Jackie. I was jealous but like we knew Toffee was corrupting the wand as we know my wand reacts to my emotions, if I was happy the magic was pink but if I was mad or jealous the magic was green.

Marco: Why didn't you tell me?

Star: Because I wanted you to be happy. So I sacrificed my happiness even if I get hurt.

Marco: (upset) I'm sorry for not noticing how you were feeling. I was so focused on Jackie that I didn't realise that you were hurting.

Star: Don't be. It was my fault for not realise things sooner.

Marco: Me too. But what hurt me more was that you ended our friendship.

Star: I know. I was so mad that I took on you. And I'm sorry for slapping you.

Marco: I deserved that. But the best way to fix things is talking, you know.

Star: I know. But it doesn't change the fact that I broke your heart. You didn't deserve that.

Marco: So, what do we do now?

Star: Well, maybe we can star over.

Marco: But Star, what about how I feel? My feelings for you still there.

Star: About that.

Marco: Mhhh.. Continue

Star: I realised that my feelings still there.

Marco: What are you trying to say?

Star: (takes a deep breath) I still like you Marco. But I don't know if you still feel the same.

Then Marco stands up and goes to sit on Star's bed and held her chin.

Marco: (smiles) Star, of course I still like you. My feelings hasn't changed but you're with Tom.

Star: (smiles) I'm glad that we talk it out. And about that. He told me that he will respect my choice. He wants me just to be happy.

Marco: So what was your choice?

Star: (smiles)

Then Star looks at him and holds his cheek which surprised Marco.

Marco: (nervous and blushes) Star? What are you doin- (Star kisses Marco and Marco missed back)

Marco couldn't believe that Star was kissing him. He was happy and loved. He didn't want this moment to end. But of course they needed to breath.

Star/Marco: Wow

Star: (blushes) That was...

Marco: (blushes and smiles) amazing. So this means what it means?

Star: (laughing) Of course silly.

Marco: (worried) But what about Tom?

Star: He knows how I feel about you. So I have to break up with him.

Marco: But maybe we wait a little to be together.

Star: I guess. But even if we weren't together can we be friends again?

Marco: (hugs Star) Of course, Star. But promise that if we have a problem please talk to me.

Star: I will.

Marco: Well I better go home. It's late.

But he was stopped for Star.

Star: (blushes) Can you stay with me tonight?

Marco: Star, I don't know...

Star: (puppy dogs) Please.

Marco: Agg fine. But I will leave before breakfast.

Star: Thank you (kisses his cheek)

Marco: (blushes touching his cheek)

Then they lay down. They felt at peace being with each other. Star laying her head on Marco's chest while Marco was caressing Star's head. Until Star looked up at Marco  and lean in until their lips touched. Marco kissed back, it wasn't romantic moment but it was a tender and sweet kiss that they will treasure. After they broke the kiss they looked at each other and smiled and said

Star/Marco: I love you

They were really happy saying that without being afraid. Then Star rested on Marco's chest. They knew that difficult path was on the way, but as long as they have each other.


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