Chapter 14

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The goals are not finished yet but I am posting it as many of u were asking me to here is the chapter......

Days passed and it was after 3 months...

Abhi and Sid has became so close. Sid always take care of him. Vaishu slowly accepted that sid is really taking care of him and not acting.

They took Abhi to get treatment. Even he was giving tantrums at first vaishu and sid somehow managed him to get him to hospital and also with treatment.

Abhi was slowly recovering. I mean very slowly as his mind has stuck in his age of means there is gap of 10 whole years and that can't be treated so soon.

But always Abhi listens to sid in all the things. When he gives tantrums in it for going for his take medicines or to get any injection....sid always takes the control and do his duty correctly.

VM was really happy to see sidshek like this....she felt proud of sid as he was taking care of Abhi as if he is his elder brother. Vaishneet was also soo happy for them...

In simple words the life of the two brothers were going smooth and sid started to love Abhi like before.....even he started to call him Dada...

One fine day...

Sid: Dada....come fast na....I am hungry....

Abhi: yeah I am coming....

Abhi came down and saw all were waiting for him...

Abhi: oops sorry....

Vaish: u are becoming lazy now a days Abhi....see how much time u are taking to get ready....

Abhi: I am not lazy....he said pouting...

VM: ok ok...enough of ur bickerings....come and eat....

Abhi sat beside sid and started to eat the food. But he was eating in hurry....vaishu noticed that...

Vaishu: Abhi...slow down...why so fast....

Abhi: sid said he will take me to park today...and his friends are also coming....yayyy.....he exclaimed....

Sid: but Dada I said that we will go to park in the evening only....why are u rushing on ur breakfast....

Abhi: what evening no....we will go now....please...

Sid: but bhai....we have to go for ur session na...

Abhi: I don't want to go there....he will give me injection and make me to sleep.....I don't want to sleep....I want to play...

Sid: Dada...don't be a bad boy....

Abhi just looked at him with a pout...

Abhi: u all are bad...I am only good....he said looking at all of them earning a chuckle from them.

Abhi: don't laugh at me....that's it everyone started laughing. He sat with a grumpy face there.

After that sid somehow took him to the session and after that they returned home. In the evening Sid took Abhi to the park as he promised.

Jai, Faisu and Riyaz also joined them. Abhi was playing with the kids in the park. Sid was sitting with his friends on the bench keeping an eye on abhi.

Jai: he is really so innocent sid....don't know why God made him this...

Sid: yeah...but...

Fai: what but...

Sid: I am feeling guilty yaar....I am the one who is responsible for his this condition...

Fai: no sid...u are was just ur age that u did like that......don't blame urself....and now see he is becoming normal because of u only....we all are witnessing that he only listens and obeys to clearly shows how he loves u till now....

Ri: yeah sid....u just keep all ur guilty away and see the love in him for u....and also u should witness ur love for him....

Sid: yeah......

They were talking while they heard a huge loud sound behind them. They turned and saw an accident has occured on the road and they saw a man was lying on the road in a pool of blood. The trio were about to go and help that guy...but sid got remembered something....

Sid: shit.....

Fai: what happened...

Sid: Dada...he said with a worried face and turned to see Abhi. He was shocked to see him sitting on the floor cupping his ears and crying.

The trio looked at eachother in worry and ran to him.

With Abhi.

He was playing with the kids happily when he also heard the sound and he turned and saw the accident and the guy in the pool of blood...he got shocked and everything from his past flashed in front of him...

Abhi: papa no...please....

AF: Abhi jump....he said and pushed him out...

Abhi: papa...please wake up...papa...please....he cried seeing his life less dad lying in a pool of blood along with his baby bro...

Sid: u are a killer....u killed them....don't touch me...u will kill me also.....

Abhi: no no....I didn't...I didn't killed them....he was murmuring this and fell on the ground cupping his ears.

He was continuously saying ' I didn't killed them'... Sid came to him and hugged him tightly....but Abhi got scared of him and pushed him away. Sid was also shocked on his this behaviour.

Sid: Dada....

Abhi: no no...I didn't killed them...please no...leave me....he said crying more and more.

Fai: sid why is he behaving like this suddenly....

Sid: he saw the accident fai...doc said he shouldnt witness this kind shock again as it will trigger his past again...

Ri: he is going out control sid...let's take him to home.....then they somehow managed to take him to car and they went home.

On the other side of the park behind a tree two persons were standing smirking at the condition of Abhi. One of them gave a pile of cash to a guy...who was none other than who got accident some moments ago....

Sm1: good work....u really acted well....I think u have got some bruises....just take this extra money for that....he said and tossed the money to him...

Guy: thank u me if u want my help again...

Sm1: yeah yeah...but dont u dare to say this to go....he said and the guy left from there..

Then both the persons smiled at eachother...

Sm1: do u think I will let u to become well that soon Abhishek....that will not happen till I am here....

Sm2: yes....just wait baby....we are coming.....

Sm1: yes....they both laughed evily and went from there....
To be continued.

Goals: 45 votes and 25 comments.

Please complete the goals....

Who will be that 2 persons.....why are they behind Abhi.....??

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