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Chapter ten
The Drive In (1)
Penny's POV:
I looked in the full body mirror in my bedroom with a sigh. "What?" Oceana said. "Should I wear a skirt? It's cold out. And I'm going to be with the boys and you'll be with Lizzie." I replied. Oceana looked at the mini skirt and said "expect Eli to make comments." "Do you think Klitz'll like it?" I asked. "Why do you care what Klitz thinks?" I didn't answer her as my eyes went back to the mirror, looking my outfit up and down. The sweater I was wearing accentuated my breasts and showed a little cleavage. And the skirt, well, it was super short and it was cold outside. Oceana raised her eyebrows as she awaited my answer. I shrugged and said "I dunno." "Don't tell me your feelings for Klitz are coming back." I covered my face and said "Oceana, don't." "They are! Holy shit! Why haven't you asked him out yet?" I removed my hands from my face and sat down on my bed. Lizzie was currently in the shower and we were waiting on the boys to get here. Of course this was basically a date for Lizzie and Oceana but the boys didn't know that. "He doesn't like me." I said. Oceana rolled her eyes and said "how do you know that?" "He told me." "What did he say?" I sighed and said "I watched the tape of Klitz and I at his house before we came back. And I had said that we needed to get back before you guys thought we were hooking up. And Klitz said nobody would ever think him and I were hooking up. He said look at you, look at me. There's no way." I looked down at the ground and Oceana said "he didn't say he didn't like you." "He basically did. And I know what kind of girls he likes I've been friends with him since middle school. I told myself I wasn't going to dwell on it. I'm going to swallow the feelings and let them go. But in all honesty, does this outfit make me look cute? I just want to look pretty." Oceana shook her head at me and said "Penny, you're pretty. You always look cute when you go out. If Klitz doesn't like you, it doesn't matter. He's missing out. I'm pretty sure he does like you but from what you said, maybe he doesn't. You could always have a chance with Eli or Matt." I groaned and said "Matt's like my brother. Like I don't think he's ugly but gosh there's no feelings between us at all. Eli, on the other hand. There could be something there." "You could always flirt with Eli and see if Klitz gets jealous." She suggested. I nodded with a shrug. Once Lizzie was done in the shower she quickly got dressed. I heard the familiar sound of Klitz's horn outside. The three of us went downstairs and Eli stuck his head out of the passenger seat window. Klitz had already turned around the correct way to exit. "PENNY LANE, MY LOVE YOU LOOK GORGEOUS!" Eli said in a horrible English accent. I rolled my eyes playfully at him and bowed. "Thank you, good sir." Eli laughed at me and Matt said "where are Oceana and Lizzie?" "Well, there's not exactly any room in here is there?" I said. Eli sucked his teeth and turned to Klitz. "We should've took Penny's parents' hippie van!" "It's not my fault our friend group is too big for my car!" Klitz spluttered. I went to get in the backseat and Klitz stopped me. "Eli, get in the back." Eli's eyes widened and he said "dude, are you serious?" "Yes. Get in the back." "Klitz, I was here first!" I giggled softly at Eli as he hit Klitz's arm. Klitz sighed and said "dude, get in the back." "Bros before hoes!" Eli exclaimed. I raised my eyebrows and Eli quickly turned to me. "No offense." I shook my head and said "none taken." "Eli, just get in the back." Klitz said through gritted teeth. "Fine! Fine! I'll get in the back of the car when there's clearly enough room for all of us in the hippie van! And I'm pretty sure Penny and I can fit in this seat together!" Eli scoffed. "Eli!" Klitz and Matt said in unison, tired of their friends antics. Eli got out of the car and looked at me. "Only for you. Only for you." He pointed at me and I said "awe, you're such a sweetheart!" Eli rolled his eyes and I kissed his cheek. Eli's eyes widened and he cleared his throat before getting in the car. I got in the passenger seat and said "hi, Matty." "Hey, Penny." Klitz started driving and I said "hi, Klitz." "Hi, Pen." He replied softly. Eli leaned over the console in the backseat and reached for the radio. "Stop." Klitz slapped Eli's hand and Eli retracted his hand quickly. Klitz turned up the stereo in the car, Age Of Consent by New Order entering the air. "Alright!" Eli said as he leaned back against the seat. I took a piece of bubble gum out of my purse and started to chew it. I hummed to the song softly and Klitz said "I brought a blanket. If you get cold." I looked at him and said "oh. Ok. Thank you." Things were still a bit awkward between us since he had made that comment a couple of days ago. I half smiled at him and looked down at my lap. "Are we ok?" Klitz asked. "What do you mean?" I replied as I didn't look up. "The other night. Did I do something? Please