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Chapter fifteen
"Danielle's a porn star and Matt won't fuck her!"
Penny's POV:
I could barely contain the giddy feeling inside me as I awaited Klitz to pick me up to take me to school. When I heard the knock on the door I knew it was him. I rushed down the stairs, being careful not to trip. I smoothed out my skirt and opened the door. "Hi, Klitz." I said. His eyes went up and down my outfit. I wore a white crop top with a pink skirt. "Uh, uh, h-hi, Penny." Since the party the other night, Klitz and I hadn't really established our relationship. I grabbed my backpack and started walking with him to his car. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "where's Eli?" "I told him to hitch a ride with Matt today. I wanted to talk to you about...everything." It had been at least two days since the kiss. "Oh. Right." I said dejectedly. I was figuring Klitz was having second thoughts or was drunk when he kissed me. Shoot! I never even considered that. I should have since we had been at a party. The two of us got in the car. "Penny, I've liked you for a while now. And I'd like to take you on a date. A proper one." He stated. I looked at him and said "screw that." "W-What?!" Klitz spluttered. "As much as I want you to take me on a date, can't we just become official and then go on a date? We've literally known each other for years, Klitz." Klitz looked unbelievably stressed as I was speaking but slowly started to relax as I finished. "S-Sure. If that's what you want. I uh, I've wanted you to be my girlfriend for a long time." I smiled really big and said "I'd be honored to be your girlfriend, Klitz. I've had a crush on you for a long time." Klitz's cheeks tinted pink and he looked down. "That honestly blows my mind, Pen. You could have anyone you want." I shrugged and said "I guess. Ever since I was fifteen I wanted you. Chase never made me feel the way you make me feel. I'm always so happy to see you, Klitz." Klitz smiled while looking down and then started up the car. The drive to school was normal. Klitz and I listened to The Beach Boys like we always did. In The Parkin' Lot played as we approached the school. Klitz parked the car and went to get out and I stopped him. "We could stay here for a few minutes, couldn't we?" Klitz looked at me and then shrugged. I scooted closer to him and cupped his cheek. "Oh golly." He whispered as I went to press my lips to his. I kissed him sweetly, wanting him to know how eager I was to kiss him. Klitz's hands shakily went to my hips, pulling me closer to him. I stroked his cheek softly with my thumb, hoping he would be relaxed. I pulled away for air just for Klitz to kiss me again. His lips moved in sync with mine, the kiss becoming quite feverish. Klitz's hands squeezed my hips and I ran my fingers through his hair. I pulled away and Klitz's head fell back against the seat. His eyes fluttered closed and a sheepish smile appeared on his face. "Woah." He said. I smiled to myself and then said "you're a decent kisser, Klitzy." A breathy laugh left his lips and I patted his chest. I slowly straddled his hips and his eyes shot open. "Penny..." "Just let me kiss you, Klitz." I told him as I kissed his lips passionately. I felt Klitz's hands go to my thighs, his fingertips brushing up against the hem of my skirt. I readjusted my body, getting more comfortable as I sat down on Klitz's lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair. I pulled away from his lips, kissing his neck sweetly. "P-Penny, ah, Eli's coming over." I pressed a kiss to his lips and then his nose. Klitz blushed and I slowly got off his lap. Eli knocked on the window obnoxiously and said "you guys are- HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK?!" "We'll explain everything and we'll be there in a minute." I told him as I rolled the window down a small amount. I shooed him away and then kissed Klitz's cheek. "So, uh, after school I was thinking we could hang out? Maybe watch a movie? Just the two of us?" Klitz said. I nodded and said "sure. I'd love to. We can cuddle, Klitzy!" I felt the heat going to my cheeks and I looked down, giggling softly. "Uh, yeah, yeah, and we could...finish this later." I looked up at Klitz and said "awe, you want to make out with me later?" "Fuck yeah." Klitz said breathlessly. I got out of his car and smoothed out my skirt. I offered my hand to Klitz as he got out of his car, locking it. Klitz took my hand and the two of us started walking into the school. "Ugh, I don't want to go to class without you, Klitz." I said. Klitz looked at me and said "me neither." Everyone's eyes seemed to be on us as we walked down the hall. "Guys, everyone's staring!" Eli said in a hushed tone. Troy scoffed and turned to Jane. Derek and Hunter's mouthes hung agape as we walked by. "No way! Penny and Klitz!" Jennie said to Olivia. Olivia looked us up and down with furrowed eyebrows. Klitz looked unbelievably nervous as we got to my locker. Klitz opened it like he always did, his eyes darting to everyone in the hall. "Hey, Tim, it's ok." I said his real name to give him assurance. Klitz looked at me and said "they're all staring." "They'll get over it. They're mad you got me and they didn't. I want you and only you, Tim." I cupped his cheek and Klitz smiled. I pressed a sweet kiss to his lips and said "I'll see you in English and science." I then walked away from Klitz, leaving him to explain everything to Eli.

