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Chapter twelve
The Prom Pep Rally
Penny's POV:
Spring. It was spring now. After the pool party at Oceana's our little friend group seemed to get closer. Chase eventually forgot about me the following months but would still look at me every once in a while. The crush I had on Klitz seemed to get stronger as time went on. It seemed like every other night I was humping my pillow to the thought of him. And our friend group had some amazing news in the last couple of weeks. Klitz had gotten into Yale. He could basically fail the rest of the year and still end up at Yale. I hadn't gotten my acceptance letter to Yale yet. In fact, I hadn't gotten a letter from them at all. Klitz had got his two weeks ago and Matt got his Georgetown letter a week ago. I'd never tell the tripod but I had been unbelievably stressed and had definitely cried myself to sleep because I hadn't gotten a letter yet. In other news, Matt had succeeded in getting the school to raise money so Samnang could come over from Cambodia as a foreign exchange student. Matt was definitely proud of that. "Did you get your letter?" Eli asked me. I shook my head and said "did you?" Eli sighed deeply and said "no. I don't know what I did wrong. I mean, I submitted a good film. Why don't they want me?" "I'm sure you'll get your letter soon, Eli." I said to him. "You deserve to go Yale, Pen. You're so smart. They'd be stupid to reject you. I could never make it in a college like that. Even though I wanna go to film school, I don't have the brains for Georgetown or Yale." Eli propped his head up with his hand as he finished talking. I frowned at him and looked down at my lap. Eli and I were the first to arrive at the diner. It was one of our usual hangout spots. Klitz had stayed after school for extra credit and Matt was working on his stupid speech he hadn't finished yet. For Matt to get the scholarship he wanted, he needed to have a speech on moral fiber. It was basically a scholarship for moral fiber. "When did you guys get here?" Matt said. "A couple of minutes ago. Why?" I said. He shrugged and said "I didn't want to keep you guys waiting." I nodded and the waitress came over. She had to be a little bit older than us. Probably a couple of years. At the oldest she was twenty one or twenty two. "Can I get you guys started on something to drink?" She asked. Eli looked up at her and his eyes slightly went wide. She was slim with long blonde hair. Her makeup was done to perfection and her red nails contrasted perfectly with her skin. Her tits barely fit in the tight diner's uniform she wore, the skirt flowing out around her hips. "A vanilla shake." Eli squeaked. She wrote it down on her notepad and then turned to Matt and I. "I'll have  a chocolate shake." She nodded at me and then awaited Matt. "Uh, cookies and cream." "I'll be right back with those." She then walked away from the table. "Dude." Eli began. Matt rolled his eyes and said "I know." I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Twitter a bit before putting it away. Lizzie and Oceana came in and Lizzie said "this booth is too small." "We can sit at the bigger one." Matt said as he pointed at the corner. We then moved to the booth in the corner. Eli was on the inside while I was on the outside of him. Lizzie and Oceana were on the inside as well. "Where's clitorus?" Lizzie asked with a laugh. Oceana stifled a giggle and I said "I have no idea. It doesn't take this long to get extra credit." Matt quirked an eyebrow brow and our waitress brought our shakes and Klitz finally arrived. "It's about time, Klitz!" Eli said. Klitz sighed and said "I know. I'm sorry." "And what would you like to drink?" The waitress asked Klitz. Like Eli, Klitz's eyes bulged out of his head and he said "uh, a strawberry shake." "You got it. And when you guys decide on food. Let me know." Her name tag read 'Denise.' Klitz sat down next to me, causing me to scoot inside the booth next to Eli. Eli sat up, leaning over me to Klitz. "She's hot, right?" Klitz looked at Eli and shrugged. "I guess." "Don't be modest, Klitz. Just say you think she's hot." Klitz didn't answer Eli as he took off his glasses to rub his eyes. I tuned everyone out as I thought about my letter to Yale. I was now going to have to find a new college to go to. And it was getting later and later. What school would even accept my application this late? I was screwed. Klitz was going to go to Yale and leave me behind. It'd just be me and Eli while our friends got to go to college and start their lives. "Pen?" Klitz's voice said softly. I blinked and didn't answer. "Pen Pen." My eyes