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Chapter thirteen
Matt's Mystery Girl
Klitz's POV:
I rubbed at my eyes as I waited till the last minute to do my homework. It was definitely way too late for me to be up. My phone rang and I picked it up, pressing it to my ear. "Hello?" I said. "Klitz! Some hot girl moved in next to Matt!" Eli yelled into the phone. I groaned at his loud voice and said "ok and?" "And?! What do you mean and?! Matt has a hot girl living next door to him!" I shook my head and heard obnoxious moaning in the background. "Dude, don't call me while you're watching porn." Eli laughed on the other side of the phone and said "I'm educating myself, Klitz. And am gonna rub one out. You should try it sometime." "Do you have anything else to say?" "No, I don't think so." I then hung up on him. I sighed and put my head on my desk. My phone immediately started to ring. I answered the call. "Dude, what the fuck?" Eli said. I then hung up again. I decided it'd be best for me to go to bed, especially since I had a headache and it was late.


"G-Goodnight? What are you gay? I would've nailed her!" Eli spluttered as Matt told us the story about how the girl that was next door to him made him strip in public. "First of all, you wouldn't of nailed her." Matt replied. "Whatever, dude." Eli retorted. Eli and I were currently fencing one another. I lifted my mask to look at Matt. "She actually made you do that?" Penny asked incredulously. "Yeah. She did. I'm not making this up. And second of all, the vibe was not right." I hit Eli, trying to get him to continue the fencing match as I lowered my mask. He currently had his mask lifted as he talked to Matt. "Dude, she comes to your house and makes you strip. What does she have to do? Sit on your face?" Eli then quickly pulled his mask on and started hitting me with the sword. "Ow!" I said as he hit me in the chest. "Come on, bitch!" Eli taunted as he continued to swing his sword at me, hitting me in the chest and then the crotch. I immediately groaned and doubled over. "Damn." Matt said as he watched me fall to the floor. "Oh my gosh, Klitz." Penny said as she walked over. Eli knelt down and said "you ok? Dude?" "I will be." I replied in a strained voice. Penny crossed her arms over her chest and said "nice going, Eli." "I didn't do it on purpose." He defended himself. "What do you mean? You just aimed for my dick with a sword and swung." I said from the ground. Penny covered her mouth to hide a giggle that was going to escape her lips. Eli rolled his eyes with a huff. "Are you ok or not?" I slowly sat up, taking the mask off my face. Penny offered me a hand to pull me up. My eyes went to the pink glittery nails that adorned her hand. I slowly reached for her hand and she pulled me to my feet. I exhaled and Eli said "dude, I'm sorry." I nodded and then swung at his crotch with my sword. "Ow, you bitch!" Now it was Eli doubling over. Penny gasped and then said "Klitz, why'd you-" "Revenge." I cut her off. Penny nodded and then turned to Eli. She went to help Eli and he waved her off. "No, I'll get up myself." "Fine." Penny crossed her arms again. Her arms pushed her tits upwards, making them look bigger than they were. She already had nice tits. They were big. I kept glancing at her chest and then looked away. "Are you guys done? I don't want to go to class alone." Eli nodded at Penny and stood up. "We'll be back. We gotta change." He said. Penny nodded and said "ok." As Eli and I walked away he nudged me. "Dude, you were staring at her tits!" "So? I always stare at her tits." I replied. "She could've saw you looking at any point! You didn't have your mask on!" I rolled my eyes as we went into the locker room and changed. Once we were finished we all had the same science class together. Our friend group definitely took up a whole row and Penny had scooted her desk closer to mine. We had been doing sexual reproduction for the last week or so. Eli propped his head up with his hand, unbelievably bored. Oceana wrote down the notes along with Lizzie. Matt stared at the diagram on the board his eyes examining the entire thing. "I don't even need this lesson. I have a vagina so I know where everything is. And I know how it works." Penny whispered. A cough left my lips and Penny quirked an eyebrow at me. "We've been looking at these diagrams for the last two days. And I kinda know where everything is." I replied. Penny leaned over and I did the same. "Do you know how to find the clit, Klitz?" My breath hitched and a soft giggle came from Penny's lips. "Something funny, Miss Williams?" Mr. Green drawled. "Nothing at all. Just giggling to relieve the awkward tension in the room." Penny said coolly. Jennie then started to giggle along with Olivia. Everyone's attention went back to the diagram as Mr. Green continued pointing things out. Penny uncrossed her left leg that was over her right. A soft sigh left her lips as she wrote down some notes. My eyes went to her thighs that I had a perfect view of. Her pleated skirt rested at the top of them, her thong almost on display. I could only see that it was black. "Timothy." Mr. Green said. My head immediately snapped up to look at him. "Yeah?" "I'm going to ask you again. What is this?" He pointed to the diagram of the vagina on the board. Penny was doodling aimlessly in her notebook and everyone in the classroom was staring at me. "Labia majora." I said with a gulp. Hunter and Troy had weird looks on their face as they stared at me. Mr. Green nodded and then turned back to the board. Eli made an 'ok' sign with his hands and Matt gave me a thumbs up. I felt my cheeks heating up out of embarrassment. "Good job, Klitzy." Penny whispered. I shrunk in my seat and nodded to her. Penny then slid a piece of paper on my desk. It was a drawing of the heart with an arrow through it she liked to draw on my hand. I half smiled at it and then passed a note which thanked her. I took the piece of paper and put it in my pocket, wanting it to be safe. As class started to end, everyone piled out of the classroom. Penny smoothed out her skirt and Matt said "I'm going to hang with Danielle. I'll see you guys later." "You're whipped." Eli scoffed. Matt shrugged and said "I am and I don't care who knows it." Eli watched him walk out of the classroom and then his eyes went to Penny. He looked her up and down, his eyes lingering on her legs and then her chest. I elbowed him as we walked. He said "ow, what the-" "Stop staring!" I said in a hushed tone. Eli rolled his eyes and said "oh, so you can do it but I can't?" I opened my mouth to speak and then closed it. "Do what?" Penny said from next to me. "Uh, nothing." I said as I felt my cheeks start to heat up. Penny pulled out her mirror and said "so, what're we doing after school?" I watched as she applied lip gloss to her lips, the pink glittery gloss now coating her lips. "Um, uh, uh..." I stuttered, not being able to form words. Penny giggled and grabbed my cheeks with one hand, causing my lips and cheeks to squish. "Cat got your tongue, Klitzy?" I chuckled nervously and reached up to grab her hand, gently removing it from my face. "We could watch a movie at mine. If you want." I offered. "What do you think, Eli?" Eli looked at Penny and nodded. "Sure. Why not?"


