Chapter 26

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After sometime, police officers came again...

VM: what happened sir...

Police: WE ARE HERE TO ARREST UR ELDER SON...please co operate....

VM: what....but why...i mean what he did....she asked looking at Abhi who was standing in the corner still crying.

Pol: mam it's confirmed that ur son has drived the car while it got accident....obviously u know that he is minor to drive a car...and it's illegal....

VM was dumbstruck hearing this. Sid was so much angered hearing this. He was about to shout again when Ashok stopped him.

Ash: but officer what is the proof that he only drived...

Pol: sir we are not fools to arrest a minor boy....we found Amal nigam and his son siddhanth on the passenger seat only...and also he said by himself when we arrived the crime scene....he said pointing at Abhi.

VM: abhi come here....she said  in anger visible in her voice...

Abhi slowly came towards them not knowing what to do. He was still crying...

VM: did  u drived the car yesterday...

Abhi: mom thats...

VM: i asked u whether u drived the car or not....

Abhi just nodded in yes bowing his head down. He thought his mom would understand his state of mind but no everything happened opposite to his thinking. VM slapped him tightly startling everyone. The most shocked one was abhi only. He looked at her with tears in eyes keeping his hand on his cheek.

Abhi: mom....please...i..

VM: shut up abhi....just  shut up....she said crying...

Abhi kept quite and went near police officer as they called him.

VM: sir...i have a request....please let him be here till the funeral rituals finish....he is my elder son....he has to do the rituals....

Pol: ok mam...we will wait....

After that Abhi just stood at corner crying. Ashok came to him...

Ash: so u only killed them right ...

Abhi was shocked to hear this...

Abhi: no chachu....i didn't do anything....

Avn: how could u do this Abhishek...they were ur papa and ur little brother....she said coming towards them.

Abhi: i didn't do anything....i promise on papa chachu....please believe me...

Ash: u killed him already abhi...why are u doing fake promise on him....

Abhi: no...he cried badly.

At that time they were ready to take their corpse to do the last rituals. Abhi saw it and ran to him.

Abhi: please...please don't take siddhu from me please.....he said crying.

Sid who was standing behind them not knowing what to do after this as he lost his father and his twin brother on the same day...and also Ashok and Avantis words were making him more difficult to accept the truth and that difficulty was turning into pure hate on abhi.

Sid went to Abhi and pushed him aside.

Sid: don't u dare to come near them....u were the one killed them now why are u acting like nothing happened because of u....

Abhi: sid please....i didn't do anything...i didn't killed them....please...the breaks were....but Ashok cut him off...

Ash: sid baccha...we have to do the last rituals of papa and siddhu...come lets go....he said took sid with him not letting Abhi to finish his sentence.

Abhi went with them silently and did all the rituals crying badly. But at last after returning home sid bursted out on him...

Sid: i hate u....don't u ever come to me saying u are my brother....i hate u....i hate u....I HATE U.....he shouted at Abhi making him flinch. Abhi ran to his mom for comfort and hugged her tightly....but she didn't reciprocated it.

Abhi: mom please mom....i didn't do anything mom....i didn't killed them mom...

Police officer came there...

Pol: it's time....

Abhi: mom please mom...please don't let them take me mom....please mom....

VM: take him sir....she said handing over him to the police officer.

Abhi started crying vigorously struggling in his grip and also he was just saying ' i didn't killed them'...he whinced in pain when they dragged him out of the house by grabbing his hand with scratches and bruises due to the accident but no one bothered about it....

VM couldn't see her son going like this away from even she was somewhat angry on him...but on the other hand Sid fainted due to excess crying and everyone's concern turned on sid and no one thought about Abhi.

Police took him to the juvenile as his punishment period was for 1 year as he has driven the car illegally and it had cost 2 lives....abhi was scared of everything was not a peacefull one year for him....
To be continued.

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