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Chapter one
The Tripod and the Girl
Klitz's POV:
"Oh yeah. Fuck me harder, daddy. Fuck me harder." Moans and slapping sounds came from the tv. I squirmed on the couch next to Eli who was clearly enjoying himself. "Ugh, dude, do we have to watch porn?" I asked. "Klitz, this is art. It's just like watching a movie. Except I know that I can make one better. That's why I'm going to film school." Eli replied. "Yeah and when you get to film school, none of these pornos will be on your film list. You're teacher isn't going to ask you 'how much porn have you watched?'" I rolled my eyes and Eli said "so? At least I'm educated in this area. Don't that look like it feels good? Come on." He gestured to the tv and I looked back at it instead of him. This guy was pounding into the girl. She was practically screaming. "I guess?" I said. "You guess? Klitz, this is why you'll never have a girlfriend." Eli threw his arms up in the air and I sighed obnoxiously. "You could totally jerk off, you know. If you wanted to." I grimaced and covered my face. "Eli, turn it off!" I groaned. "Guys, come on." Matt said as he walked into Eli's bedroom. "Matt, Matt, look!" Matt's head snapped in the direction of the tv at Eli's voice. The couple on the tv orgasmed at the same time. I peeked through my fingers as they came down from their highs, holding onto each other for dear life. The video ended after that. "Thank god." I mumbled softly. "Penny's supposed to be coming over and you guys are watching porn. You know how she feels about it. It makes her uncomfortable." Matt said. I hit Eli on the arm and said "yeah, asshole." "Whoa, hold on! You watched the majority of it with me!" Eli defended himself. "You forced me to. I never want to watch that shit, Eli. I don't even really watch it at home." "Liar." Eli and Matt said at the same time. "I don't! I use my imagination." "When you jerk off? Who you thinking about, Klitzy, hmm? Who's the mystery girl?" Eli asked as he went to lay in my lap. I shoved him away from me and Matt said "come on, tell!" "I'm not saying shit." Eli and Matt groaned loudly. "Who are we gonna tell?" Matt said. "Like maybe we'd tell Penny. And that's it." Eli told me. I felt myself start to sweat as he said that. No. They couldn't tell her. God, I was in love with my best friend. There's no way I could live this down. "Tell! Tell! Tell! Tell! Tell!" Matt and Eli chanted. "Shut up!" I said. Eli smirked knowing he'd got to me. I sat up straight and Eli reached for his bottle of water. "I like Penny." I said it proudly. I was surprised I had actually said it without stuttering. "Penny?! Whoa!!!" Matt fell out of his chair and Eli choked on his water, spitting everywhere. Matt struggled to get back into his chair and Eli was trying to get air into his lungs. I watched the idiotic scene play out in front of me. "Penny? Are you nuts, she's literally dating Chase Collins." Matt said as he jumped up on the couch next to me. Eli gasped for air and said "she's hot." I elbowed him and he said "ow!" "What's going on?" Penny asked as she came into the room. "Nothing." I quickly answered. "Sorry I'm late. Chase dropped me off at home and then I walked over." "It's ok." Penny started going on about her day and I gave Matt and Eli a silent look that said 'please don't tell her.' Matt nodded at me and Eli did the same while rolling his eyes. Matt stood up and went to sit in the chair he was sitting in before Penny came in. He gestured to the couch and she came and sat down next to me. "Hi, Klitzy." She said. "Hi." I replied. She smiled and said "I missed you guys today. I was stuck all day at school with Chase and his sports stuff." "You're dating a jock, what'd you expect?" Eli said. Penny sighed and said "I thought he'd at least want to spend some more time with me." "How long have you guys been going out?" Matt asked. "Three months." "Do you love him?" Penny looked at Eli as he said that. "No. It's too early for that. I like him for sure but I don't love him. I really like him though." "That's good. I hope he makes you happy." I said. Penny looked at me and said "yeah, when he's not caught up with sports he's dreamy." It took everything inside my body not to roll my eyes. Chase didn't know how good he had it and he was definitely going to end up hurting Penny. "So, what'd you guys do before I got here?" "Nothing." "Watched porn." Penny made face and said "Eli, you're so gross." "Penny, it's art. I know how you feel about it so that's why we watch it when you're not around." "I was forced." I told Penny. She giggled and said "all you have to do is leave the room, Klitzy." "Today'll be the last time I watch porn with Eli." Eli looked at me with an annoyed expression and said "I'll watch it alone." "You should branch out a bit, Eli. Twitter porn and onlyfans are more real than pornos. Those people love each other sometimes." Penny said. She leaned back against the couch. My eyes went to her thighs which had thigh high socks sitting atop them. She wore a pair of shorts with a t-shirt and Chase's varsity jacket. 'Chase' was stitched on the front. It made me sick. I wanted to puke. "Twitter porn is mostly just pictures isn't it?" I said. Penny shrugged and said "depends. I'd totally do it if I was pretty enough." I gulped and looked at my lap, keeping the words I wanted to say in my mouth. "You totally could, Penny. Guys would like to see someone like you." Matt said. Eli shook his head and said "no, you're boobs aren't big enough." I elbowed Eli and Penny buttoned up Chase's jacket. "Yeah, you're right." I glared at Eli and Penny said "I gotta go. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow?" Matt nodded while pulling out his phone. "For sure, Pen." Eli said. Penny half smiled and Eli grabbed his phone from his pocket. "Bye, Klitz." Penny waved at me as she left Eli's bedroom. "Bye." The bedroom door closed and her footsteps departed. "You're an asshole." I mumbled. "You want the girl you like to post her titties everywhere?! No! I'm helping you out! Plus, she's my friend! I don't want my friend to post her body everywhere! She's too good for it!" Eli defended himself. And he did have a point. Eli had met Penny first back in middle school. The two of them had met in gym class. Penny was in my math class but didn't pay much attention to me. She was always nice but we didn't really talk outside of class. I was shocked when Eli introduced her for the first time. She knew my name.