tell me if I did." My eyes flickered up to look at Klitz. He looked over at me as he stopped at a red light. I said "no. I don't think so. I guess it's just the tape making everything awkward. It's honestly probably not as hot as I thought it was. Forget I said that the other night, ok? I don't want things to be weird." Klitz shook his head and said "nothing's weird. I thought I did something since you didn't watch the tape a second time with us. You went upstairs. And I-" "It was nothing. I had a headache and went to take some Motrin for it." I interrupted him. Klitz nodded and said "oh." I sighed and said "I didn't mean to snap at you. You're my best friend, Klitz. And we're ok. Just ignore everything I said, ok? I don't want you to feel weird." "I didn't. You can say what you want. If you thought it was hot then you should say it." Now it was my turn to shake my head. "Not if it makes you uncomfortable." Klitz went to reply and Eli groaned obnoxiously. "Green light! Green light!" He said quickly. Klitz looked at him in the rear view mirror with a huff. He then started to drive. Eli wrapped his arms around me as he laid his head on the seat. "Eli, you're squeezing me." I squirmed in the car seat and Eli said "do you want to share a popcorn?" "Share with Matt." I said. "Why?" Eli scoffed. "Cause you're sitting in the back with him." I retorted. "Hello?" Matt said to Eli. Eli looked at Matt and said "hello." He then turned back to me. "So, you're gonna share with Klitz?" "Only if it's ok." I said as I looked at Klitz. He looked at me and nodded. "Yeah. That's fine." His eyes went back to the road as he drove. "That's dumb." Eli mumbled. I pushed on Eli's arms and said "Eli, it hurts. You can't hold me from around the seat." "Let her go, Eli." Klitz told him. Eli held his hands up and said "whatever." A few minutes later we got to the drive in. Klitz parked and had Matt set up the speakers and everything. Klitz and I went to get food and drinks. Eli was supposed to stay with Matt but didn't of course. Eli put his arms around my waist as we waited in line. I giggled and said "stop." "We'd make a cute couple wouldn't we?" He quipped. Klitz shrugged and said "I guess." I noticed Hunter and Chase walking over to us. Eli slowly removed his arms from around my waist. "Penny, talk to me. Please. We can go to my car and talk everything out." Chase said. I shook my head. "No. I'm with my friends." "You'd still rather hang out with them than me?" Chase asked. "Yeah. Yeah she would, assface." Eli spat. Hunter chuckled condescendingly and Chase said "you guys think you're hot shit cause Penny's you're friend? Lemme tell you guys something. Man to man. She's a lousy lay. She fucking sucks in bed." Hunter looked at me and then at Chase. "Brah, that's not cool." He said as he nudged Chase. I furrowed my eyebrows at Hunter's behavior. I was ready for him to agree with Chase wholeheartedly. "You're the worst asshole she's ever dated. I'm glad she broke up with you." Klitz told Chase. I kept my composure, not daring to cry in front of Chase. "It's the truth. If she ever spreads her legs for one of you, you'll find out. I recommend you turn her down." "Shut the fuck up." I said through gritted teeth. "Why? Cause you know I'm right?" I shook my head at him and Eli said "why don't you go fuck Jane? Or have you done that already?" Hunter looked at Chase and I scoffed. "You cheated on me with Jane? Jane?! You're worse than I thought!" I said in disbelief. Chase's eyes widened at me. I wondered how Eli had managed to figure out that information. Klitz crossed his arms over his chest and said "Jane? That's low. I mean, she's nowhere near as pretty as Penny. You're a fucking idiot." "You didn't tell me it was Jane, brah." Hunter said. Eli took a step forward and said "get out of here." Klitz did the same and said "fuck off, asshole." Chase grabbed Klitz by his jacket. Hunter grabbed Eli, mimicking Chase's actions. Klitz's face scrunched up into fear. "Sorry! Sorry!" He quickly said. Eli tried to get free of Hunter's grip. "Let them go." I said as I touched Chase's arm. I looked at him the way I used to when I was in love with him. A look he only got to see when the two of us were alone. "Chase! Hunter! What're you guys doing?" Jennie's voice said. Hunter let go of Eli and Eli flipped him off. Chase shoved Klitz who stumbled back into a pillar. He winced and I watched my ex boyfriend walk away, going back with his friends. "What a dick." Eli said. I took a step towards Klitz and said "are you ok?" He nodded. His eyes were glued to Chase and I touched his arm. "You're sure?" "Yeah. I'm ok. Ow." I frowned at him and gave him a hug. "Is it your back?" I asked. "Yeah, but I'll live. It's not a big deal." Klitz replied. The line started to move again. We got a couple of bags of popcorn, some drinks and some candy. I felt so safe when we got back to the car. I scooted closer to Klitz as the two of us shared a bag of popcorn. Klitz sighed in relief as he leaned back against the