Klitz's POV:
"Dude, when did that happen?!" Eli asked. "When did what happen?" Matt said as he approached us. Eli laughed in disbelief and said "tell him!" I leaned against the lockers and said "Penny and I are together." "What?!" Matt yelled. Chase looked over as he walked by, rolling his eyes. "Listen, it happened after the party. We kissed. It happened after Danielle took us to that stupid party. Which we shouldn't of went to. And she pulled me inside her house and kissed me. I kissed her back and we hadn't really addressed it until today. And today we made the decision to get together. She's my girlfriend." I looked down as I awaited what Matt had to say. Eli jumped up and down and started hitting my arm. "Klitz, you got her! I knew you would! I always knew you would!" I rolled my eyes and Matt said "wow, Klitz. That's awesome, dude. I mean, she is the hottest girl at school." "I know. I don't want anyone else." "Have you fucked her yet?" Eli asked as he jumped up and down. I scoffed. "No." Eli then stopped jumping. "No?! Klitz, come on!" "Eli, she just became my girlfriend and I don't think the correct thing to do is be like 'hey, do you want to fuck?' Who does that, Eli?!" I threw my arms up in the air and Eli said "I would! God, Penny is so hot, bro! Like come on! You're wasting time! I'd do anything to fuck her!" I narrowed my eyes at Eli and said "you can't say stuff like that anymore. She's mine. Not yours." Eli smirked and said "possessive. I like it. Take charge, Klitz! Don't let anyone take Penny from you!" "So, are you guys hanging out later?" Matt said to me, changing the subject. I nodded and said "uh yeah. We're gonna watch a movie." "Danielle and I will probably hang out today too. Not sure what we're doing though." "How are things with you and her?" Matt and I started to walk to class. "Good. I really really like her. I mean she's beautiful." Matt said. I nodded in response. "And my parents like her. And she lives next door so I get to see her everyday. And she makes me so happy, dude. I might be in love." I sniggered and said "really?" Matt nodded and Eli pushed in between us. "Klitz, whenever you do pop your cherry, I demand to know everything. In detail." I groaned and said "stop, you're so weird." "It's not weird, Klitzy. I'm eighteen and haven't had sex yet and want to know what it's like to fuck the hottest girl I've ever known." "Eli, stop fucking saying shit like that." I spat. "That's his girlfriend, dude. Don't do that." Matt added. Eli rolled his eyes and said "whatever. You guys suck."

Penny's POV:
English class was so hard today. It was because I couldn't focus. I stared at Klitz's hands as one did the assignment and the other rested on his lap. Oh how badly I wanted his hands on me. I just wanted him to touch me. I wanted to feel his hands all over me. I pressed my thighs together as I thought about Klitz fingering me in the middle of class. I reached for his hand and set it on my lap. Klitz quirked an eyebrow at me and went to retract his hand and I shook my head. He didn't think anything of it and seemed to go back to his notes. His glasses were falling down his nose as he scribbled the answers onto his paper. He quickly pushed his glasses up his nose with the hand that was in mine and then let me have his hand back. I set his left hand on my thigh and wrote the answers on my paper. I felt Klitz's hand squeeze my thigh and I bit my lip to keep in any noise that would escape. I was surprised Klitz even took that initiative in class. Usually he was such a worry wart. But, right now he had a small bit of confidence in him. And it was so unbelievably hot. I slowly moved his hand up my thigh, under my skirt. Klitz was too engrossed with his work, that was until his fingers came in contact with my panties. His eyes widened and he shook his head as if to rid the whole situation away. I quickly passed him a note. His eyes went wide when he read it. He shook his head again, making eye contact with me. "Touch me." I mouthed. Klitz gulped and ran his fingers up my crotch. A soft sigh left my lips and Klitz started to bounce his leg up and down nervously. I guided his fingers to my clit, starting to rub at it. Klitz passed me a note and I giggled softly as I read it.

Penny we can't do this here

I leaned over to his ear and said "that's my clit, Klitz." His leg hit the underside of his desk, a loud clunking noise entering the air. I immediately let go of his hand and he quickly retracted it. "Mr. Klitz.." Our teacher said. "Sorry!" Klitz said quickly. I giggled softly and covered my mouth. Luckily for us class was ending. Klitz's cheeks were pink for the rest of class. "Awe, you're all flustered." I said to Klitz. "Y-Yeah. You uh..." He gestured to my crotch with his hand. "It's so adorable to see you flustered, Klitz." Klitz rolled his eyes playfully and the two of us walked out of the classroom. "Sorry if it made you uncomfortable." I quickly apologized, wanting him to know that wasn't my intention. "I wasn't uncomfortable. Not at all." I nodded and said "ok good."