flickered to look at him and he said "are you ok?" I gave him a half smile. "I'm fine. Just overthinking things about school." Klitz nodded and said "I know school is kind of rough right now. Just know that...you can talk to me." I took a sip of my milkshake to hide the nervous facial expression that was going to be etched onto my face. "I know. It's mostly just that essay for English. Other than that school is ok." I said in a nonchalant tone. "I can help you. With the essay." "Klitz, English isn't your forte." I said with a slight giggle. He clicked his tongue and said "you're right. But, you're my best friend and I don't want you stressed out. You're my Pen Pen." Klitz had started calling me that in the last couple of months. Weirdly it seemed like the whole skinny dipping at Oceana's thing brought him and I closer. "I'm not stressed, Klitzy." I hated lying to him but I couldn't possibly bring him down with my misfortunes. Denise came back and took our orders since Matt called her back over. I never strayed from the same thing I got which was either a hamburger and fries or chicken fingers and fries. Klitz went with a hamburger and Eli did the same. I decided on chicken fingers along with Oceana and Lizzie. Matt got a grilled cheese sandwich. Prom was next week and I was really looking forward to it. I was hoping Klitz would ask me but it most likely wouldn't happen. I'd probably end up going alone or not at all. I didn't really want to go with anyone other than Klitz. The six of us hanging out at the diner started to become a regular occurrence since we barely saw anyone from school there.


Today was the pep rally for prom. I stood in between Eli and Matt as we walked into the gym. The band played loudly, the drums practically thrumming in my chest. A banner hung above our heads that read 'Do you have the fever?' Matt chuckled and looked at Klitz. "Do you have the fever?" Klitz played with his backpack straps, his long fingers messing with the material. "No. Why do you?" Klitz asked Matt. Matt shrugged and said "I don't know. Maybe." He then turned to Eli. "How about you?" Eli sighed deeply and said "I just gotta fuck something." I laughed incredulously at Eli's comment and we went to go sit in the bleachers. Matt would've announcing all the money the school raised for Samnang so he was going to go stand with Principal Salinger. Oceana and Lizzie sat on the opposite side of me since Klitz was to my left. One of Hunter's friends was hyping the crowd up for prom. "Security's gonna be tight so make sure you get wasted before showing up!" He yelled into the mic. The loud cheers from Hunter and Chase were heard as they sat a few rows above us. I rolled my eyes and then Matt stepped up to the mic as Mr. Salinger introduced him. "How's it going?" Matt said. The crowd was dead silent. One student coughed which was the only thing anybody heard. I gave Matt a thumbs up, encouraging him to keep going. "Ok, so, let's start with Operation Get Samnang." Matt began. "SAMNANG BABY!" A guy yelled. Everyone started cheering and Matt waited for them to finish. "Uh, well, we did it. Uh, we raised the $25'000 for the genius Samnang to come over from Cambodia and study here at Westport." A few students clapped and Eli did the same. Klitz just looked around, not wanting any attention brought to him. He had his hands clasped in front of him. My eyes went to his large hands. I honestly thought his hands were unbelievably attractive. "Speaking of which, uh, Samnang sent us a new tape." Matt said to the crowd. "SHOW THAT SHIT!" Hunter yelled. Chase laughed from next to him and stood up, clapping. Klitz rolled his eyes at the jocks being obnoxious. Eli jumped at their loud voices and looked over his shoulder up at them. "Fucking idiots." Lizzie said as she pushed her hair behind her shoulder. Matt looked up at the screen in the room and started the video. "Hi, everyone, it's Samnang." The crowd went absolutely nuts. I shook my head as he went on about coming to America and how excited he was. The majority of the kids in here didn't give a fuck and why they were cheering I'll never understand. "I WANT TO BANG YOU!" Some guy screamed. Klitz choked and I immediately looked over at him. "Are you ok?" "Choked on my spit." He gasped. I patted his back and said "poor baby." His cheeks turned red and I giggled. Eli looked around and said "who even said that? He wants to bang him?" The pep rally ended as the video ended. I walked with the tripod. I watched the three of them stare at the jocks and popular kids leaving school to skip. "How do they just skip class every day and go to the beach?" Klitz asked as he stood at the