Rubeus Hagrid and the Leaky Cauldron

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It was the big day at last. During mid morning, Harry and Brooklyn both snuck out the window while his Aunt and the Whale were out for the day. Before they left, they also read through the list of supplies Harry was supposedly to get. And Brooklyn was simply amazed at all of the items and book titles in the list, such as:

History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Standard Book of Spells Grade One by Miranda Goshawk

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

Magical Draughts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

And that was just a sample of the many other items, even a wand and a cauldron were on the list.

They made their way to the shack that Brooklyn had used to stay in and sat down to wait for their corresponder.

"I do hope somebody answered our response," Harry said in a nervous voice.

Brooklyn, even though he believed that the letter was legit, he still felt suspicious about it. "Well, if this guy tries to trick us by having us come all the way up here for nothing, I'll-."

That's when the floor began to tremble from heavy footfalls. Startled, the duo turned to see something big coming up through the trees.

Brooklyn's mouth fell open when he emerged into view. He was perhaps the biggest human he had ever seen. As tall as Goliath, maybe even larger. He wore a big moleskin overcoat, boots the size of baby seals, and had a big black beard.

His beetle black eyes twinkled, and Brooklyn could see then that there was no hostility there, though he stood protectively near Harry, just in case.

The giant gave a big smile. "Well, e're's 'Arry Potter!"

Brooklyn narrowed his eyes suspiciously, while Harry looked pretty shy and stayed behind him. Even though he was pretty much eleven now, the gargoyle still saw the small ten year old boy he met that year ago.

The giant gave a chuckle at how protective this creature was being. "It's alrigh', youngn', I won't hurt yeh. I'm one of those people that sent the letter. Name's Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and grounds at Hogwarts!"

Brooklyn still narrowed his eyes at him, but the sound of his voice, his eyes, he felt like he could trust him. Heck, he even gave Harry a much needed birthday cake with green icing saying HappeeBirthday Harry on it.

Harry was still in too much shock to take it all in after trying his cake that tasted good. "I still can't believe I'm a wizard!"

His friend laughed. "Well, look on the bright side, at least it is better than living with that whale of an uncle of yours!" He commented.

"Have to agree with your gargoyle friend, there!" Hagrid said in a humorous tone. Brooklyn felt himself freeze in surprise at what he said.

"H-how did you know about my kind?" He questioned in disbelief. Harry looked back and forth between them in surprise.

Hagrid nodded. "Jus' from stories from me dad, mostly, and pictures from old books. Thoug' they all died out. Guess I was wrong!"

Brooklyn's heart panged at this. "Some of my Clan managed to survive the Permanent Stone Sleep in 1994. But I shouldn't even be in this time zone. I was taken away from my Clan in Manhattan, and stolen of my ability to transform into stone after we cornered our enemy, a Wizard named Puck. He was the one who tore me away from my family and I don't know how to get home!"

Hagrid gazed at him sympathetically. "I'm sure tha' Dumbledore would be more than willing to help yeh out. He's the greatest wizard and headmaster the school has ever seen."

But Brooklyn still wasn't sure. If nobody in this time zone had seen a gargoyle yet except for Harry, how would this 'great wizard' react? Will he hate or fear him?

"But I still don't know. Are you sure they'll accept me there? I've been discriminated against many times!" He growled in anger.

The giant gave a small smile. "Not teh worry. I'll write to him explaining your situation, and that yer with 'Arry, here. But right now, we 'ave to get movin'. Any luggage, 'Arry?"

Harry shook his head. Hagrid raised his brow but that was it. "Well, let's get goin'!" He then pulled out a boot.

Brooklyn raised his brow. "What's with the shoe?" He questioned curiously.

"It's called a Portkey. Can' transport yeh immediately to a specific location. Yeh jus' need to use items non wizards wouldn' think to pick up like this ol' boot here. Can' really teleport yeh there meself, cause I'm not allowed ter do magic, was expelled from Hogwarts in me third year," He said, while holding a hand over a pink umbrella in his coat pocket.

Brooklyn raised his brow. "Why?" He questioned. Hagrid shook his head.

"Don' really like talkin' abou' it, if that's alrigh'. But all yeh have ter do with Portkeys is to grab hold!"

The two friends then took hold of the boot, and before Brooklyn could comprehend what was happening, they were suddenly lifted off the ground and flying in a swirl of wind and color...

They came to rest in an abandoned alleyway in London, with Harry and Brooklyn struggling to their feet along with Hagrid laughing.

"A little roug' fer firs' timers, but you get used to it. Anyway, welcome to London!"

Brooklyn's eyes were round with amazement. As they walked down the street. He never thought he could be in a city larger than Manhattan was! Everywhere he looked, there was a famous monument, building, or those double decker buses he saw on T.V.

I can't wait until I tell my Clan that I've-

He paused in sudden despondency and realization. Unless they find this 'great wizard', Dumbledore, he will probably never get back home and have his life back to normal again. Brooklyn's head bowed in sadness, all interest in London gone.

Harry fell in beside him, concern for his best friend growing.

"You okay, there?" He asked. The gargoyle shrugged.

"Just worried that I may never be able to return home," he murmured. Harry placed a hand on his arm.

"Things will work out okay, you'll see. So far you've adapted okay without your transforming magic and living here, just like when you arrived in Manhattan," Harry said, trying his best to cheer his friend up.

Brooklyn's heart lifted just a tad at his words. What he said made sense in a way. If he could survive in Manhattan, he was sure he could survive here!

They then suddenly came to a stop by a small building in between a bookstore and a record shop. Brooklyn felt suddenly tense thinking that the many people walking by would suddenly spot an overgrown man and a strange winged beast next to a small boy, but to his surprise, they simply glanced over them, as though they weren't there at all.

