🎀 Chapter-28🎀

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After the school, Jimin and Jungkook went to the Kim Mansion with Hoseok as Jin told them. He went to the company with Yoongi and Namjoon. Taehyung also came to Kim Mansion while Rosé went for her part time job.

Hoseok enjoyed the company of Taehyung and Jungkook. He got to know how much "Joker Guy" they both are. Cause once they started it was very hard to stop them and his own laughter.

Spending time with the makanes, Hoseok forgot about his worry's.

It was evening and now they all were waiting for Jin to come when Taehyung recieved a message from him.

Taehyung- Jin Hyung messaged me saying he won't be home tonight.

He said. And now Hoseok was again sad. He didn't get to spend even a minute with Jin and Jin was ignoring him too..... he also felt sad that Jin didn't messaged him.

Taehyung- Kookie you and Jimin can go home. I will stay here, Namjoon Hyung isn't gonna come back too.

Jungkook- Okay

He said and after bidding Bye to Taehyung and Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook left from there.

Taehyung ordered some food cause he wasn't in  mood to make anything. After the food arrived, They are and then Taehyung went to his room (guest room) while Hoseok went to his room.

He went and laid on the bed, his eyes filled with tears which he himself don't know why. He turned to his left side where he would usually find Jin sleeping.

His tears were streaming down his cheeks and he didn't even tried to wipe them up. He closed his eyes trying to sleep and after 30 minutes he was finally asleep.


If Hoseok was that sad, we can't even think what Jin was going through. Only he knows how hard it is for him to ignore his brother whom he love more than himself.

He was in Yoongi studio laying on the couch while Yoongi was working on his computer.

He condition here was more worst than Hoseok. He was literally felling like a sh*t for ignoring and making his brother sad.

Yoongi stood up from his chair to take a small break. He turned behind and saw Jin starring at the celing.

>>> I can't understand what's going on in his mind.

He thought. He went and sat beside Jin but Jin didn't looked at him. He kept starring at the celing.

Yoongi- Hyung...

Jin- Hmm

Yoongi- Don't you think you should go home?

Jin- Hmm

Yoongi- Hyung, Hobi must be alone at home.

Jin- Hmm

Yoongi- Hyung are you even listening?

Jin- Hmm

Yoongi- Hyung are you mad?

Jin- Hmm

He hummed not removing his eyes from the celing. Yoongi rolled his eyes and let out a sigh

Yoongi- Hyung!!!!

He yelled a little which made Jin come back to his sense. He finally looked at Yoongi who was looking clearly annoyed.

He sat on the couch facing Yoongi and then said

Jin- Why are you shouting?

Yoongi- Seriously Hyung? Whatever..... I was telling you to Go Home!!!

Jin- Uh..... home...... I wanna stay here with you today. To.... to make sure you don't overwork.

Yoongi- and what about Hobi?

Jin- Tae is with him.....  and I informed him.... he also agreed.

>>> Sorry Yoongs, but I can't tell you the truth.

Jin thought and he again laid on the couch turning his back towards Yoongi while closing his eyes. His tears also started to stream down his eyes.

Yoongi looked at his Hyung with a sad face before getting back to his work.


Time- 3:00 AM









Hoseok- J-J-Jin H-hy-hyung s-sa-ve m-me!!!

~ Hobi Hyung!! Wake up Hobi Hyung!!


Jin- Please come back to Hyungie Hoba..... please

~ Jin Hyung!!! Wake up Hyung!!


~ Hobi Hyung!! Wake up Hobi Hyung!! Hobi Hyung wake up!! Hyung!!!

Hoseok opened his eyes hearing the voice. He sat on the bed immediately.

Hoseok- Jin Hyung......

~ Hobi Hyung, it's me Taehyung.

Hoseok turned to his side and saw Taehyung standing with a very worried face. He sat on the side of bed and said

Taehyung- I heard some sound from your room Hyung. When I came to check you, you were calling Jin Hyung for help and crying. Did you saw a bad dream Hyung?

Hoseok didn't said anything and just stared at him without blinking, his lips were wobbling And suddenly he broke into tears.

Taehyung was more than worried now. He immediately took Hoseok on his embrace and started to calm him down while Hoseok's cries just increased.

Hoseok- I need Hy-un-gie ......... ple-ase t-el-l hi-m to co-me ho-me........ I ne-need him.

Taehyung- I will Hyung. I will call him. First stop crying please.

He said running Hoseok's back trying to calm him down while the elder busy continued to cry.


~ Jin Hyung!!! Wake up Hyung!!

Jin women up heating the voice. He sat on the couch while panting. He looked at his side and Yoongi standing there with worried face.

Yoongi passed Jin a glass of water which he gulped down in one go. Yoongi kept the glass aside and sat near Jin.

Yoongi- Are you fine Hyung? You were shouting in your sleep when I came from outside.

Jin nodded his head trying his best to remain clam. He took some deep breaths closing his eyes. He looked at Yoongi.

Jin- I am fine..... just some bad dreams.

Yoongi- It's Ok. Lay down. I will go and get something for you from 24/7 (name of Convenience store)

He stood up and was about to go when Jin held his wrist and said

Jin- No need Yoongs. I am fine. Really. You can continue your work or you should go and sleep now.

Yoongi- Hyung, How can I sleep af-

Jin- I know Yoongs. I said na, I am really fine. You can sleep here. I will go to my cabin.

Yoongi- You sure Hyung?

Jin- I am. Good Night

Yoongi- Ok,Good Night Hyung

He said. Jin stood up and left from there.

He went in his cabin and sat on his couch not in mood of sleeping again.

After Taehyung was sure that Hoseok has slept he left the room not knowing as soon as he left Hoseok opened his eyes. He sat on the bed not wanting to sleep.

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Words Count- 1150

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