window. Matt clicked his tongue and said "because they just don't care." The three boys seemed to stare at them, jealous that they could do whatever they want. "Let's go with 'em." Klitz and Eli looked at Matt as if he grew three heads. Eli stopped chewing the gum in his mouth, raising his eyebrows. "Seriously, let's just go." "Why?" Klitz said with a scoff. "Because we never do anything. I mean, we're graduating. We should be going nuts right now. Let's just do something." Matt tried to encourage his friends. Klitz gave Matt a serious look and said "I am doing something, I'm going to class." I rolled my eyes slightly at Klitz. "Klitz, you already got into Yale. It doesn't matter anymore." Matt told him. "Yeah Klitz, you pussy." Eli taunted. Klitz scoffed and said "well, why don't you go?" Matt nudged Eli and said "yeah, come on. Let's go." Eli winced and said "beach is for fags, Matt." "The beach is for fags?" Matt asked in disbelief. "Yeah." Eli said with a nod. "You know what? You guys are fags." Matt said as he patted Eli's shoulder and pushed past Klitz. Klitz scoffed again and rolled his eyes. Matt then walked out of the school and to his car. "He's actually gonna do it?" Lizzie said. She stared in shock. Eli shook his head and said "he'll chicken out." Klitz rocked back and forth on his heels and said "I'm gonna be late so can we go?" "There's three minutes left to get to class so chill. Plus you can use the excuse of the pep rally making you late. Our English class is all the way on the opposite side of the school. Come on, Klitzy." I said as I pulled him down the halls. Eli followed behind us and Oceana said "ugh, I have history." "And I have math class so bye." Lizzie left us and went down a different hall. Eli went to the video room since his video class was starting now. Oceana was the last one to part from us. I still had ahold of Klitz's hand as we weaved through the large crowd of students. "Watch it!" A guy said as he bumped into Klitz. "Sorry!" Klitz replied fearfully. I rolled my eyes and said "you watch it, asshole." Klitz and I continued walking until we reached our English class. "Told you we'd make it." I smiled proudly at Klitz who shook his head and said "where would I be without you, Pen?" "Lost. I'd say very lost." Klitz laughed softly and I let go of his hand as we went inside. His hand had been slightly sweaty and even though it was, I didn't want to let go of his hand.


"Round, round, get around. I get around. Yeah, I get around, round, round, I get around." I sung in the front seat of Klitz's car. Klitz smiled really big and started singing Brian Wilson's lead part. Eli rolled his eyes in the backseat and said "boo, turn this old music off!" "I'm getting bugged driving up and down the same old strip! I gotta find a new place where the kids are hip." Klitz looked at me while singing. I giggled and Klitz stopped at a red light, the two of us singing the song at the top of our lungs. Klitz and I were huge fans of The Beach Boys and one of our favorite things to do was drive around and blast their music. Klitz even kind of looked like Brian Wilson if Brian wore glasses. Klitz looked so attractive as he sung. I wished I could lean over and kiss his cheek as he sung the very happy lyrics. Klitz drummed his hands on the steering wheel and I took the opportunity to scoot closer to him. Eli groaned loudly and I turned to look at him. "Come on, Eli. Imagine we're in the sixties and The Beach Boys are in their prime." I said. Klitz continued singing and Eli sighed and said "whatever. Where are we even going anyways?" "Penny's." Klitz said. Eli nodded and Klitz drove us to my house. As he pulled in the driveway Eli said "Penny, can we please take the hippie van to prom?" Klitz looked at Eli and said "you're going to prom?" "Uh, yeah. Aren't you?" Eli said in an obvious tone. Klitz shrugged and said "I dunno. I'm not going to have a date. It's stupid. It's just a dance." "It's prom, Klitz. It's a big deal for some people. I'm not going to go unless someone asks me. So, I'm probably not going either." I said as I looked down in my lap. "I'll take you." Eli said. I shook my head at him and said "I don't want to go with someone out of pity. I want someone to genuinely ask me. If that doesn't happen, I'll be at home." Klitz went to open his mouth to say something but didn't. The three of us then went inside, going to play video games.

I know the ending is bad but we've finally made it to the events of the movie!! There might be some fillers here and there but don't worry the plot of the movie will be the same and everything.

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