JiKook / Spooky

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Heavy breaths and random, occasional creaks filled Jungkook's ears as he lied awake in bed. It was nearing three in the morning, and he couldn't sleep. More accurately, he had absolutely zero hopes of sleeping tonight.

Why was that?

Well, there was something in Jungkook's bedroom; he knew there was. He couldn't see it, but he knew it was there. That was all he knew.

At least, he wished that was all he knew.

The one other thing he knew was that this thing--whatever it was--planned to hurt him, maybe even kill him. He didn't know how he knew this. It was mostly a feeling, like a chill in the air.

The atmosphere within his home had grown colder and staler over the past week, each night a bit more suffocating.

"Why are you doing this..?" Jungkook shakily asked the darkness. He didn't really expect an answer in return, which he didn't receive until he asked his next question. "Who are you..?"

And there it was, in the darkest corner of the room, a figure making itself known in the shadows. "You can call me Jimin." The figure's voice was sweet but held a sort of falseness to it, like the sweetness of its tone was hiding the evil that loomed within.

Jungkook tried to look at the figure, but whenever he tried to look at it straight on, it vanished from his sight. He could only see the hazy figure whenever he viewed it through his peripheral. "J-Jimin..? Why are you doing this to me..?"

Seeing the fear in the pretty guy's face and demeanor, Jimin smirked in the darkness. "Why? That's easy. It's your time."

What did that mean? It was Jungkook's time for what? "What do you mean..?" He wanted answers, even though he feared what those answers may be.

Creating soft creaks in the floorboards, Jimin stepped out of the shadow-cloaked corner and approached the bed. Of course, his form was still hidden from full sight, knowing he could only be seen through the guy's peripheral. "No more questions."

Jungkook felt frozen as Jimin reached toward him. He tried to stop the dark figure's hand, but he couldn't see him each time he turned his gaze in that direction, his own hands finding nothing to grab. "No..." A piercing cold pushed its way into his chest. It was painful yet somehow, Jungkook almost felt a sense of drowsiness from it.

Once Jimin grasped what he was after, he retracted his hand, pulling a glowing mist from Jungkook, who became limp, no longer breathing. "Master will be pleased," he said with an inward smirk of accomplishment. "Such a bright, beautiful essence this one had."

Leaving Jungkook for death, Jimin vanished, taking the misty essence to present to his master.

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