Chickenpox part 2

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"Fine, fine, but I won't be happy >:("

♡~TiMe SkIp CuZ i CaN~♡

"Braaannccchh, I don't wanna take a bath >:(" the pink troll whining like a little child, stomped her foot not wanting to get in the bath.

"Get in the bath!" Branch demanded pointing his finger towards the pink bathtub.

"No!" Poppy stomped her foot once again.

"I'm just trying to help you so get in the bath!!" Branch snapped getting irritated with Poppy; he just wanted to help her. Seeing her like this broke his heart. He would know what to do if she died; the possibility of that were pretty high for a troll.


fine." Poppy replied with her grumpy attitude. Branch left the bathroom so she could get undressed and into the bath tub. As she slid into the water she felt something weird that definitely wasn't bath toys.
"Eww, what did you put in this water??"

"Stuff that will heal your chickenpox, stop asking questions!"

"Fine! Can I have my rubber ducky?"

"Poppy you're an adult you don't need a rubber ducky."

♡~Bruh again w/ the time skips~♡

Poppy dried herself off and changed into colths again, about to run out the door when she was stopped by Branch.

"No Poppy you can't go outside until you have fully healed."

"What how an i supposed to do my queen duties?"

"You can't! You have to keep your distance so no other trolls gets chickenpox."

"What about hug time?"

"You can hug ANYONE"
Poppy gasped dramatically and held her hand to her chest.

"No hugs🥺"

"No hugs" Branch smirked a bit at Poppy crossimg his arms, still standing between Poppy and the door of her pod.

"Alright at least let me tell Barb to-"

"No! Barbs probably busy with her uhh... enchiladas!"

♡~with barb~♡

"Riff man wheres mah enchiladas??" Asked raising both hands in the air with attitude

"Here my rockness." Riff handed her a tray full of enchiladas, which Barb just ripped out of his hands and started munching on them.

♡~back to broppy~♡

"True, but who will do my queen duties?" Poppy asked looking down at her feet.

"Uhhhmmm" Branch hesitated for a moment before finishing. "Me?"

"You? Branch are you insan- actually its not that's bad on an idea, ok fine."

"Alright, but you HAVE to stay in this pod while in out ok?"

"Okay fine-_-"

"And Do. Not. Scratch."

After hours of queen duties, Branch, arived back at Poppys pod. "Ugh who knew-
Branch stopped to see that she was scratching her legs with a fork.
"Poppy!! Stop scratching your rash!!!" Branch screamed dropping the items in his hand, rushing over to Poppy

"Branch, it will be fine!" Poppy replied looking back up to Branch, attitude laced int her voice

"No, look the rash is spreading..." Branch pointed to her legs with rash that definitely wasn't there before.

"AHHHHHHH!! Now im going to be ugly forever 😭😭😭"

"No, Poppy, you are beautiful either way, but if you just listen to me and let me help we can get rid of your chickenpox. Ok?" Branch crouched down infront of Poppy.

Poppy sighed and nodded her head in agreement. "Okay. Oh also how are you not getting chickenpox if your with me?"

"Uhhhh dunno :D"

"Oh... So how long do you think it will take to get rid of these chickenpox?"

"Well if you listen and let me help two or three weeks." Branch

"Oh welp, better start so I can hug someone finally!" Poppys adorable smile, and bright and cheerful voice seemed to lighten the mood a bit.

Branch laughed slightly at her adorableness, then nodded his head in agreement.
The next few days were tough for Poppy, not being able to throw partys, see her friends, or hug anyone, but she was spending time with her most favorite troll of all time. Man did she love Branch, he was the best boyfriend she could ever wish for; she could spend the rest of her life with chickenpox if it meant she got to spend every second of it with Branch. Well except for not getting to see her friends or hug any of them, but you get the point, she wants to spent the rest of her life with him!
But as the day pasted by it killed Branch seeing Poppy sick, but loved spending every moment with her, Branch also wanted to spend the rest of his days with her. She could be all his, no one else could have her, she could be his queen,and he could be her king. Forever. Just the though made both trolls smile, together forever.

Poppys rash healed rather quickly.


Poppys skin was visibly brighter, and more colorful that it was a few days ago.
With lots of healing cream, and LOTS Of resisting the itch Poppys chickenpox finally had almost fully gone. Though Poppy and teied scratching, and sneaking out the door, unfortunately for her Branch caught her. Branch half tempted to tie her up or tape her to the wall, tried his best to keep his cool.

It had officially been a few weeks since they had started trying to heal Poppys contagious rash, and the work had paid off! Poppys skin was clear! No scars or infections surprisingly since Poppys wanting to scratch ao badly. But no need anymore! She was healed!! Branch was so thankful, Barb was teasing him for doing Poppys queenly dutys for some reason.

Though both the trolls would miss their alone time, they had their own things to do, Poppy needed to fix whatever Branch had did to trollstopia maybe he burned it down- HOLY SHIZ THE ENTIRE KINGDOM COULD BE BURNING DOWN-

While Gary was missing his father and needed his attention; Branch had made him stay in the bunker in fear the he would too get sick.

"Im going to miss hanging out with you everyday." Poppy laid her head on Branches shoulders as they gazed at the beautiful sunset; admiring the beautiful colors as it shone on them.
Branch lying his head on hers responded with:

"Well we can still have lunch together, Oo! Or slumber partys!" Both the trolls laughed slighted, when Poppy lifted her head of Branches shoulder to look him in the eye.

"Yeah, that would be nice." She smiled sweetly at him, before it turned into a mischievous one.

"Oh no, do not do whatever your thinking aboit doing." Branch smiled slightly, until Poppy raised her arms and started tickling Branch.

"PFFHAHA" Branch continued laughing until he fell backwards bringing Poppy down with him, making her fall on top of the male troll.
Getting lost in eachothers eyes, they started leaning towards eachother until their lips met in the middle.
Never wanting the moment to end they eventually had to part.
They stood themselves up, Branch being the gentleman roseiepuff raised his to be, walked Poppy to her pod, and lightly kissed her forhead goodnight before walking to his own home.

Poppy laid in bed thinking, everything is so much better with Branch by her side.


its so short 😢

Ok so as you can tell I got lazy at the beginning middle and end so its all trash 🗑🗑🗑🗑

I didnt even make it in the trash can 😭😭😭

Well ily all



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