Chapter 37

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Sid took all of them out except vaishu.
Zara and vaishu turned to Abhi started to treat him....

Outside sid was sitting on the chair when Avu and vibha ma was sitting on the other side...both Ashok and Avanti was fuming in anger as vaishu shouted at them.

VM was crying non stop.

Avu: aunty please....bhai will be fine...please calm down...

VM: how can I be calm Avu...see how he is suffering....she broke down after that...

Sid: ma please ma...don't cry ma please....

Avi: we didn't want ur concern siddharth....please stay away...

Sid: Avu please.....

Avu: it's Avneet for u...

Avan: hey girl...what's ur dare u to show ur attitude towards our u even know who he is and how much rich he is....

Sid : chachi....please be quite ...

Avan: bacha but she is....

Avu: see i dont have time to talk non sense with u guys....( Turning to Bantu) bhai....shall we go and see them.

Bantu: no Avneet....lets wait for them to come out....

Avu: ok....


Zara was treating abhi while vaishu was sitting near him holding his hands. She was crying continuously saying ' i am sorry '.....

After sometime Abhi sat up with a jerk shouting 'vaishu don't leave me'.....

Zara: Abhishek....calm down....calm down...see ur vaishu is here only...she said pointing towards vaishu...

Abhi saw her hugged her tightly crying more...

Abhi: please vaishu....don't go away from me....i will listen to u in everything .....please don't go....don't leave me....

Vaishu: calm down....i am not going anywhere....i promise u...i won't leave u ever....

Abhi: u will not go na....

Vaishu: no abhi...i am not going anywhere.....she said and kissed his forehead while he again hugged her by waist.

After that Zara gave him some medicine and he slept due to its effect.

Vaishu and Zara came out. Everyone ran to them....

VM: how is he fine....

Zara: he is absolutely fine mam....he is sleeping now due to the medicines...don't disturb him till he wakes up....

VM: ok....

Avan: thank god our baccha is safe....all because of this stupid girl....what are u waiting for just go from here....

Vaishu: who are u to tell me to go ...

Ash: but u only said na u are going away....

Vaishu: i am not going anywhere....she said in stern tone and went to chair sat silently.....

Avan: what the hell u thinking of urself....

VM: avantika keep ur voice low this is hospital....she went to vaishu and sat beside her...

VM: thank u vaishu....

Vaishu: for what ma...

VM: for changing ur mind....for not leaving us....

Vaishu: ma it's....

Zara: vaishnavi wait....i will tell them...

VM: what is it doc...

Zara: actually i only told her to do like this....


Zara: vaishnavi....can i have a word with u....

Vaish: yes doctor...

Zara: not here....come lets go to canteen....then they reached canteen and Zara seemed  so tensed to speak...

Vaish: what is it doctor....tell me frankly......

Zara: i want u to do a favour to get Abhi back to normal....

Vaish: tell me what i have to do...i will do anything for him....

Zara: U have to leave him and go away from him.......

Vaishu: what ..what do u mean doc....

Zara: wait wait....let me finish first....

Vaishu: ok...

Zara: see we have came to know why Abhishek is like this....we got to know the truth that why his mind is stucked in the age of now we should start the treatment according to this....

Vaishu: but how it is related to what u said...

Zara: wait i will explain....u saw him right....everytime he wakes up from his sleep with a jerk he shouts for his papa or his brother siddhu....right...

Vaishu: yeah...

Zara:'s because his mind has stuck on that accident which made a great shock and impact on his only he always he gets the memory of his father and brother when he wakes up....and it's the main thing of his disorder....we have to change that....

Vaishu: it means...

Zara: it means we have to give him a more shocking thing which will make him push that accident memory to back of his mind and this shock should be his priority....and why I chose u was when we were asking about his past...every time when he said ur name  there was a smile on his only i chose u...if u give him a shock that u are going away from him leaving him it will give a great impact....

Vaishu: but i have a doubt ...what is the use if we give this shock to's just gonna replace that shocking it will help him...

Zara: that i will explain u....his mind is stuck on that accident till now because he lost them forever....he couldnt meet them after only it gave him a great impact and the loss he faced made him like this....

But this time...when he gets the shock that u are leaving him and going away from him he will get the same impact which he got years ago....but when he comes to know that after that shocking impact also he didn't lose u it will make him to come out of that shock....

Vaishu: u mean....u are asking me to fake like i am going away....

Zara: exactly...u got the point....u just have to act like leaving him and going away....he will request u...cry to u...may be he will try to harm u for this desicion....but u have to be stubborn till he get fainted....then only after he wakes up as i said we can show that he didn't lose u like he lost his papa and brother....

Vaishu: ok i understand ur point....but will it affect him after that also...

Zara: off course it will...he will get panicked whenever he don't find u near him after waking up....but after seeing u slowly his mind will start accept the reality that u will not leave him....this is the first step of our treatment....making him to come out of the old shock by giving a new one but with a positive result....

Vaishu: ok doc....i am ready for this....when should we do this...

Zara: not now....let him get well...he should be at bed rest for atleast 2 weeks after that we will do this....u can tell this to his family and can take support....

Vaishu: no...don't need....i will take Bantu and urs help....let them also think that I am really going away then only their reactions will also give impact on abhi....

Zara: u are also right....and thank u for understanding my plan correctly....

Vaishu: it's ok...i should thank u for taking these steps for getting back my abhi...

Zara: it's my duty vaishnavi....ok let's connected on phone and we can discuss on the plan....

Vaishu: ok....


Zara: so this was our plan only ma...don't take was all done for Abhishek's well being....

Vaishu: i am sorry ma....i made u all to suffer for this....but i didn't have any other choice....

VM: it's ok vaishu....first of all i am happy u are not going away...secondly u did all this for him...i am happy if it works and make him to be normal like others....

Zara: we will surely get him recovered mam....don't worry....she said and left from there....

Vaishu: sorry Avu....i made u too suffer...

Avu: it's ok di...if it's for Abhi bhai...i am ready to bear more than this....

VM looked at them and hugged them kissing their foreheads. Sid just stood there after knowing the truth and he was happy that his mom smiled after 3 days....

Ashok and Avanti went from there in anger as they came to know everything was a drama of vaishu....
To be continued...

Let's see what will happen after this...

will VM amd Vaishneet forgive sid....

What will the devil couples next move....

Guess here....

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