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Chapter fourteen
"Guys, this is Danielle."
Penny's POV:
"I'm hanging with Oceana and Lizzie today." I told Klitz and Eli. "Ugh, no!" Eli whined. "I'll be over at your guy's place later. I'm just gonna hang with the girls after school." Eli groaned and said "Pen, come on! Klitz and I will be bored!" Klitz leaned against his locker, putting his hands in his pockets. "What? No we won't. Let Penny have her girl time." Klitz said. Eli continued to be dramatic and I shook my head at him. "Penny, please. Klitz and I are always so bored without you." Klitz chuckled and said "dude, what're you talking about?" "Eli, I'll see you later. Bye, Klitz." I waved to Klitz who waved back sheepishly. Eli groaned loudly and I walked to Oceana and Lizzie's car. The three of us headed back to my place to hang. We'd probably gossip and eat a bunch of snacks. We had also decided to skip. Even though I shouldn't be because I hadn't gotten my college letter. But at this point I was giving up on Yale. I wasn't going to be going with Klitz after all. And I wouldn't be telling him until after graduation. Otherwise he'll stay back and I can't have him do that. "Penny! Oceana! Lizzie! I gotta run home really quick but don't want to make Danielle ride all the way back with me since we're going to the mall which is farther away. Could she stay here a minute?" I shrugged and Matt said "cool! Danielle, these are the girls, girls, this is Danielle." He then hopped in his car and rushed off. Danielle was beautiful. She was everything a guy would want. Especially the tripod. "Hi, I'm Danielle." She said cheerfully. She waved with a giggle. "I'm Penny." Danielle gasped and then said "Matt's told me so much about you! You're friends with Eli and Klitz right?" "Have you met them?" I was confused. "No. Matt's just talked a lot about you guys. You're his friends and you guys mean the world to him." Oceana stepped forward and said "wow, you're Athena." Danielle gasped softly and said "oh. Yeah." "So, you know Ferrari. Right?" Danielle sighed and then nodded. Oceana squealed and said "guys, Danielle is in the big leagues with Ferrari!" "She's a porn star?!" I was in shock. Danielle bit her lip and then said "please don't tell Matt. I want him to like me for me. Not because I'm Athena." "Oh my god, you're Athena! Holy shit!" Lizzie said. Danielle nodded and said "yeah. If we could keep this between us girls that'd be great." "Of course." I told her. Oceana smiled and said "we'll definitely keep it a secret. The tripod can get crazy when they're together. And like wow I can't believe I'm standing in front of you." Danielle giggled and said "well, I'm glad I'm leaving you starstruck." Matt pulled up about a minute or so later and the two of them left. Then the three of us went inside.


As promised I was now hanging out with Eli and Klitz. Oceana and Lizzie were here as well. Every time Eli got a text from Matt or a notification from Twitter, Me So Horny would play from his phone. Lizzie rolled her eyes at the third Twitter notification he got. Eli sung the words to the song and Lizzie said "Eli, enough." Klitz covered his ears while laughing, my eyes going to his large hands. If I was being honest I loved his hands. "I'm shutting it off. And guess what we're going to do? WATCH PORN!" "No!" I said, leaning over Klitz to push Eli. "One video, Pen. Just one." I didn't say anything as Eli stood up to put a tape in. I sat back against the couch with a huff, Klitz's eyes following me. Lizzie's eyes went to the tv and she said "woah." The guy's dick was huge and I groaned in disgust as they started having sex. Their moans were over exaggerated. It wasn't real. Klitz was tense the entire time watching it. Eli watched the video in a trance like state, enjoying every minute of it. Klitz looked like he was analyzing everything but nervous at the same time. Klitz was in between Eli and I as we sat on the couch. Eli turned the volume up, the moans and skin slapping sounds getting louder. "Dude, I'm kinda uncomfortable watching this with