Headaches and Sparkaches

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(Sorry for the bad word in the pic)

-Decepticon headquarters, deep below the ocean's surface-

Megatron had a particularly splitting processor ache that morning and he just wanted to be alone. Unfortunately, you can't do that when you're the warlord over a legion of Decepticons.

To make things worse, he had a dull sparkache that refused to go away. Ever since he was forced to break apart from Optimus, he wasn't himself anymore. Things bothered him more than they usually did and he often cried by himself on his berthroom. But he still kept his tough outlook on his men, seeming as strong as ever.

He walked briskly through the corridors and rubbed his forehead, groaning quietly. A band of Seekers passed by, greeting him as they usually would. He paid them no attention as he continued his path.

He heard pedesteps coming up behind him and growled as Starscream jogged up beside him.

"Lord Megatron! Are we still performing aerial scans of sections 3C and 9E?" Starscream asked, trying to match Megatron's longer strides.

"Yes, round up the rest of your trine and meet me on the flight deck. I have a stop to make..." Megatron huffed, breaking away from Starscream and continuing down the hallway.

Starscream nodded and ran off in the other direction to fetch Thundercracker and Skywarp.

-Shockwave's lab-

Shockwave was working at his lab station when Megatron entered his lab. He turned around and nodded to his leader, walking around a table to greet him. "Greetings, Lord Megatron. Another processor ache, I presume?"

Megatron growled, holding his forehead as he sat down in the chair. "Yes, more painful than the last one..."

"You know, it isn't healthy for me to be injecting this medicine into you every few solar cycles. I'm beginning to think these aren't just normal processor aches..." Shockwave mumbled, filling a syringe with medicine and injecting it into Megatron's arm.

Megatron sighed in relief as he felt the pounding in his head fade away. He stood up and rolled his shoulders. "It doesn't matter, as long as it gets rid of those blasted processor aches I'm good." He grumbled, thundering out of Shockwave's lab in a huff.

Shockwave shrugged, turning to put his equipment away. He nearly dropped the syringe he was holding in horror when he realized what he just injected into Megatron.

He had accidentally injected Megatron with an unfinished form of the medicine he usually gave to Megatron. He was trying to make it less harmful on Megatron's systems, but it wasn't quite ready yet.

Shockwave wasn't aware that he just created a stronger formula than what he gave Megatron before.

-The High Desert-

Megatron felt the wind against his frame as he flew over the endless dunes. Starscream and his trine soared by him, but he didn't care. He went at his own pace, scanning the area below him.

Suddenly, his optics flickered and blinked offline as he completely blacked out. He took a nosedive towards the golden dunes below, unconscious and unaware of his situation.

Starscream and his trine had already passed that sector and had no idea that Megatron had fallen. They flew on as if he was still trailing behind them.

The formula was so strong that it shut down all of Megatron's systems, essentially putting him in stasis lock. His grey frame slammed into a large dune, slowly sliding to a stop and pushing up steaming sand.

-A few hours later-

Megatron laid half-buried in the sand for a few hours undisturbed. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon when someone finally noticed him. But it was the wrong mech.

Optimus climbed over the dune, shielding his face from the whipping sand. He glanced at his scanner, which was telling him that there was an energy signal up ahead.

"This had better be worth it, Prime. I'm gettin' sand all in my joints..." Ironhide grumbled, sliding down the dune and brushing himself off.

"I'm sure the source of that signal is something of interest to us. Come on." Optimus replied, walking towards the next dune.

When he crested that dune, he spotted something that looked like a crash site. He quickly slid down the dune and cautiously pulled out his blaster.

"Looks like a crash site, I wonder what it is..." Ironhide mumbled, pulling out his own blaster and aiming it at the piled up sand.

Optimus slowly approached the crash site, his optics scanning for any threat. He peered over the pile of sand and gasped in surprise.

There was Megatron, completely unconscious and unresponsive. It looked like he'd been there for a few hours at least.

"What's Megatron doing all the way out here?" Optimus wondered out loud, brushing aside some of the sand to look for any sign of injury. "He's not hurt at all, why did he crash?"

"I dunno, but this is an opportunity we can't pass up. Lets put him in cuffs and take him back to base." Ironhide huffed, crossing his arms.

"You're right...." Optimus sighed, reluctantly pulling out a pair of stasis cuffs from his subspace and placing them on Megatron's wrists. He pulled Megatron's limp frame out of the sand and propped him up on his shoulder. "Here, hold him while I transform. We can store him in my trailer."

Ironhide grunted as the weight of Megatron was put on him. He held Megatron upright while Optimus transformed and opened up the doors to his trailer.

He dragged Megatron over and shoved him into the trailer, brushing his hands off. "All set!" He called to Optimus, who closed the doors and began driving away.

Ironhide transformed and followed him through the dusty desert back to base.

This would be an interesting story to bring up at the officer's meeting tonight.

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