Matt and I were walking to his locker. He was asking me some advice about Danielle. And since I was a girl he wanted some pointers. "Well, it seems like so far, from what you've told me, you've been doing pretty well. And plus, you're really sweet, Matt." I told him. Matt smiled and said "thanks, Penny. And I'd hope so." "I always thought you were sweet." "Matt! I gotta show you something!" Eli said. Eli then looked at me. "Penny, come with us." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the video room along with Matt. "Where's Klitz?" Eli said over his shoulder as he let go of my hand as we entered the room. "He went to class." I replied. "Minions, I need you guys out of here." Eli spoke to the other kids in the room as if they were on his nerves. When none of the kids moved, Eli spoke louder this time. "GET OUT, MINIONS! OUT!" The other kids scurried out of the room and Eli shook his head. "I figured you and Klitz wouldn't be able to keep your hands off each other. Especially Klitz. I mean, he's liked you for years." I shrugged and said "I mean, we'd be together right now if it wasn't for us having to go to a separate class. We're literally at school, Eli." "I guess that's true. I just figured you guys would be showing pda like crazy." "Should we have?" Eli went to speak again and Matt interrupted him, asking him why he had dragged him into the video room. "I have something to show you. And it's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." Eli held a vhs tape in his hand. I was immediately worried it'd be a porno. I was right. Matt scoffed as it started, two men doing karate. The female then stepped in. "You're gonna need a harder piece of wood than that, cowboy." Danielle's voice said. I gasped and covered my mouth. Matt's eyes widened while Eli smirked. "That's not her." Matt said. "Yeah it is." Eli replied. Matt then shook his head. "Oh no." "Oh yeah." Eli nudged him and Danielle's pornographic moans filled the room. Matt then stood up and left the room. Eli sniggered and I said "Eli, you're such a jerk." "Oh, come on! Matt needed to know!" I followed Matt out of the room and said "Matt, ignore him. You can still be with Danielle. If she wanted to tell you, she would've. Don't make this a big deal." Matt nodded and then shook his head. "Jesus Christ, she's a porn star! Oh my god!" Matt looked to be in complete ruin, as if everything in his life was over. Eli rushed out of the room and was walking with the two of us now. "Don't mess this up, dude." Eli started. Matt turned to him and said "mess what up?" "Matt, she's a porn star! Take her to a motel room and bang her like a beast!" "Eli, I like this girl." I nodded in agreement and said "don't be a dick, Eli." "And you can still like her with your penis inside her. Just like Klitz can like you with his penis inside you. I told him he should fuck you today." Eli smiled proudly at me. I pushed him; hard. "You're such an asshole!" Eli laughed and I punched him in the shoulder. Eli's attention quickly went off of me as he stumbled backwards. Matt kept walking, ignoring his best friend. Eli bumped into a girl, knocking all the books out of her hands. "Matthew, I tell you that you're going to regret this. What would JFK do? You know he'd tap that ass." I rolled my eyes as Eli brought up JFK, who Matt was using in his speech for his college scholarship. "Eli, I'm never going to see her again." Matt spat. Eli scoffed and said "oh, you know what? Fine!" "Fine!" Matt yelled over his shoulder. Eli stood in the middle of the hall, pointing a finger at Matt. "Fine!" He always had to get the last word. I decided to stand with Eli, wanting to find Klitz. Eli then dragged me after Matt as he went to the entrance of the school. Matt was already outside the building, looking solemn. "Goddamn it, Matt! I swear to god if you don't fuck her, I'll kill myself! Matt! Please! Please, Matt! Fuck her for me! For me!!" Eli screamed as he stood in the doorway. Students stared at him as they walked by and stood around. Eli then stepped back inside the building. "Dude, what're you doing?" Klitz said as he slowly approached us, hating the attention. "Danielle's a porn star and Matt won't fuck her!" Eli said in despair. Klitz raised his eyebrows and said "oh. She's a porn star?" "Yeah, dude. And her tape was hot." Eli leaned against the wall. Klitz made a face and said "gross, dude." "What? I'm just saying." "Does that make her hot? Like would you want that in a girl?" I asked Klitz. Klitz looked at me and said "no. I don't think so. It makes her hot but I don't want a girl like that if that's what you're asking me. I want you." His cheeks turned red as he looked down. I half smiled and Eli said "Klitz, you better fuck Penny so hard tonight or I'll kill myself." "Eli, shut the fuck up." Klitz told him. "We all know Penny's not a virgin. She's gonna have experience. And that'll be perfect for you, Klitz. Since you have none." I scoffed at Eli's comment and said "god, you can be such an asshole. Was that your plan all along, Klitz? You just wanted to fuck me?" "W-What?! No! No!" Klitz looked terrified. "I mean I do want to fuck you but....not right now. I just want you to be my girlfriend, Penny." Eli rolled his eyes and I said "if you two are pranking me I'll kill you both." Klitz shook his head frantically and pulled me outside of the school. He pulled me all the way to his car and said "Penny, Eli's an idiot. He's saying that shit because Matt and I finally have girlfriends. We finally paired up with a girl and he doesn't have one. And he's jealous. Especially of me." Klitz looked down at his feet and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why would he be jealous of you?" "Cause I got you and not him." Klitz put his hands in his pockets and looked back up at me. "Eli liked you at one point and when you started hanging out with him more, he figured the two of you would end up together. But, he quickly realized it'd never happen cause you always dated other guys. And he was so obsessed with porn anyway that all he wanted was a porn star. Then I started falling for you. And I mean hard. You were constantly on my mind. I always wondering if you had slept well or if you wanted to see me. And Eli started to tease me for it. I don't think he likes you anymore but he definitely wishes he could...you know." I knew he was alluding to sex. And it was Eli so it didn't surprise me. "So you really don't care that I'm not a porn star?" Klitz shook his head and said "no. Penny, no. I like you for you. I can't even make you any better. There's nothing to improve about you. You're perfect. Absolutely perfect. You're my dream girl. God, you're perfect." Klitz slowly leaned in to kiss me. I cupped his cheek and kissed his lips passionately. I tugged on the car door with my other hand. "Mmm, keys." I mumbled against his lips. Klitz shrugged off his backpack and pulled his keys out of it, unlocking the car. The two of us toppled into the backseat. I was grateful that Klitz had parked at the back of the lot today. He slammed the door shut and I laid down against the seat, pulling Klitz down by his collar. "Woah." He said. "Kiss me, Klitz." Klitz cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking my cheek. "God, you're amazing." He whispered. I smiled and he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hand left my cheek. Our kisses were passionate; hungry. My hands ran through his hair and he awkwardly tried to situate himself in between my legs. I gladly opened my legs for him as he managed to make himself comfortable. "Let's go to my place. Come on." I encouraged him. Klitz looked at his watch and then said "I guess since it's technically the end of the day." "Missing the end of one day won't hurt you, Klitz. I promise." He half smiled at me and kissed my lips. His hand went to my thigh, rubbing up and down. I desperately moved around, trying to grind against him. I pressed a sweet kiss to his neck and his head fell onto my shoulder. "Oh, Pen don't do that." I ran a hand through his hair and said "awe why?" Klitz shook his head and sat up. He pushed his glasses up his nose and said "come up front. We'll go to yours." I nodded and Klitz went to the front seat. I sat up and got out of the car, smoothing out my skirt. I got in the front seat and Klitz exhaled deeply. He started up the car and began driving to my house.