you." Klitz stated. Eli shushed him and said "dude, learn to like it." He then put a hand on Klitz's thigh. Klitz immediately shoved his hand off and looked at him in annoyance. Then the doorbell rung. Eli paused the tape and went to get the door. "I'm all wet, can I come in?" A female voice said. I could hear Eli struggling to form words. Klitz and I then went to the door. I saw Danielle standing there, hair damp and her bra exposed. Klitz looked at her in shock. Matt then came out from behind the wall and started laughing. "You must be Eli. And Klitz." Eli looked shocked that she knew his name and Klitz smiled proudly. "Guys, this is Danielle." Matt said. Danielle smiled at the two boys and then waved to me. Eli and Klitz looked at me with furrowed brows. "She met the girls earlier. And we're going to party. Let's go." Matt said. "Before we go, could I use your bathroom?" Danielle asked Eli. Eli nodded and said "it's down the hall...uhm.." Klitz gestured to the hall and Danielle walked down the hall. "Dude." Eli said. Matt clapped a hand on his shoulder and said "I know." "Dude." Klitz said breathlessly. Matt smirked and said "I know." Lizzie walked over and said "hey, Matt." "Are you guys cool with going to a party?" He said. Lizzie nodded and said "sure. Why not?" I was grateful I had worn a pair of jeans with a crop top. Considering it was slightly chilly outside. As Danielle came back out she announced that she would change before going to the party. I watched Klitz stare at her exposed chest. I rolled my eyes and sighed softly. "Come on, let's goooo!" Matt said excitedly. I pulled on my sweater which was cropped as well. We all walked outside. "We're not all going to fit in that car." I said. Danielle looked at me and said "duh. We're going to take a different one." Klitz offered to drive and then Eli suggested we take my parents van. "We'd have to go back to my place to get it. Let's just take two cars." I said. Eli groaned and Matt and Danielle rode in her car while the rest of us rode in Klitz's. Klitz pushed the console up so I could sit next to him. I was then squished between Eli and Klitz in the front seat. Eli pulled on his vivid video snapback with his jacket. Lizzie and Oceana were in the back. We followed Danielle as she drove to one of the nicer neighborhoods. "Shit." I said as we stopped in front of Hunter's house. "What?" Eli said as he looked at me. "This is Hunter's house." Klitz looked at the house and then back at me. "H-How do you..." "He drove me home one day but had to go home to grab his football stuff. I've never been inside but from the looks of it, all the popular kids are here." I pointed to Olivia's car, Derek's, Troy's. "Fuck." Eli looked in the direction I was pointing and said "Chase." I bit my lip and said "I don't wanna go in there." Danielle knocked on the window and told us to follow her. We all got out of the car and I walked with Eli and Klitz. Danielle walked into the party like she owned the place. Everyone's eyes were on us as we made our way into the house. I grabbed Klitz's arm as we weaved through the crowd of people. "K-Klitz." I said as I tried to keep up with his long strides. Klitz squeezed through a group of guys and then turned around to look at me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the house. "I got ya." He said softly. I half smiled up at him and didn't want to let go of his hand. Once we reached the backyard Klitz and Eli got a drink. Klitz slowly let go of my hand, wiping his sweaty hand on his pants. "S-Sorry." He said. I shrugged and told him it was fine. Danielle was currently talking to Hunter and Matt was nowhere to be seen. Eli looked around at the crowd and said "we really don't belong here. Penny does but we don't." I shook my head and said "I don't wanna be around these people. You guys are my friends. Not them. I don't care about my reputation. You guys know that." "Still. We kinda drag you down." Klitz said as he sipped on his drink. Hunter's parties only ever had beer which I didn't care for. So, I wasn't drinking unless he had something harder.