"You gonna cum just from my thighs, Klitz?"

Pants left my lips as I nodded. "Uh huh. I'm so close. Ah, fuck." It was late at night, Eli and Penny had left about an hour ago. She looked so good today. Penny was honestly unbelievably beautiful. I could barely function sometimes when I was around her. Her voice entered my head again as I was pushing myself to the brim.

"Cum for me, Klitzy. Cum all over my thighs."

"Oh, fuck!" I groaned as I spurted all over my hand. My hips thrusted upwards into my hand as I slowly started to come down from my high. I fell back against my pillows and tried to catch my breath. I lazily grabbed the tissue box next to my bed, wiping the cum off my hand. I tucked myself back into my pants, sighing as I did so. My phone rang and I quickly grabbed it. "Hello?" "Dude, Matt's not answering his phone." Eli said. "Because he's with Danielle." I said in an obvious tone. Eli sighed and said "I'm bored." "Dude, we have school tomorrow. Go to bed." "I should've stayed the night over there." "No, actually you shouldn't of. I'm going to bed. Watch some porn till you fall asleep." "I'll be up all night. Let's just talk on the phone." "No." I hung up on him. And like always Eli immediately called me back. I answered the call. "You suck, dude." Eli spat. "And guess what Eli. You swallow." I replied. "Klitz-" I then hung up on him again.


Matt left us to go have lunch with Danielle. I watched as he rushed out of the lunch room and into a car. All I could see from the driver's seat was blonde hair. So, she was a blonde. Makes sense for Matt. "He left again?" Eli said as he set his tray of food down. I nodded and Penny said "I've barely seen him all week. Have you guys met Danielle yet?" "No." I replied while shaking my head. "Is she even real? I don't think she's real." Eli said as he opened a bag of chips. "You don't think she's real?" Lizzie asked incredulously. Eli nodded and said "yeah. How come we haven't met her yet? It's been weeks of this!" "It's been two weeks, Eli. They haven't been together that long." Oceana waved off his suspicions about Danielle being made up. "I wonder if she's pretty." Penny said. "She's gotta be! Matt wouldn't blow us off for someone who's ugly." Eli threw his arms up in the air as he spoke. "She lives next door to him?" Lizzie said. I nodded and said "that's what he says. I mean, he called Eli the night she moved in. Supposedly she's staying with her aunt." "Dude, if we don't meet her soon, I'm confronting Matt about it." Eli shoved a handful of chips in his mouth and Penny said "don't choke." I took an extra big bite out of my hamburger and Penny said "you don't choke either." I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and nodded at her. "I won't." Penny half smiled and Oceana said "maybe we'll meet her soon." Lizzie shrugged and said "maybe."

Another shit ending but next chapter should be eventful considering Danielle is going to take the tripod to Hunter's party like in the movie.

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