"Eli, I didn't know you were friends with Timothy."



"I go by Klitz. Not Timothy. My friends call my Klitz."

"Cool. At least your nickname is kinda cool."

"Penny, you're literally named after a Beatles song! How cooler can you be?!" Eli yelled.

I half smiled as I thought about the memory. Eli and Penny were definitely the closest out of the four of us. I envied him in a way. I wanted what they had, the close friendship. But, if I'm being honest, the two of us had gotten a little bit closer lately. "You guys ready for that pep rally next week? And then the Winter Ball?" Matt said as he stared at his phone screen. "I don't give a shit about that pep rally and who's going to the ball with us? Who? We're nerds." Eli stated. I reached for my phone in my pocket, rolling my eyes as I had to adjust my body to get to it. I wanted to ask Penny to the dance. So bad. But she'd be going with Chase. I scrolled through my phone and went through Twitter. I didn't have any of that porn on my phone. Eli on the other hand had to keep his phone on mute all the time because of it. "I'm bored." I groaned. "Let's play some PlayStation." Eli suggested. I shook my head and sighed deeply. "Man, someone's in a mood. Maybe if you went and jerked off you'd be in a better mood." "Dude." I looked at him while rolling my eyes. "Admit it, Klitzy. You're sexually frustrated." Eli patted my shoulder and I said "and you're a virgin who acts like he's had sex." Matt sniggered from across the room and Eli scoffed. "At least I know how!" "Do you?" "Yeah! The first girl I do it with is going to be mind blown!" Eli said proudly. "Mind blown that you're a two pump chump." I retorted. Matt busted out laughing and Eli said "shut up, Matt! You're a virgin too!" "So? I'm not sitting here acting like I'm not!" Eli flipped him off and Matt just laughed harder.