And he also felt as though only he, Hagrid, and Harry could see this old building.

The sign read The Leaky Cauldron.

Hagrid opened the door, and led them all inside.

It was a tiny, dingy pub. Inside it looked quite shabby to Brooklyn, but there were plenty of people inside, drinking and one witch drawing from a long pipe.

They ventured through the pub, a few of the people seeing Brooklyn and looking scared or avoiding to look at him. Brooklyn felt rather out of place, flinching from some of their harsh stares. He sometimes wished he didn't look like a monster in front of these people.

Hagrid noticed his discomfort and gave some of the people looking like they wanted to call security a defensive glare.

"Listen, yeh lot. Me friend here's with 'Arry Potter and me. Don' none of yeh try anythin' to discriminate him, or yeh'll answer to me, get it?"

Some of those that glared at Brooklyn looked so terrified of Hagrid, that they nodded and turned back to their drinks.

Brooklyn looked at Hagrid gratefully as they continued.

But when Hagrid had said Harry's name, a few of them went up to Harry and shook hands with him. One of them, Doris Crockford, kept coming back for more.

They were then approached by a nervous looking young man in a purple turban, wringing his hands together.

"H-Harry P-Potter. C-can't tell how pleased I am to meet you!" He greeted in a nervous tone.

Brooklyn's nose was suddenly hit with a strange smell coming from this man's turban. Did he have garlic or a skunk in there?

"Guys, this here's Professor Quirrell. E'll be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts," Hagrid introduced.

"N-not that you need it, eh?" Quirrell said, then he saw Brooklyn and looked even more terrified.

Harry saw this and stood next to his friend.

"He's okay. His name's Brooklyn. He wouldn't hurt anybody unless they threaten innocent people," Harry assured him.

Quirrell watched Brooklyn nervously, but settled a little at his words. "I-if you say s-so," he stuttered.

Brooklyn gave the man a quick nod when they left before they were suddenly greeted by the hunched bartender.

"Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I assume?" He asked with a toothless grin.

Hagrid shook his head. "No thanks, Tom. Gotta help Harry here get his school supplies at Diagon Alley. But I would be grateful if you could provide a room for 'Arry and his friend, here." Tom gazed at Brooklyn curiously before nodding.

"Sure do. A windowed room is vacant with two beds, unless one of you wishes to hold the room until you get back from the Alley.

Brooklyn then thought of something.

"Given how everybody reacted to me here, I really don't know if I should go to Diagon Alley with you. I just don't want to cause anymore trouble. These people are probably not used to seeing real Gargoyles before."

Hagrid ended up nodding. "Probably fer the best, Brooklyn. It'll give yeh time to rest while we're there."

Brooklyn gave him a stare that gave Hagrid the message.

"But don' worry, I'll watch over him, yeh have me word. Yeh'll see us after lunch."

The gargoyle then nodded in agreement.

"I'll tell you about Diagon Alley later, alright?" Harry promised. Brooklyn placed his hands on Harry's shoulders. "Just, stay safe, and have fun, okay?" he asked. Harry nodded to him and Brooklyn proceeded to follow Tom up the stairs.

"See ya!" Called Harry as he went with Hagrid to the back of the pub.

Tom glanced at Brooklyn with upgraded curiosity. "You were perhaps the most interesting thing to enter this pub next to Harry Potter."

Brooklyn felt confused. "But, why weren't you scared like the rest of them?" He wanted to know.

Tom chuckled. "I've seen stranger creatures than you in this pub back in my youth, trust me!" They approached the room, where Tom showed him inside.

All in all, the room didn't look too horrible. It had decent looking beds, a closet, and a room overlooking the streets of London. The young gargoyle turned back to the bartender, who was leaving.

"If you need anything, you may ask," he said with his toothless smile. Brooklyn nodded.

"I should be alright at the moment, thank you."

Tom then bowed himself out and Brooklyn gazed out the window, waiting for Harry to return.

Exactly around lunch, Brooklyn turned to see his door open, revealing Harry carrying in multiple items (with the help of Hagrid, of course), and a caged Snowy Owl, who was fast asleep inside with her head tucked under her wing.

"It was amazing there, Brooklyn! I wish you went with us!" Harry exclaimed, looking even happier than Brooklyn had seen him since they left the Dursleys. But it seemed there was something else that was troubling him. Brooklyn didn't press it, though he looked at Hagrid questioningly.

"He did okay in there, thoug' there was this blond haired student that egged him on quite a bit."

Brooklyn felt a small feeling of anger at this, but then relaxed as they placed Harry's things down.

"Also, wrote to Dumbledore while we was in there and he answered back, agreeing to let yeh two stay here as long as he returns to the Dursleys next summer. And he wishes to speak to you Brooklyn when we get to Hogwarts."

Harry and Brooklyn glanced at each other before nodding. At least I won't have to hide myself so much, anymore, Brooklyn thought to himself in relief.

"That's fine with us, anything beats staying in a cupboard!" Harry replied. Hagrid smiled.

" I have to return to 'Ogwarts. Got somethin' 'ere to give to Dumbledore right away from Gringotts Bank, an' he shouldn' be kept waitin'!"

He clapped a hand onto Brooklyn's shoulder, making him stagger from the weight.

"Yeh all take care now! Jus' write if you have any questions. See yeh September!" He then walked out, leaving Harry and Brooklyn alone once again.

"Well, that was...something eh?" Brooklyn asked humorously as Harry flopped down onto his bed, a huge grin on his face.

Human and Gargoyle both started to laugh, feeling relieved that all of this was real and not a prank as they began to look through Harry's new supplies.

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