Oceana's POV:
I watched Penny stand with Klitz and Eli. The boys kind of stuck out as this was a party for the popular kids. "Holy shit." Lizzie said as she nudged me. Matt and Danielle were currently making out in front of everyone. It was definitely Matt's first kiss. Eli stared in shock and Klitz did the same. Penny smiled really big and said something to Klitz who shook his head. My eyes flickered up to look at Lizzie. The feelings I had for her had definitely gotten stronger over these last couple of months. Penny knew of my crush on her just like I knew of her crush on Klitz. I wanted so badly to tell Lizzie how I felt. But, I didn't want her to feel weird about it or not reciprocate the feelings. We had filmed multiple pornos together and we'd done most of the things in the book. I had even been hired to film with Ferrari. I remember Lizzie being so mad about it. She hated Ferrari's guts. And maybe it was because she flirted with me. I was pretty sure Ferrari was bi. She definitely liked men but she slept with women too. I loved the way Lizzie's hair went past her shoulders. It was long and black. Penny walked over and said "I hate this party." Lizzie shrugged and said "it's not too bad. Could be worse." Penny nodded in response and said "true." Danielle walked over to Eli and Klitz, Matt following behind her. "Have a drink, you look unbelievably stressed." Lizzie offered her a cup. Penny grimaced and then said "I don't want any beer." "I brought my own drink. It's vodka." Penny took the cup from Lizzie and started to take a few sips. "I'm thinking of telling Klitz I like him. I want him to know. I don't even care anymore. I need him to know how I feel." I looked at Penny in shock and said "are you sure?" She nodded. "I might tell him tonight. Or should I wait later this week at school or something?" I looked over at Klitz who was talking to Danielle. "Go for it, bestie. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way." I told her. Penny half smiled and Me So Horny started playing. I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes. I watched Eli dance to the song while Hunter and Troy screamed the lyrics. Klitz awkwardly swayed his body back and forth as Eli tried to get him to dance. Matt then pulled Danielle away from the two of them as they went to dance. "Should we?" Lizzie said. I nodded to her and said "we shall. Go dance with Klitz." Penny approached her male best friend and I hoped everything would go well between them.

Klitz's POV:
"Tell her." Eli whispered. I shook my head and said "no. You know how I feel about it. I have to keep the feelings hidden, Eli." I replied. Luckily Penny wasn't listening. She seemed to be deep in thought. I took a swig of my beer and watched Matt and Danielle make out in front of everyone. "Dude." I said to Eli. "I know." Eli smirked at Matt, proud of him. "Awe, Matty's first kiss." Penny gushed. I shook my head at her and said "must be nice." "I technically count as your first kiss. Even though it was during a game of truth or dare." She smirked as she walked away, going towards Oceana and Lizzie. Penny then looked over her shoulder and winked at me, giggling to herself. "Klitz, I swear to god if you don't ask her out, I'll kill myself." Eli said as he chugged his drink. I rolled my eyes at him and said "shut up. I'm not losing her as a friend." Eli scoffed. "Have fun jerking it for the rest of your life then." I pushed him and Eli stumbled backwards. "Asshole." He retorted. "Whatever." I snapped. "What's going on over here?" Matt asked. "Nothing. Just trying to get Klitzy to admit his feelings. He needs to tell her how he feels." "Who are we talking about?" Danielle asked with a giggle. I looked at Eli and shook my head. I watched my best friend smirk and say "Penny." "Penny? Awe, Klitz you and her would be so cute." I looked down as I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. "Yeah. I guess." I shuffled my feet, trying to hide the blush that was most likely evident by now. "I don't think she'd reject you. And she seems sweet. I've only known her for a few hours though." "She's the sweetest person I know. She's so caring. And I care about her so much. I think I'd give my life for her." I said as I looked at the ground. "Definitely tell her how you feel, Klitz. Do it when you're comfortable and see how she takes it." Danielle encouraged. I sighed and said "as much as I want to do that, I can't lose her as a friend. If I make things awkward and ruin the friendship we have, I don't know what I'd do. She'd be gone and I'd be...devastated." "I don't think you'd mess it up. I think either way it'd be fine." Matt reassured me. Eli started dancing as Me So Horny started to play. Matt and Danielle left us to dance. Penny approached me and said "wanna dance?" "To this?" I said as 2 Live Crew rapped the lyrics. "Why not? Or we don't have to and say we did." I shook my head and said "no, let's dance." The two of us went to our own spot and danced. I watched as Penny moved her body to the beat. She giggled as she danced like nobody was watching. She looked beautiful. All I wanted to do was kiss her. A sweet kiss. Or a passionate one. At the start of the night I was annoyed that we had come to this party. Now I was glad because I got to be with Penny. Once the song was over I noticed Matt was ready to