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Requested by IluvOlaf3

It's been four months since, Branch got his colors back, Trolls & Bergens became friends, & Poppy became Queen of the Trolls. Bergen Town was now cheerful & colorful, thanks to the dynamic duo, Branch & Poppy. Everyday, they would hang out either with the Snack Pack, Bridget & Gristle, or with each other. Things were going great, until one night.

Later that night

Poppy was tossing & turning in her sleep with sweat rolling down her face. She never had nightmares in her life, but the adventure she had, was unforgettable & emotionally painful for her to forget.

Poppy: No, get away from me! Don't hurt him!


Poppy was back in the village she grew up in. Branch had his colors, but everything was dark.

Branch: Poppy, run!

Poppy: No, I'm not leaving you here!

Branch: You have to or else he'll kill you!

Poppy was shaking in fear, she didn't know what to do, til Branch was hurled to the ground.

Poppy: Branch!

??: Ah ah ah, Poppy. You should have listened to him.

Poppy: Stay away from him!

??: It's not him I want.

Poppy: Then, what DO you want?!

The voice stepped out of the shadows & reveals a troll she was hoping to never see again.

Poppy: Creek?!

Creek: Hello, love.

Poppy: I thought you died with Bergen Chef!

Creek: Yes, but I found a way out.

The traitor walked closer to Poppy, but she stepped back.

Poppy: No, stay away from me!

Creek: Listen, I will leave your boyfriend alone, if....

Poppy: If what?

Creek: If you go out with me.

Poppy: What?!

Branch: She's not going out with a backstabber like you!

Creek: You have a choice, love.

Poppy: And, if I refuse?

Creek gave a dark smile & snapped his finger. Shadow hands grabbed her to keep her from running away. He slowly walked to Branch, who was still on the ground & took out a knife.

Creek: Your boyfriend dies!

Poppy: Don't hurt him!

Creek: Then, you better choose.

Branch: Poppy, don't say anything!

Creek: Oh, she'll talk. I already killed your friends.

A light shines where the Snack Pack lying there covered in blood. Poppy couldn't help but in tears. The friends that she grew up with were laying there dead, including her best friend, DJ. The sight was too terrible to look at anymore.

Poppy: You monster! How could you?!

Creek: They rejected me, so I had no choice.

Branch: You are a sick person!

Creek: You just now figured that out? It;s your choice, my love. It's either me or you boyfriend dies.

Poppy was too hurt & scared to say anything. Her stomach was in a knot, her heart was pounding, hot tears were streaming down her face.

Creek: Not going to answer. Fine, then I'll do it for you.

Creek walked back to Branch & started to stab him repeatedly.

Poppy: NO! STOP!

??: Poppy!



??: Poppy, wake up!!

Poppy's eyes flashed open seeing Branch with a worried look him his face. He sat her up & put his hand on her back.

Branch: Poppy, what happened?


Branch: It's Creek, isn't it..?

She started to shake in fear as the nightmare started to play in her head again. Tears started to fall out of her eyes.

Poppy: I'm scared, Branch....I'm so scared!!

Poppy couldn't help but cry. Branch, like a good boyfriend he is, wrapped his arms around her so she could cry on his chest.

Branch: Shhh. It's alright, Poppy. I'm right here.

Poppy: I just don't want it to be real. I've already been through enough. It still hurts that he betrayed us like it was nothing.

Branch: That's because he is nothing. He was only thinking of himself. But, I'm here for you. So, you don't have to worry. Because, I love you more than anything.

Poppy: I love you too.

For the rest of the night, Branch stayed with her til the next day. After that, she didn't have another nightmare. Being with Branch calms her down, she wouldn't want it any other way. They love each other so much, that they don't want to be apart.

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