It was fall at the moment, it was all the girl's last chance to wear skirt and shorts. The popular girls wore that stuff all year of course. Eli and I got out of my car and walked towards the school. Penny got out of Chase's car. He put his arm around her, making her giggle. The two of them walked to where the popular kids stood. Penny wasn't popular. By any means. Not at all. But, she had gained a social status by being with Chase Collins. I noticed the skirt she had on. She never wore skirts. My mouth almost dropped and Eli said "holy shit. She's wearing a skirt." "Yeah." I replied. Penny stood on her tiptoes to kiss Chase as he walked off with the football and lacrosse players. The wind blew and Penny held down her skirt. Another giggle left her lips and her best friend Oceana stood next to her. Oceana was probably the only female friend she had. My mouth dropped. There it is. Her skirt left nothing to the imagination and neither did the cropped t-shirt she wore. "I thought her boobs were small." Eli said. I elbowed him. "Ow!" "You're an idiot. Penny's always been busty." I said. Eli looked at me and said "you've been looking at her tits?" "And you haven't?" I quipped. Eli didn't answer as we approached the two of them. "Hey, guys." Penny said as we stood in front of them. "Nice outfit." Eli commented. Penny shrugged and grabbed Chase's jacket that was hanging on her arm. "Yeah, I wanted to try something different." I watched as she put the jacket on, making sure it covered her chest. I knew it was because of the comment Eli made yesterday. I quickly glared at Eli but made sure Penny didn't see it. "Klitz, could you come with me to my locker? It got stuck again." Penny asked. I nodded and said "sure." Eli left my side as Matt walked up. Oceana followed the two of us as her locker was right next to Penny's. I watched Penny do her combination and pull on the locker, nothing happening. I stepped forward and put it in her combination. I knew it since I had done this so many times. I pulled on the locker, hard. The lock opened and Penny said "thank you, Klitzy." I felt my cheeks heating up at the nickname. "You're welcome." I noticed the photo strip she had hanging in her locker. It was Matt, Eli, Penny and I. We had went to the mall and Penny drug us in there. It made me happy that she loved those pictures as much as I did. I practically stared at that photo strip everyday. The way Penny hung onto me for the pictures made my heart ache for her. "I'll see you in science?" I said. Penny nodded and said "yeah." I left her side, going to catch up with Matt and Eli.

Penny's POV:
Oceana sat down across from me in the lunchroom. "Lizzie and I are filming later. Wanna come over?" She said. I shook my head and said "no thanks." Lizzie walked over to where we sat. Lizzie was one of the prettiest girls in school and nobody knew her. Barely anyone knew who she was. Lizzie shook out her hair and said "Penny, you should totally film a video. Take some pictures of yourself. You're sexy enough." I shook my head again and said "no. Eli said I wasn't." Both of them scoffed. "You need more estrogen in your life. You're surrounded by testosterone. Men. You purposely surround yourself with men." Oceana said. I shrugged and said "they're my friends." "What's the one with the glasses' name?" Lizzie said. "Klitz." Lizzie furrowed her eyebrows and said "he's named after a clitoris?" "No! It's his last name! Klitz is just what he goes by." I said while trying not to laugh. "Well, Klitz most likely has a crush on you." "No, he doesn't. I know the kinds of girls Eli and him like. Porn stars. Like you guys." Lizzie smirked and her hand went to Oceana's thigh. "He's head over heels." I shook my head and said "stop, no he doesn't. And I have a boyfriend. Him and I have always been platonic. I happen to know how he talks about girls and I'm not one of them. I'm not even his type." Lizzie shrugged and said "ok. Whatever you say." Oceana's eyes went to Lizzie's boobs that were practically on display. Her low cut tank top brought the eyes of everyone in the school looking at her. Eli sat down with his tray of food, sighing. His eyes flickered up to Lizzie's chest and then back at his tray. Then he looked back up at Lizzie's chest in shock. Matt and Klitz then sat down, their eyes going to her chest as well. Klitz gulped and Matt then looked at his food, not phased once he saw them. Klitz took a swig of water, his eyes still on Lizzie's tits. "Nice." Eli said. Klitz coughed and covered his mouth to not spit everywhere. "Come on, guys. Didn't you guys watch porn last night?" I asked. Eli smirked and said "I watched some this morning." Klitz looked at him with a disgusted look on his face. "You have an addiction." He stated. Matt nodded in agreement and Eli said "hey, I'm a kid in high school. It's normal." Oceana laughed and said "sure it is." Eli winked at her and said "it most definitely is." Lizzie leaned back in her seat as she ate her lunch. "What's your name?" Matt said. "Lizzie. Lizzie Vasquez." "Nice to meet you, Lizzie." She nodded to Matt and Eli held his hand out. "I'm Eli." "I know. I've heard many things from Penny." Eli then looked at me. "You've been talking about me, huh?" I nodded and said "Lizzie is a friend of Oceana's and I was telling her about you guys." Klitz half smiled and Lizzie said "are you guys going to that party?" "What party?" Matt, Klitz and Eil asked in unison.

Yo yo yo your girl is back with Paul Dano's multiverse of characters. So lemme get something across really quickly. The movie still takes place in 2004 obviously but just pretend Twitter and Onlyfans are a thing. And they have smartphones but without all the social media. I hope y'all will read this book!! It'll be full of smut and shit like the movie so please don't report!!

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