Cloud guy and Zeus

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The next day the group found the old Escape tunnels. So 2 of these tunnels lead to the troll tree poppy asked. Yeah we just need to figure out which of these tunnels is 1 of the 2 that lead to the troll tree branch said. Well leave that part to me twig said. She started using her magic to predict which tunnel was the right one. Oh what genius do you have up your sleeve branch asked her sarcastically. He was doing that to upset her on purpose. Put a sock in it Twig shouted. Or what Branch asked. Twig stopped using her magic. U know what find the tunnels yourself if your such a genius twig said. She stepped away from the tunnels. Ok wise guy what do we do she asked sarcastically. The truth was branch had no plan. I........branch stuttered. That's what I thought Twig said. Choose a hole wisely a deep echoing voice said. The group looked around. For 2 will lead to Bergen Town and the others to certain death ( death death death ) another deep voice echoed. Who said that branch asked the voices. Who's there Twig asked. It was.... Us cloud guy said. Hey guys how's it going Zeus greeted. We just wanted to warn you guys that 2 of these tunnels lead to the troll tree and the others to certain death ( death death death ). Do you guys think you guys can tell us which is the right one Iris asked. You bet cloud guy said. Great poppy said. Oh no that's ok branch told them. Branch ( whispering ) he's trying to help us poppy said. ( Whispers ) I don't like the looks of them. I mean who wears socks with no shoes branch said. ( Twig in her mind. Dude we walk around barefoot everywhere ) how is that any different) they seem to know what they're talking about Iris said. Okay fine Branch said. Which way do we go Branch asked them. First you have to give us high fives then we'll tell you Zeus said. WHAT the grey siblings yelled in Union. Oh We love high fives we'll do it poppy said. We know you'll do it but will they Zeus asked.
Cloud guy: Alright dumpy diapers up high.
Branch: nope I don't do high fives.
Zues: slapping boss.
Twig: not gonna happen.
Cloud guy: party on the top floor.
Branch: nope.
Zeus: little Slappy make Daddy happy.
Twig: that's weird
Cloud guy: come on just one little high five.
Branch: no no thanks we're good.
Zues: here just do this ( high fives cloud guy ). But with your hands.
Twig: thank you for that demonstration really clears up exactly what we will not be doing.
Branch: for once I agree with her.

Guys it's a high five Iris said. The others lead to certain death get perspective poppy told them. One little high five and you'll tell us which way to go branch asked. So easy cloud guy said. Ugh okay fine Twig said. They tried to high-five the clouds but. Too slow Zeus said. Too slow? Twig asked. The cloud siblings were laughing. Poppy and Iris were snickering. Classic they both said in Union. The gray siblings were starting to get mad. Alright alright we'll let you slide with a fist-bump cloud guy told them. They tried but. Cloud guy and Zues: gear shift. Veroom veroom veroom veroom. Poppy and Iris started laughing until branch and Twig looked at them. Okay now we're thinking we hug Zues said. Branch and Twig both got sticks and broke them in front of cloud guy and Zeus. Zeus and Cloud guy both turned into rain clouds and started running. Branch ran after cloud guy with poppy trying to stop him while Twig ran after Zues with Iris trying to stop her. That's right you better run cloud branch yelled. You better start running twig yelled. Cloud guy and Zeus both ran in separate tunnels (the two tunnels leading to the troll tree). I'm going to rip your arms off and beat you with your own hands Twig yelled. I'm going to tear your little Cloud arms off your Cloud body and high five your face with them branch yelled. When they met up they all made it. Tada we're here cloud guy said. Twig and branch stopped and looked confused. Well we got to go. we got Cloud stuff we got to do Zeus told them. We'll see you around unless YOU DIE ( DIE DIE DIE ) cloud guy said in his deep voice. The group looked at each other. The troll tree Poppy and Iris whispered to themselves in Union. Bergen Town Branch and Twig whispered to themselves also in Union.

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