go. Him and Danielle started making their way back to her car. I offered my hand to Penny and she gladly took it. "Thank you." I nodded and we walked back to my car. Even though it was spring, it was slightly chilly. Eli currently had Me So Horny stuck in his head. "Ugh, stop!" Oceana said as Eli rapped the lyrics obnoxiously loud. He was definitely tipsy. I didn't want to be drunk or tipsy so I was basically sober. Penny definitely had a slight buzz but nothing serious. We all got into my car and I started the drive to Lizzie's. "Are you spending the night with me?" Lizzie asked Oceana. "Uh, sure. I don't feel like going back home." She replied. Eli leaned his head on Penny's shoulder, his arm snaking around her waist. My eyes darted between his arm on her waist and the road. I scoffed softly and gripped the steering wheel in front of me. Penny leaned up and said "do you have The Beach Boys in here?" "Should be in the CD player." I mumbled. Penny switched the radio to the CD player and The Beach Boys started playing. She hummed softly to Warmth of the Sun. I looked at her as I stopped at a red light. The sweet lyrics about Brian Wilson being in love with a girl who didn't love him back was exactly how I felt. Except I hadn't told Penny how I felt. "Eli, don't!" Penny squealed as she jumped, scooting away from him. She backed away from him, her back to my side. I tensed at the contact and she pretended to kick Eli. "Stop! I hate when you do that!" Eli laughed and tried to poke her side. I pushed his hand away and said "quit it. You know she doesn't like that." "Sorry, dad." Eli replied. I shook my head with a scoff and Penny looked up at me. "My knight in shining armor." She cupped my cheek and my lips parted. My brain was screaming at me to kiss her and all I could do was sit there and blush. Sit there and look stupid. My brain said as Penny's hand retracted from my cheek. "I'm staying over here because you want to poke me." Penny said as she grabbed my arm. "What're you going to do when Klitz isn't there to protect you?" Eli asked playfully. "Klitz is always here." Penny stuck her tongue out and I chuckled softly. "Yeah, Eli. I'm always here." I played along with her. "Yeah, whatever." He said. I stopped in front of Lizzie's house and her and Oceana got out. "Bye, Penny. Remember what we talked about." Oceana said. Penny nodded at her and said "ok." The two girls walked away and Eli and I looked at her with quirked eyebrows. "Guys, it's girl stuff. Nothing serious." She said nonchalantly. "Boys?" Eli questioned. "Eli, it's girl stuff, ok? Nothing you guys want to hear about." I started to make the drive to Penny's. The drive there was silent except for The Beach Boys playing in the background. Once we got to Penny's, I walked her to her door as I always did. "Hey, uh, you know you can talk to me. About anything. Even if it's uhm, girl stuff." I told her. Penny half smiled and said "yeah. I know. But, I can't talk to you about what I told Oceana. It's too weird." I nodded while looking down. "Right." Penny put a hand on my shoulder and said "don't ever think you don't matter to me, Klitz. You're my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without you sometimes." Best friend. That continued to be a punch to the gut. The pang in my heart stung so bad it made my whole chest hurt. "I know." Penny cupped my cheek and stood on her tip toes. She then kissed my other cheek and said "I'll see you tomorrow, Klitz." My heart started beating super fast and I said "y-you too." Penny opened the door to go inside and I went to grab her arm but she stopped. Penny turned around to look at me and her eyes scanned my face a few times. "Klitz, I need to tell you something." "What is it?" I said quickly. Penny pulled me inside her house really quick and her breath hitched. "Pen, what's going on?" "I didn't want Eli to see." "See what?" Penny then cupped my cheek, kissing my lips. A surprised noise came from me as I felt her lips on mine. I didn't kiss back from the shock. Penny then pulled away. "Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" I grabbed her by her hips and pressed my lips to hers. Penny moaned softly as our lips moved in sync. I decided to be brave and slip my tongue into her mouth. Penny wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her, deepening the kiss. My right hand reached up to cup her cheek and I pulled away. Penny looked at me in shock and said "Klitz, I..." "I wouldn't want Eli to see that either." I said, wanting the tension to disappear. Penny giggled softly and said "I've been wanting to do that for a long time." "M-Me too." She smiled and I did the same. "You should probably go. Before Eli comes to the door." I nodded and let go of her. Penny's arms slipped from my neck and I grabbed her hand, kissing it. Penny looked down while smiling. "I'll see you tomorrow, Klitzy." "You too, Pen Pen." I opened the door and Penny closed it behind me. I walked back to my car and Eli said "dude, what the fuck?" "She had to tell me something. That's all." I said. "Did you tell her??" Eli asked. I smiled to myself and Eli said "Klitz!" "She kissed me, dude." "NO WAY! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

Here's the update!! This was supposed to be up yesterday but I was slacking

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