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Kim Seokjin
-When he feels like it, he'd make you breakfast in bed, pancakes, tea, orange juice, a gourmet.
-But on most occasions, Jin would be still asleep by the time you woke, his back turned towards you because of his funny sleeping habits of moving a lot
-you'd walk across the bed and slide into his arms, and Jin would whine, but still engulf you in a hug
-You cuddle into his chest, sighing happily
-it was like you fit in his arms
-Almost like a puzzle.

Min Yoongi
-"Yoonie, you have wor-"
-"No, shut up," he mumbles sleepily, of course no bite in his tone, but just whining.
-You'd sigh, trying to push him away from your body, but will fail miserably
-You'd try to call holly so he can bark and wake Yoongi up, but the dog was just the same as Yoongi, dead asleep on the floor of his bed.
-In the end you'd give up, because wriggling your way out of a sleeping Yoongi has a high risk of waking him up, and that was a death wish.
-Yoongi is tiny, but when he's sleeping and you're in his arms, don't expect escape anytime soon.

Jung Hoseok
-Is a cheerful ball of sunshine if he wakes first
-(Y/n).... (Y/n)! (Y/n)! wake up~"
-Would literally bring mickey into your bed so he can lick your face awake
-but if you woke up first, you'd be greeted with warm arms and his nose snuggled in your neck
-or; his weird sleeping habits
-you once caught him counting 'two three four...' and doing arm gestures as if he was dancing in his sleep
-either way, waking with Hobi is a new experience every day

Kim Namjoon
-would always be the first one up, reading, his back against the headboard and one arm around you
-when he feels you shift, he'd smile and lean down to greet you awake with a kiss
-you'd whine and complain how you have morning breath, but he'd protest, saying he doesn't care
-you'd try to pull him back to sleep, but he'd insist that he wasn't tired and wanted to read
-he'd read to you if you wanted to go back to sleep, one hand in your hair as he gently rubs your scalp, soothing you back dream land.

Park Jimin
-Jimin would be buried into your chest, his arms wrapping around you and your legs entangled.
-If you woke early, you'd look down and chuckle, running your hands through his very messy bed hair.
-He whines when you try to wake him up, like a warning alarm.
-like seriously, you try to wake him? he'd whine but not move.
-wake him up again? for ten times? same reaction.
-"Minnie, you'll be late aga-"
-"I don't want toooo!"
-In the end, you'll both end up sleeping again.
-And that, is probably why Jimin is always late.

Kim Taehyung
-Tae usually is the one who wakes first.
-He's shake your shoulder to wake you up if you had school/work, if that doesn't work, oh boy.
-Tae would go out and grab yeontan, and put him on the bed.
-"Go wake mom, Tannie," he'd whisper with a smile
-And the pesky dog would know exactly what to do. Yeontan would run up and sit on your chest, then proceed to lick and bark right in your face.
-You'd wake with somewhat of a groan, and Taehyung would grab the dog with a laugh before you push him off
-"Good morning, babe," he kisses your head as Yeontan jumping to snuggle in your arms.
-You love your boys.

Jeon Jeongguk
-On work days, Jungkook wakes up first because he runs laps every morning.
-but on normal days? Well..
-"Jeongguk, wake up," You hiss, and he responds with a hum, "I'm serious,"
-"mmmimstilsleeping," he replies quickly, hoping you to buy it.
-"Then can you at least get your super cold hands off my ass?" you glared at your 'sleeping' boyfriend.
-"Warm," he replies, turning to you, your foreheads touching.
-"Are you se-"
-He cuts you off with a soft kiss to your lips, one hand coming up to stroke your hair, shutting his own eyes.
-"Jeon-" you wanted to wake him again, but he moves his hand from your hair to your lips,
-"Let's stay like this," he says, before pulling you close, your head under his chin.
-And his cold hands still on your ass.

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