Chapter 60

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In the control room.

The police officers were working on to find any clues. Abhi was with them seeing the cctv footages of the city's entire traffic pole cameras. Soon the others also joined them.

Bantu: any information till now...

Abhi: no...sids car was parked on the bypass road they have switched the vehicle on the road where there is no cctv around.

Vaish: sir we can check the toll gates cctv right....

Pol: yeah we are working on it only but there is two toll gates which that road leads to...

Abhi: sir u guys see on one and we will see on one toll gate...

Pol: ok...

Then they started to check the toll gates cctv footage of the toll gates. Abhi was keenly looking at the vehicles if he can get any clue.

Nearly half an hour gone and something caught abhi's eyes.

Abhi: sir wait..just come backward once...

The police officer did as he told. Abhi pointed to a black colour Innova car.

Abhi: this car is coming again. Check the number with previous cars which crossed.

He did and checked.

Pol: u are right Abhi....this car has crossed the tollgate before 45 minutes and it's returning now...

Abhi thought for sometime and turned to the inspector.

Abhi: sir...what will be the time to reach the place where we found sid's car from this toll gate...

Ins: may be 40 to 50 minutes....

Abhi: that's it...sir follow this car on the next coming cctvs....

They checked the other cctvs and got the clear view of the car when the car entered Pune and it was clear that Ashok was on the passenger seat and someone driving.

Abhi: there are they....they took him to Pune...

Pol: but why ..does he have any property there...

Ins: no way...every property of him are ceased....he can't go anywhere of his properties...

Everyone was thinking but suddenly Abhinavi and Bantu shouted at the same time.

Abhinavi/Bantu: the rehab centre....

Pol: what...

Bantu: yes sir...the rehab centre where abhi was was also run by ashok only...we have the proofs ...

Vaishu gave them the proofs...

Pol: then that building would also be ceased na...

Vaish: no was done 6 years it's just a abandoned building...and it's nearly out of the city no one will go there....we are sure they will be there only....

Pol: u guys know the location...

Bantu: yeah i know...i was in the rescue mission then...

Pol: ok let's go...

Vaish: sir let's inform this to Pune police department also....they will help us...i can get our church father to speak with the commisioner there...

Pol: ok do it...

Vaishu did as she said...and they left for Pune...

In pune.

Sid was sitting in the corner curled up to himself. He was fully messed up and his forehead was bleeding. His lips were also bleeding but he wiped it sometime ago.

Even though he was scared a little he didn't showed to them. He didnt wanted them to get the satisfaction of scaring him. So he kept stubborn which leads to more torture and more pain.

He was just staring at Ashok who was reading some papers may be property papers as he said before...

Soon Ajay came there with a parcel.

Ajay: papa here....change ur dress...u are in the prison uniform still....and here is lunch...

Ash: hmm..give the food to him...i will come after changing....he said and left from there.

Ajay went to sid. Sid didn't even looked at him and kept staring at the wall beside.

Ajay: so baby bro....are u hungry...

Sid looked at him with angry eyes...

Sid: don't u dare to call me like that...u are not my brother...

Ajay: aww...why are u getting angry on me baby...see ur big brother has got food for u...aren't u hungry...he said caressing his hairs.

Sid: just get the hell out of here and leave me alone he said jerking his hands away...

Ajay: no...i don't want u to eat this....he said the last line coldly...

Sid kept silent. Ajay got irritated and grabbed Sids hair harshly.

Ajay: eat...

Sid: no...

He slapped him and was about to punch him again when Ashok came and stopped him.

Ajay: papa...

Ash: leave Ajay...get the papers...

Ajay got the papers and gave to Ashok. Ashok leaned down to sid while he leaned back.

Ash: now will u be the good boy and sigh this papers baccha...

Sid: i am not ur puppet to do whatever u say...u will never get what u want...

Ash: Sid....see as i have saw u grew up from ur childhood only i am not touching u...and also stopping Ajay from harming sign this or else u will see the another side of mine...

Sid : u still has another side...

Ash: off course...till now u are seeing only ur chacha...not the Ashok nigam whom ur Dada has seen....and don't desire to sign it...

Sid: i will not...he shouted and got slap from Ashok. For the first time after coming here Sid's eyes teared up as the person whom he saw as a fatherly figure after his father was torturing him for properties...

Ash: now SIGN THIS SIDDHARTH....he shouted making Sid to flinch.

Ajay forced a pen in his hand and kept the hand on the papers...

Ash: see Sid...even i am here i know what abhi is doing there in mumbai...he is searching for u all over mumbai that too men are behind him only...if u don't sign this now...i will get him dead there itself and u can't even get to see him for the last time....he lied but sid got scared hearing this.

According to him it was obvious they wouldn't knew he is not in mumbai and he knew they will be searching for him...what if it is true that Ashok is telling him...

Sid: chachu...please leave dada...don't do anything to him....u already caused him a lot please....

Ashok smirked as his lie worked out...he took out is phone and dialled a number.

Ash: now sign this or ur Dada will be dead there in mumbai....

Sid didn't had any chance. He was not scared of Ashok...he was scared for Abhi...his brothers life....he took the pen with shaking hands and took the papers.

Sid:  will u leave dada out of this if i sign...

Ash: umm...ok i sign...

Sid took the papers in his hand and started to sign the papers....
To be continued.

One more chapter and may be an epilouge.....

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