seat. His eyes fluttered closed and he extended his legs as far as he could. "Klitz?" He opened his eyes to look at me. "Do you want a Motrin? For your back?" He nodded and I handed him the pill which he quickly downed with a swig of soda. "This part's one of my favorites." Eli said as the logs fell from the truck, smashing into the police car directly behind it on the screen. Matt laughed as Eli continued to yell at the screen. The premonition scene was something Eli loved and we all had to just let him get his excitement out. Once it was over I was able to relax. If we hadn't of run into Chase, I would've enjoyed that scene like I usually would. I munched on the popcorn, starting to get invested with the story. Kimberly was desperately trying to get everyone to listen to her about the visions she was having. Final Destination 2 was so different than the first one but so good. As I reached for a handful of popcorn, Klitz did the same. Our hands touched and I quickly moved my hand away. I could see Klitz's cheeks heating up in my peripheral vision. "Sorry." I whispered. Klitz shook his head. "It's ok." He replied. I half smiled and eventually got full on the popcorn. Klitz at the majority of it though. I shivered and Klitz said "do you want me to grab the blanket? I threw it in the trunk." "You don't have to." I said. "I do if you're cold. Come on, Pen." I sighed and then nodded. He got out of the car and then went to the trunk. I looked over the seat and watched him. After running into Chase it had me on edge. I knew Klitz could defend himself but I didn't want him to possibly be jumped by Chase and his goons. When I heard the trunk slam closed I quickly turned around. "Penny, Tim's gonna die." Eli said as he pointed at the screen. I looked to the screen to see Tim in the dentist's office. I shook my head at Eli and Klitz got into the car. He handed me the blanket and I said "thank you." "You're welcome." He replied with a half smile. I leaned my head on his shoulder and curled up next to him. Klitz tensed up and I covered myself with the blanket. "Damn!" Eli and Matt yelled as Tim was crushed by a pane of glass. Klitz chuckled softly at friend's antics. I looked for Oceana's car which was next to ours. The two of them were cuddled up in the front seat. I was happy for them. I felt Klitz wrap his arm around me, his hand resting on my waist. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. He removed his hand from my waist and said "sorry." I shook my head at him and said "it's ok." "Are you sure?" "Yeah. It's fine." Klitz then pulled me closer to him, his hand accidentally going up under my sweater. I jumped and said "your hand is cold, Klitzy." "They always are. I dunno why." He said as he held his hands up. I grabbed his hand and set it under the blanket on my waist. "Now your hands will be warm." I also gave him some of the blanket and laid it across his lap. He smiled at me and then his attention went back to the movie.

Oceana's POV:
"This is nice, isn't it?" I said to Lizzie. I was pretty sure this was a date but at the same time I didn't know. Penny assumed it was which was fine with me. Lizzie nodded and said "yes. I love the tripod. I do. But sometimes Eli gets on my nerves." "He's not so bad. He's just Eli." "Yeah, I know. Oh my god look at Klitz and Penny!" I turned my head to see the two of them in the front seat. Penny's head was on his chest as she slept. Klitz's head was laid back against the seat and would slowly fall forward before he'd stop himself. "They'd be cute." Lizzie said. I nodded in agreement and said "yeah. Penny has feelings for him." "Again? I thought she was over him." "Everything that happened with Chase brought the feelings back I guess. And she never really got over him. She just pushed the feelings down because he's one of her best friends." Lizzie half smiled and said "she should definitely go for it." "She probably will. One day." I nodded again. Lizzie's attention went back to the movie. I stared at her beauty, absolutely mesmerized by her. We had become really great friends who also filmed stuff for Onlyfans and Twitter. I wasn't sure if the two of us would ever end up in a relationship. Especially in this day and age. And how would the tripod take it? They'd probably honestly take it well. Considering the three of them thought two girls being together was hot. Well, Eli especially. I also knew of Lizzie and Ferrari's rivalry, more like Lizzie hating Ferrari. And I think it was because she was in the big leagues and happened to film small stuff with me. She mostly filmed stuff with men but occasionally filmed stuff with me. And she was absolutely gorgeous but I knew the two of us wouldn't ever be in a relationship. "Oceana, what're you thinking about? We're supposed to be watching these people get gruesomely murdered by death itself." Lizzie said. I shook my head and said "my train of thought is just speeding around. I need to slow it down." "Should we have went with them? Is it weird?" She gestured to Klitz's