"Wait, so you're telling me that you and Klitz are together?? Like actually together?!" Oceana said. I nodded and said "yeah. We got together yesterday." "Heh, makes sense why we didn't see you." Lizzie said. "You and Oceana weren't even at school." I replied. Oceana sighed and said "well, we had to film something. And now we have a little extra money. But I'm kinda pissed I missed you and Klitz's grand entrance at school. How'd everyone take it?" "Well, Matt's very supportive. Eli's annoyed that two of his best friends have girlfriends now. The popular kids stared so I'm sure we were the talk of the town yesterday. And Klitz. Poor Klitz, he was so nervous. God, the way he kisses me, the way he holds me, it drives me insane. I actually can't wait to have sex with him." I said as I fell back onto my bed. Lizzie laughed and said "oh, Penny give him a good time. I can't believe you haven't." "I don't want to do it for the hell of it. I want it to be kinda meaningful." "You know he's gonna cum in 10 seconds right?" I narrowed my eyes at Lizzie who continued to laugh. "Yes, I'm aware Lizzie. He'll have plenty of opportunities to get better." Oceana laughed this time. Lizzie hit my arm and said "you gonna teach him to be a sex god?" "Oh yeah. I feel like the nerdy boys are closeted freaks." I replied. The three of us laughed and I wanted nothing more than to have sex with Klitz. I just didn't want to rush into it. "Ok, help me pick a new lingerie set to take photos in." I told Oceana and Lizzie.

Here's the update!! This one is extra long and I didn't mean for it to be but yeah. And right over 400 reads?? That's crazy

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