Chapter 35

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Sry guys for not updating yesterday...i was little busy so i didn't got time for here is ur next chapter....

Zara: umm...i want to tell u all something....

VM: what doc...

Zara: i talked with Dr. Gowtham about his health condition....he said he is ok now and we can proceed with our treatment....

Vaish:but this soon....he is so weak doctor...

Zara: i know vaishu....but if we continue our sessions now and get to know what happened with him in that centre we can treat him accordingly so only ...

Vaish: ma...u tell ma ....shall we get him to session to know what happened with him....

VM: ok....

Zara: then ok....make him eat lunch and give this medicine to him....make sure he eats full enough...

Vaish: ok doc...

After that abhi woke up and vaishu and VM made him to eat full enough as Zara said and gave him the medicine....after he ate the medicine he felt sleepy and in matter of moments he fell asleep.

Sid was there only all the time....when Abhi slept without his blanket on due to the sudden effect of medicine the scar on his chest came visible to all.

Sid saw that and slowly moved towards him. He pushed the the shirt Abhi wearing lightly and saw the whole scar. His eyes brimmed on seeing that and he slowly caresed it.

Sid:. I am sorry Dada.... a mere whisper came out from his mouth...

After few minutes Zara came with her medical equipments....she saw abhi sleeping and turned to others ....

Zara: ok now listen to me....till now when i was doing my session with him u guys were on the other room hearing it....but now u all are here ...and also we are gonna make him spill the most sensitive part of his please be calm down and don't react hearing what he is saying....

There should be no sound around even it will be terrible than the things we heard before....ok....

All except her: ok....

Then everyone seated opposite to them. Zara took a medicine from her kit and injected abhi. He hissed in pain when needle made its contact on his skin.

Zara: i am gonna start....don't interupt or react ok....she whispered looking at them receiving a silent nod from all.

Them she slowly started speaking with abhi. She tried to wake up his subconcious mind and succeeded in it after 3 attempts....

Zara:Abhishek....u can hear me right....

He just nodded for that...

Zara: ok i want to ask u some questions....may i....

Abhi: ok...

Zara: whom do u love the most in this world Abhishek....

Abhi: i don't love particular one....

Zara: ohh...then can u tell me who and all u love....

Abhi: papa,mumma, my brothers and vaishu....a small smile crept on his face while he said her name even in that state...

Zara: ohh....( After that she asked many questions and they talked about the accident and atlast they touched the rehab centre topic...)

Zara: what happened with u in that centre Abhishek....

Abhi didn't replied but instead he started getting panic...

Zara: it's ok Abhishek....don't panic....i will not let anything happen to u....but i want to know what happened to u there...will u tell me please....

Abhi: ok....a tear escaped his eyes...

Zara: ok tell me...

Abhi: after that day they took me to a building which was so creepy. I was really scared of them because they slapped me and beat me on the way itself as I wanted to go back home...and also they were having guns with i got scared and kept quite.

They took me to another city along with some other children. They were also crying so badly..i was scared more after seeing them. After going there they locked us in a room. They tied us with chains so we can't escape...

They used to beat me and tell me that i only killed papa and siddhu....if i cry they will leave me....if i shout back at them they will beat me...

Then one day they took me somewhere i don't know ...but it looked like a hospital...then they took my blood and after testing it they said it's a rare blood group. After that they used take blood from me frequently...

They will give food and compel me to eat even if i don't want...they used to give me lots of tablets to eat. If i deny to eat means they will beat me...then the next day they will take blood from me.....

They nearly took blood from me for 8 to 9 times in one and half years....then i don't know what happened they didnt beat me,didn't scold me and also they didn't took blood from me...and also they gave good food everyday and they locked me in a separate room.

I didn't knew why they were doing like this....but after somedays they again took me to that hospital...I thought that they are going to take my blood again. But they made me lie on the bed and attached some wires on me and put a tube in my mouth forcefully....i don't know why they were doing this...

Then i slept...when i woke up i was in an another place and my chest was so paining....i was really scared that they will also beat me....but after sometime vaishu came there and became friend....

He finished again keeping a smile on his face while pronouncing her name.

Zara: ok Abhishek....thank u for sharing this with u can take rest and sleep....she said and gave him another sedative.

Zara: let's go to my cabin....she said looking at them who were crying silently....

All of them went towards her cabin.

VM: it's my fault....everything is because of me only....i failed as a mother....

Sid just stood there as he very well knew his mother was not responsible and he was the one....

Zara: so we came to know what exactly happened with him in that so called rehab centre.

Vaishu: yes...they have tortured him both mentally and physically....

Zara: yes....and as he said his blood group is very rare...i think they had sold his blood for money....but he was so young then to donate blood. According to Indian medical law a person should have completed his 18 years of age and also he should be fit and fine to give blood( AN:i don't know if it's true....but when there was a blood donate camp in my college they asked everyone whether have completed 18 years and also they checked their weight and their blood pressure to allow them to donate blood)

Bantu: how can someone be this cruel....

Zara: yeah...and also according to the info given by Abhi...they have stopped taking blood from him and nourished him well as they planned to kill him for his heart....

Everyone gasped on this statement....

Zara: thank god Bantu....u guys saved him that let's see what will we  do next....let him be here for some more days and get well...then we will start our sessions....she said and everyone left after agreeing to her.....

Vaishu was about to go out lastly when Zara stopped her...

Zara: vaishnavi....can i have a word with u....

Vaish: yes doctor...

Zara: not here....come lets go to canteen....then they reached canteen and Zara seemed  so tensed to speak...

Vaish: what is it doctor....tell me frankly......

Zara: i want u to do a favour to get Abhi back to normal....

Vaish: tell me what i have to do...i will do anything for him....

Zara: U have to leave him and go away from him.......
To be continued....

What will be vaishu's reaction on this.....

And why Zara wants vaishu to leave Abhi....

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