car. Eli yelled in shock as an air bag deployed on screen, killing Kat who had a pole sticking through her head. Matt grimaced and Klitz jolted awake. He blinked a few times and looked at the screen, holding Penny closer to him. "I don't think so. We're not as close to them as Penny. We're all becoming good friends but Penny might as well be apart of their tripod. They're like a singing group. Penny and the Tripod. Penny's the lead while the boys are her backup singers." I said. Lizzie laughed and said "that's honestly adorable. They should start a band." I shook my head and leaned my head on Lizzie's shoulder. She hugged me and held me close to her. About thirty to forty minutes later the movie ended. "I gotta pee!" Eli yelled. Klitz turned around to shush his friend and Lizzie and I got out of my car. Matt grabbed the garbage out of Klitz's car and went to the trash. Eli noticed Penny sleeping and then knocked on Klitz's window loudly. "Asshole!" Klitz said in a hushed tone. Penny jumped and looked at Eli. She rolled her eyes and Eli went walking off to the bathroom. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep." She said to Klitz. He shook his head and said "it's ok. I did too." Penny sat up and leaned against the seat. Klitz took that opportunity to take the speakers off the windows. "Shit, I'll do that." Lizzie said. "Klitz?" Penny said as she went to get out of the car. Klitz looked over at her and she said "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He nodded and I followed Penny. I cleared my throat and said "are you aware that you and Klitz were all cuddled up?" Penny sighed and said "not until I woke up. I don't even know how I fell asleep. I got the perfect amount of sleep last night." "It was probably because you're so comfortable around Klitz. And you're crushing on him so hard." Penny shook her head and said "well, hopefully it wasn't awkward." She went into a stall to do her business. I did the same and then washed my hands as I was finished. Penny looked at herself in the mirror and said "Chase told them I was bad in bed. And that if I ever spread my legs again, whoever I'd sleep with would know. And he cheated on me with Jane. Fucking Jane!" Tears brimmed her eyes as she looked down, not wanting me to see. I frowned and hugged her. "Chase is an asshole. Ignore what he says. It's obvious he wanted to be with you so he could sleep with you." I said. Penny sniffled and said "I never should've dated him. I should've swallowed my pride and asked out Klitz. But I was too worried about ruining our friendship. Now, I never will. I'm going to keep him as my friend and not ruin the relationship we have. I don't want to lose him to something stupid like that." I rubbed Penny's back and said "hey, I'm sure Klitz will always be there for you. And he doesn't care what Chase said. I promise you. If anything I'm sure he wants to kick Chase's ass." Penny chuckled softly and the two of us left the bathroom, going back to the cars. Lizzie then went to use the bathroom. Penny clumsily walked to the car, trying not to fall on the gravel. I watched Klitz's hands go to her hips, holding her up. "Sorry." She said. He shook his head and said "it's fine. I'll be back. I gotta go to the bathroom." Penny nodded and went to sit in the car with Eli who was coming back. Klitz and Matt went towards the men's restroom. "Penny, you fell asleep." Eli said. Penny sighed and said "I know. I didn't mean to." She wrapped herself up in the blanket that laid on Klitz's front seat. A few minutes later everyone came back to the cars so we could leave.

Klitz's POV:
Penny had fallen back asleep as I started to drive. She was asleep the on seat, her head inches away from my lap. "Matt, I'm gonna drop you off first." I said. Matt nodded and said "alright." "Why?" Eli said. "Cause Penny's asleep. I'll drop her off last." I replied. "No, drop me off last." I rolled my eyes at Eli but decided that was fine. Matt lived the furthest since the street his house was on was so long. I pulled up to Penny's and shook her softly. "Pen, you're home." Penny's eyes fluttered open and she said "sorry for falling asleep again." "It's ok." She shrugged the blanket off her body and I got out of the car to walk her to her door. "You didn't have to walk me, Klitz." "I wanted to make sure you got in ok." Penny nodded with a sigh. "I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked. "Yeah." Penny than gave me a hug. She had hugged me multiple times during our friendship. It wasn't anything weird. But this hug felt different. I rubbed her back a bit and she then pulled away. "Bye, Klitz." "Bye, Penny." She went inside her house and I made my way back to the car. Eli was already in the front seat. "What'd she say?" He said. I rolled my eyes and said "fuck off, Eli. Nothing happened." "God, you're so sensitive when it comes to Penny."

Here's the update!! I meant to have it up yesterday but I play way too much dead by daylight

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